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Author's Chapter Notes:
I'm really posting these up too fast, I can't help it, I think for the first time I'm utterly compelled by the story itself to write it all down :)



Pam’s thumb lingered on the edge of the canvas, she knew the painting was done, it looked complete, but for some reason she just couldn’t finish it. It had been her first real endeavor in acrylics since she had graduated and moved to Scranton.


She clearly remembered the day she had lamented to Jim that Roy had accidentally thrown out a bunch of her art supplies when he and Kenny were making room for the Wave Runners in their garage. She had added the word accidentally both for Jim’s sake and her own sanity. Roy’s reaction when she confronted him was far from abashed, he merely shrugged his shoulders and said, “what do you need those for anyway?” She had gone to the bathroom and shed a few angry tears both at Roy’s callousness and her own reluctance to paint.


Jim had listened patiently as she had lamented the loss of art in her life, as she told him of her aspirations to go back to school and get her MFA. She had waited for some sort of criticism or discouragement. Instead he had asked, “So why don’t you? You’re definitely talented enough.”


She had mumbled on and on about not having a recent portfolio, the economics of going back to school, whether or not she would even be talented enough to make it in the competitive Art world.  He had merely nodded and let her talk, gently contradicting her whenever she seemed to put herself down.


Weeks had gone by after that conversation until the day before her birthday. She had sat at her desk and attempted to pull her chair in closer only to meet gentle resistance at her knees. She had glanced underneath to see one giant gift bag and several smaller ones lined up neatly. She immediately glanced up in surprise and when her eyes connected with Jim’s his look of curiousness combined with glee immediately gave away the culprit. She grinned at him.


Jhalpert: I know you’re dying to open it but don’t do it yet. Can you wait till the end of the day?


Pbees: You are an evil man.


Jhalpert: come on it will be worth it I promise. I just don’t think you want everyone to know what’s in those bags


Pbees: now I’m really intrigued! Is it a pony?


Jhalpert: Wouldn’t that be rather disgusting if there was a chopped up pony in the bags


Pbees: Well it certainly would be something you wouldn’t want everyone else to see. Ooh I’m going to keep guessing.


Jhalpert: Ok 2 more chances.


Pbees: Baking supplies?


Jhalpert: Jeez Pam how self-serving do you think I am (although that is an excellent present for next year)


Pbees: Oh drat, I really have no idea! Um…


Jhalpert: take your time no rush. I on the other hand have to go on a sales call.


Pam’s excitement and anticipation had risen to a fever pitch by the time Jim had gotten back. Since it was a Friday before a long weekend the office had pretty much cleared out by 4 and it was just the two of them. When she finally looked into the largest bag her eyes had gone wide. It had been several stretched canvases bundled together. The smaller bags had every type of acyrylic paint imaginable as well as a wide variety of brushes. Her eyes had begun to water when she had opened the first bag and by the time she pulled out the last set of brushes tears flowed freely down her cheeks. For a moment she was so overcome that she covered her face with her hand and let out a large sob.


She reached blindly for Jim and he pulled her into his embrace, “This is the best birthday present I’ve gotten since I was seven; and since they don’t make Barbie dream houses anymore I think you got me the absolute most perfect gift ever.” She said into his shirt.

She felt the rumble of his laugh beneath her and in that moment she knew she could be content to live in his arms forever. Quickly banishing that treacherous thought from her mind she pulled back and wiped away the rest of her tears.


“You must have spent a small fortune on this, I know the canvases themselves would be over a hundred dollars…”


“I have an old buddy from college whose girlfriend owns art supply store in Philly so she stretched the canvases for me for free and gave me a great discount on everything else.”


“So you went to Philadelphia to get all this stuff,” she cried incredulously.


“Hey, I am a great patron of the arts,” he said as he stroked an invisible beard on his chin playfully. He grasped her lightly by the shoulders, “Pamela Louise Beesly I did this because a mind is a horrible thing to waste, but talent? Well that’s just criminal!” she shook her head in laughter and opened her mouth to speak, but he cut her off, “so no more excuses ok, here are your supplies to make your portfolio happen. That’s step 1 of getting back on the MFA track right?”


She cocked her head, and trying desperately to keep all her declarations of love for him locked inside she nodded with a simple “Right!”


“Ok, since Karen went to New York and Roy is…”


“Busy as usual,”


“That’s what I inferred, how about pizza and finally, finally renting Stranger Than Fiction?”


“Uh Jim I don’t know how to tell you this by I actually saw it already with my sister.”


“Et tu Brute?” he asked as he clutched his chest.


“Come on Ceaser, I’ll watch it again as long as there are no mushrooms on my half of the pizza.”


“Deal” and with that they had gathered up the art supplies and gone to Pam’s house.


Now it was 7 o’clock on the morning of her 25th birthday, after Jim had left the night before she had set up shop in their small guest bedroom and began to paint. She had heard Roy stumble in drunk around 3 in the morning but hadn’t been able to pull herself away from her painting long enough to say hello. Out of guilt she had peeked in a few minutes latter to make sure he wasn’t lying asphyxiated in a pool of his own vomit, but she had quickly returned to her little art haven.  She had painted like a woman possessed and now as she stood back and admired her work she was pleasantly surprised to see that albeit somewhat rusty, she hadn’t lost her touch. She knew it was early but she couldn’t wait to share her finished project with Jim.


