Reviews For The Anniversary
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Reviewer: NanReg Signed [Report This]
Date: July 22, 2009 07:33 am Title: Tag

Carbondalien, this as really ambitious!  I started reading it yesterday but, unfortunately, had to stop.  It reads like an actual ep of TO.  I think your characterizations were great, too (but then they always are).  Swell job, you! ; )

Author's Response: Definitely ambitious. And I wrote it in about two days so I would meet the submission deadline for the fellowship, so it was quite a project. I'm glad you liked it. :)

Reviewer: bkwrm Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: July 20, 2009 03:44 pm Title: Tag

Question: Are you really one of the writers from TO in disguise?

Because this was just brilliant! I laughed out loud so much that a couple of my co-workers gave me weird looks. But they wouldn't understand.

I felt like I was reading an actual script from the show and could actually "see" the episode as I read this. You got everyone's voices down to a T, especially Michael's (are you worried about that at all?). All of the talking heads were really funny. My favorite is probably Pam's Girl Scout one. Dancercize! And Michael writing the index cards for them to read. Hilarious! He obviously learned from his "roasting" to know better than to ask them to write their own speeches about him ;o)

There were a few things that I had to suspend disbelief (just like on the real show):
- the cold open (I just can't see that extravagant prank)
- Dwight believing the thing about the Large Hadron Collider (I give him more credit than that but that TH of his about waiting for the world to end was hilarious though!)

But overall, I loved everything about this script story. Excellent job!

Also, thank you for sharing this.

Author's Response: Glad you liked it! :) I am a little worried about being able to get into Michael's head. It's a scary place to be. ;) When I was writing, the two points you brought up were things I had to think about. I was way deep into a bunch of scriptwriting resources (doing research since this was for a writing fellowship contest) and most of them agreed that you could go as far as the audience would be willing to go, but no further. So I figured if Michael would drive into a lake and Jim would have had to climb a telephone pole to trick Dwight, I figured the two things I put in hovered around that mark. I must say, this was super fun to write.

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