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Author's Chapter Notes:

Fluffon is the devil. Right now, he is behaving, but threatening his evil plans. I managed to get it to work, so I was able to salvage the most recent chapters, and stuff. But I live off of my computer, so, if I can just hold out ‘til May. I swear, I have the worst luck with computers.

I don’t own The Office. I claim ownership of three flower petals a three year old gave me today. Technically, she found them on the ground of her neighbor’s driveway, so I don’t really know where the ownership truly lies. But I am claiming them as my own. I am not making such a claim about The Office.

Thanks so much to Jenny (sharky) for the beta.

            Jim didn’t pay attention during class; he kept reviewing the conversation he had had with Pam. They don’t really talk? Just a co-worker? Messy relationships? What had they said? More importantly, why was he so flustered about the whole thing?

            Jim left the building quickly after class. He had to get home. He had to think. He wanted to analyze every thought, every word from that conversation. Why hadn’t he mentioned it to Pam? He had always thought of it bringing them closer together, but it sure wouldn’t happen if he didn’t tell her. Was he afraid that it would get back to Karen? Crap! Karen… he was supposed to call her tonight. It wasn’t that late yet. He was supposed to be over at Mark’s, so he could easily call her at eleven, and just make up some stuff.

            Jim realized he had to tell Karen the truth soon. Eventually, she was going to wise up that he wasn’t spending all his time at Mark’s. Why hadn’t he wanted to tell Karen about it in the first place? Now that was a thought that could keep him awake for hours. He wasn’t exactly sure. Maybe it was just because he considered it a private thing. Maybe because it was a connection to Pam. Just, he had never wanted to mention it. He hid that part of is life from her. Eventually though, Jim would have to ‘fess up… or break up.


            Pam watched as Jim hurried off. What had happened? Jim was interested in art? Nick worked with a lot of classes, so that wasn’t a help. Pam went to the office. They had a complete schedule of classes, so she could at least figure it out from there.

            She ran her finger down the sheet, trying to find the class. “Introduction to Photography…” she murmured. Ah, so he is taking a photography class. That … that explains nothing.

            Pam had hoped that the class name would be a dead give away. Something that would make everything click. She was glad to know the class, but what did it all mean. Pam stared at the class schedule for a few more minutes, hoping it would give her the answer. She sighed, and walked away.


            Jim spent the next few hours trying to keep his mind off of Pam, off of Karen, and off of photography. It was stupid of me to buy that camera. All it’s doing is fucking up everything.

            It was almost ten o’clock when his phone rang. Karen. Jim sighed, he knew he had to face her, he had promised her a call. She was just making sure he followed up on his promise – something that he hadn’t been very good at the past few weeks.

            “Hey, babe. I’m just leaving Mark’s now.”

            Drunkenly, Karen replies, “Oh Jim. Mark is soooooooo nice. You should buy him a Wii. Wheeeeeeeeeeee!” Karen giggles at herself. “It sounds like a fun game. Wheeeeeeee!”

            “Karen! Are you drunk?”

            “Yeah, vodka tastes goooooooood. Do you like vodka?”

            Karen never drank vodka; Jim had no idea why she was like this. “Karen, why are you drinking vodka?”

            “Well… see, I went to Mark’s.” Karen giggles, and continues. “There was beer. Mark said he didn’t know you. See you. He didn’t see you. I was angry.” Another giggling fit from Karen. “So, I decided to drink vodka. It tastes good. Would you like some, ‘im?”

            Crap, was the only thought in Jim’s mind.
Chapter End Notes:

You remember a few chapters ago when I said I had a G mind? Yeah, well, part of that G-rated-ness is never having more than a sip of alcohol. Okay, technically I did have like a sip and a half on my 21st birthday. So, writing drunk Karen was interesting. Hopefully it was slightly realistic. If not, forgive me and my innocent ways.

Reviews are like… the only thing that can get me through some hellish school days. So, review and help me graduate.

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