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Reviewer: emxgoldstars Signed [Report This]
Date: April 23, 2022 11:00 pm Title: Chapter 13. Ghosts don't have Pockets

Michael WOULD buy the lottery numbers and try to get rich lol!

And the almost car accident? Brilliant! And it's very fitting that Pam only thinks about Roy's rage in this scenario and forgets about these little odd pieces...

Author's Response:

Isn't he awful here?

The lottery stuff even tripped me I don't blame Michael.  

Reviewer: boredhswf Signed [Report This]
Date: January 11, 2022 12:38 am Title: Chapter 13. Ghosts don't have Pockets

You are doing a really great job at dropping these huge hints (to us) that Roy is just so unimaginably bad for her but she still can't see it. Especially in the last section, she internally questions his insistence on things she has no idea happened but brushes it aside. And of course his temper. I also love how, in essence, she admits to herself that money wouldn't be worth it if she didn't have Jim in her life. Of course she doesn't connect the dots, her cognitive dissonance is painfully strong, but it's a great moment of subtle foreshadowing (I hope.)

The wine shopping was so funny and I love the perfection of your chapter title. (As much thought that is put into chapter titles--okay maybe that's just me--they don't get enough kudos.)

Author's Response:

I can't tell you how much I both appreciate this review... and the notice of the chapter titles. This one especially - (I do know what you mean too, they get overlooked a lot.) But I've been working on the back end, chapter 26, where we see the some of the title theme resurface.

Love that you are noticing so much of the hints. I know it seems impossible that neither of the Pams can see yet, even the new one with her clear vision. But what I've been writing in chapter 26 kind of explains that too.

No amount of money makes it worth losing Jim, at least she could see that - even without three Michaels warning her off from the idea she would never have gone through with it if there were the chance of that.

Glad you liked the wine section. I was worried it was a little overdone but hey sometimes the Michael from the show is too. 

Thank you again for the review. 

Reviewer: Basscop69 Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: January 10, 2022 01:34 pm Title: Chapter 13. Ghosts don't have Pockets

I’m really enjoying the growing complications with the time travel and Pam’s attempts to make sense of it all (her reading Harry Potter for help is a brilliant touch, hehe). I also love Pam pocketing Roy’s change - I’m 100% with her there. Oof, all the warning signs with Roy. His road rage, past Pam (can we call her that?) not questioning him when he’s telling her stuff that doesn’t make sense, and all the guys celebrating even though they’ve been engaged for 3 years (I loved that little side note so much) - come on, Pam! I like the slow build though, it does feel v realistic. And then Pam and Michael with the wine (“Chee-antie”) is just amazing, hee. Also lol’ing at the Meredith dig with the giant cheap bottle of Sauvignon. Great chapter!

Author's Response:

I'm so glad you are enjoying and picking up on the subtleties, not so subtle hints and complications that I'm sprinkling in throughout this story. 

I do worry a bit about the slow build, so it's nice to hear that since we have a ways to go yet. Hopefully, some interesting events and more funny moments with Michael will keep you entertained. If you liked the wine store got a few more Michael tricks to come. A few more near misses. A bit more eye openers for Pam - some a bit out there but all play a part in her journey. So glad YOU are reading since you have a great eye for the fun stuff.

Thanks again so much. 

Reviewer: MrsKHalpert Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: January 08, 2022 02:59 pm Title: Chapter 13. Ghosts don't have Pockets

Really enjoyed this chapter, nice work! Loved the lottery numbers part and Michael not being able to figure it out. And three Michaels! No one wants that!! And yasss for women’s clothes with pockets!!

Author's Response:

Hey thanks - gotta love that OL  - I get a lot of material from it. This was fun to drop in.

Lottery thing even had me confused, gotta say. Glad you enjoyed that bit.

Three Michaels - very dangerous, but would make a funny fic.

Thanks for the review. 


Reviewer: tinydundie Signed [Report This]
Date: January 07, 2022 10:43 pm Title: Chapter 13. Ghosts don't have Pockets

The scene with Roy's road rage was intense. Ugh. Get a clue, Pam.

*The next place she searched, deep in the various pockets of pants Roy had thrown in the hamper to be washed, still didn’t produce the item in question, however between the three pairs she collected another 23 dollars. She felt a twinge of guilt pocketing his cash, but since she’d been telling him forever to empty his jeans before leaving them for her to wash, she felt somewhat justified in taking it. And now more than even before it was technically their money. *

This is such a Roy thing to do and I love it.

I love all the Fantasy Football references on the show and in fic. Like, were Jim and Kevin and whoever else in the league with Roy and Darryl? I always wonder this. That would make for some interesting situations. Hmmm.

*Plus, Michael in stereo, yikes, she didn't think she could handle that. *


*He was oblivious sometimes but not stupid.*


*The more she thought about it, the more she realized the whole idea of their second selves going further back in time was not just chancy but downright dangerous, especially since it meant there would be three Michael Scotts running around instead of just two and she was pretty sure no amount of money was worth that risk. *

Double hee!

Now every time I come across a credit card charge I don't recognize I will assume my time traveling self did it. Thanks again!

Author's Response:

Like DJC says, Season 2 Pam is frustrating. And road rage - I'm sure it isn't the first time Pam's seen it on Roy.

And he doesn't listen, no matter how many times she says empty your pockets. oh and do your own damn laundry Roy - right?