“Hey, are you awake because it’s totally cool if you’re not and want to go back to sleep?”


“Nah, I’m up, I was just about to head out for a run actually. What’s up?”

“I finished it, my first piece in like almost 3 years, can you come over?”


“Yeah I’ll just jog over to your place,”

“Ok I’ll see you soon,”


“Oh and Pam?”



”I’m so proud of you, I can’t wait to see it.”


When Jim arrived an hour later holding a bouquet of orchids in his hand, it was Roy who opened the door.


He rubbed his face with his hand, his eyes bloodshot, “I thought I told you Halpert, I’m not a fruit.”


“Hardee Har Har, These are for Pam,” Jim replied goodnaturedly as he entered the house.


“You want some water?” Roy asked


“That would be awesome,” Jim replied as he collapsed into a nearby chair.


“I didn’t know Pam was home, I mean I haven’t seen her since I woke up,” Roy said as he rubbed his face with his hand once more.


“I’m in here,” came her voice from the guest bedroom, she emerged a moment later in low-slung running shorts and paint splattered Penn State T-shirt. She had her glasses on and her hair twisted in a bun. Even though it was the most casual he had ever seen her, she looked positively radiant. Jim’s heart did a little lurch and he felt an overwhelming, something for her. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and stood and offered her the bouquet.


“Orchids are your favorite right? Happy Birthday Beesly, they’re from Me and Karen,” he winked at her.


She immediately knew that the art supplies and their donor were going to be their little secret and she smiled as she took the flowers. “Thanks Jim, they’re gorgeous. I’ll call Karen in a little bit and thank her too.”


“Oh Happy Birthday Honey,” Roy said as he slapped himself on the forehead. “Let me go get your present,” He said as he ambled out to his truck.


“Come on let me show you,” she said as she grasped Jim’s hand and pulled him to the guest bedroom.


Jim immediately recognized it; it was his backyard from when he was growing up. Down to the little details of his father’s grill and his mother’s rose garden against the far left wall. The main focus of the painting, painted in sharp detail was the giant tree and tree house where he and Pam had spent a great deal of time along with his older brother and her sisters. The rest of the painting was done ever so slightly out of focus so that the tree and the tree house along with the tire swing stood out in comparison.


“It’s amazing Pam.” He said as he let out the breath he had been holding.


She trembled a little at the praise, it had been so important to her for him to like it. “Do you recognize it?” she asked in a tiny voice.


“How could I not, I mean…I don’t have words…I think I may have to fight my Mom to buy this, after you’re done with it,” he said with a laugh.


“You won’t have to, it’s your- I just need to take some pictures for my portfolio. I made it for you,” she said a note of shyness creeping into her voice as she looked up at him with barely concealed adoration in her eyes.


“Hey Pammy where did you go?” the moment was broken and they both simultaneously called out, “In here!”


Roy ambled in and whistled, “Geez Pam!”


“You like it?” she said turning with surprise


“No, I mean how much did you spend on these art supplies?” he asked as he surveyed her surroundings.


Pam felt another little ache in her heart as she clutched a brush tightly. “Not much at all actually, I have a friend who got it for me at a great price.”


“Ok,” Roy replied shrugging his shoulders, he glanced over at the painting, “That’s nice Honey,” he said with a nod towards her piece. “Come to the living room and I’ll show you what I got you,”


Pam nodded her enthusiasm for the day swiftly waning before Jim whispered in her ear, “Not all of us can be art connoisseurs, it’s incredible and you know it!” her smile brightened a little and she was able to receive Roy’s plastic bag encased gift with good humor.


From the depths of the giant bag she pulled out a giant toaster oven.


“I know you’ve been getting home late with some of your new stuff, so this way you can make dinner quicker in the evenings,” he said with so much genuine enthusiasm that Pam refused to let her face fall like she wanted to.

“Thanks,” she replied as she kissed him lightly on the cheek.


“Oh and there’s one more thing,” he said as he pulled an envelope from his pocket.


Pam took out the gift card and stared at it in surprise, “A gift certificate for a free massage?” she asked incredulously. She threw her arms around him and squeezed, “that’s actually really thoughtful Roy,” she said with a laugh.


 She bounced towards the kitchen, “I’ll make some coffee,”


Once she was out of ear shot, Roy leaned over to Jim and whispered, “Darryl won that thing in his apartment complex raffle, he gave it to me to give to Pam. I’m glad I threw that in at the last second.”


Jim smiled tightly in return; Pam could do so much better. Not that Roy wasn’t a nice guy, but they were just so Wrong for each other. Jim ran his fingers through his still damp hair, he had to help Pam get out of Scranton and pursue her dreams. He refused to watch her squander her talent any longer.



Chapter End Notes:

still not mine, but neither is Jon Stewart it doesn't mean I can't love them :)

If you're reading this drop me a line even if it just says 'line' :)

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