Never thought about that - but it seemed the warehouse guys (Darryl) and the upstairs guys didn't really become more friendly until after Roy was out. I imagine right now there are two separate pools. Maybe they join up later. And I've got more thoughts on Darryl - but that's for later.

Michael was no rocket scientist - but sometimes he had some insightful thoughts. Like he was no Kevin. But stupid or not  - Pam knows two of him is not a good idea and three, she couldn't do that to the world.

Ok - this I had not thought of - but Michael doesn't check his bills and even if he did, the charges from his alternate self wouldn't come in until he was back.

Thanks for this and all your insightful reviews.



Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed [Report This]
Date: January 07, 2022 04:28 pm Title: Chapter 13. Ghosts don't have Pockets

Ha! I thought that missed call might end up being a complicating factor, but my thoughts were much more like the issues caused at the beginning rather than the... side-flash?... at the end. Red flag city, Roy. Interested to see how this plays out... timetravel!Pam seeing how Jim feels, and her actions maybe butteryfly effecting how OriginalFlavor!Pam sees Roy and Jim as opposed to making OriginalFlavor!Pam suspicious of the strangeness in her own life. VERY cool.

Michael in stereo is a *horrifying* concept. Kudos for introducing it and then doubling down with the concept of three Michael Scotts. Good call, Pam - not sure the world could survive that. But Michael trying to unwind the consequences of time travel is hilarious. I was genuinely concerned for a minute that he actually remembered the winning lottery numbers for sometime in the next two weeks and we were about to enter time paradox hell, but this is hilarious, and a very Michael mistake to make. Hard to imagine a more frustrating companion for this sort of trip.

Oh, Pam. Your lottery fantasy... this is really a much lovelier take on this than the thoroughly depressing Jim-Pam fight in Lotto, but come on, lady. You win the lottery and your third thought is "BUT WHAT ABOUT JIM?" Season 2 Pam is frustrating.

I don't remember It's A Wonderful Life as well as I should, but I've got a sneaking suspicion Pam is misremembering the context of the quote that reminds her of Jim. And the idea that this is really an It's A Wonderful Life story rather than a time travel story is GREATLY intriguing, even if you don't keep going with it.

Fun seeing a time travel story wrestle with all of the practical challenges of suddenly being thrown backwards into a different moment in the modern world, even for a short period. Feels like this is a thing a lot of time travel protagonists must go through offscreen.

And kudos working Jenna's strong feelings on pockets in here, too.

Author's Response:

As challenging as writing time travel is - it is quite exhilarating and with all the little things it can introduce I am having so much fun. Nice to see that you are noticing much of the nuances that I've put into play. 

And yeah - two, no three Michaels - I guess you can say I watched me some Back to the Future to research. Fun what you can do with time travel - wait I already said that.  

Okay, I will also admit I got a little confused myself when it came to how traveling back in time could possibly benefit them lottery wise. Still am - but I thought this worked well...let me have Pam think about how becoming rich could mean losing her friendship with Jim - but yeah season 2 Pam is frustrating. Why do you think I'm writing this?

Oh and IAWL - awesome movie and one more theme of which is having the right partner makes all the difference in your life. I mean without Mary - he would have been pretty depressed at never being able to do all the things in life he wanted but with her - his life was rich. Ahem maybe that's what she should have been thinking about instead of the "friendship" with Jim. But like you said season 2 Pam is frustrating.

So often in time travel movies/stories they seem to have everything they need to survive in their new timeline and I often call foul. Wanted to address the things like that so others couldn't call foul on me.

And work in- JF's stand about pockets, too. Glad you "read" the podcast to be able to pick up on that.

THANKS for reviewing! Eating them up. 


Reviewer: warrior4 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 06, 2022 09:27 am Title: Chapter 13. Ghosts don't have Pockets

So as much as I would love to see this plot hurry on up, the fact that you're keeping it more subtle seems to be working. Yes, it's a lot of introspection on Pam's part. However considering where she is in life, I would think that if there are going to be any big changes it's going to take a lot of time and thought to come to those conclusions. Fortunatly she has that right now. The thoughful careful route down the hill rather than being shoved down it like what happened on Casino Night.

Also once more thought's of Roy bring dullness, while thoughts of Jim bring bright feelings. Though now they're also tinged with uncertaintly with her knowledge that he has more than friendship feelings for her. Still, Pam is pretty bright. With everything bouncing around in her head I'm sure it's only a matter of time before pieces really start falling in place. At least I hope so.

Past Pam's thoughts also seem to be interesting as well. Same with some of the effects of Future Pam. Past Pam has been with Roy for a while now and surely has seen his temper. In fact we know she has and has stood her ground in the face of it before, see the night of the Dundies. Yet, it feels like she's really seeing Roy's tendancy to blow up a bit more clearly here. A bit more for her to ponder too. Really think about that hard Pam. What does Roy having that kind of temper bring to a life-long marriage?

Author's Response:

So I do worry about the slow burn a bit here - but there's a lot Pam has to see in her past and about her future. I'm hoping you are truly enjoying it -and hoping the bits with Michael being Michael help to entertain while Pam has her life to think about. 

Now you know I can't tell you what will happen but I think you kinda know - but maybe not everything to come - at least I hope I still have a lot of surprises and new twists in store for you.

 Thanks so much for your reviews always - reading them I always nod along and smile -you get it and I love it and them.

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