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Author's Chapter Notes:

Thank you to everyone who has read and/or reviewed my previous chapters, I appreciate it greatly.

Just in case it isn't clear. This chapter shows events from Jim's POV, from the end of Chapter 3 through the end of Chapter 4.


As Jim walked past Karen’s empty desk on his way back to the break room, he cast a sideways glance at Phyllis, and tried to gauge whether or not she had heard the fight. It was difficult to tell, but he thought he saw her smile sympathetically as she returned his gaze. Either way, he knew that she had definitely seen Karen storm out of the Conference Room and towards the bathroom. The entire office must have.

He scratched the back of his neck and attempted to look around the office nonchalantly. Faces fell like dominoes under his gaze, only to pop back up again when they thought he wasn’t looking. They must have all heard and seen everything.

He sighed deeply. Well, at least the cameras were still in the break room.

“Tuna! C’mon man, you gotta protect Africa! Cradle of civilization, right?” Andy smiled and gestured towards the break room.

“Um, I’m not sure if that’s….” Jim’s voiced trailed off as he squinted his left eye, and curled the left corner of his mouth in thought at Andy’s words.

Nevertheless, he followed him back towards the break room. He was eager to get back to the game. To something that would distract him from his fight with Karen, and wondering where Pam was.


He hadn’t stepped two paces in the break room when Dwight spoke.

“Jim, you said a five minute break. You have been gone twice that length of time. Do not make promises that you cannot keep, it is the mark of a weak man, and a weak leader.” Dwight crossed his arms matter-of-factly and stared at Jim.

Jim sat back down, placed his hands on his knees, and drew in a breath of air in mock contemplation. “Fair enough Dwight…..in that case though, you should know that I cannot promise you that one of your bobbleheads isn’t encased in Jello and sitting on the top of your car.” Jim smiled over at Dwight, whose eyes had suddenly become very large.

“I! If you…” he paused for a second, his eyes searching as he stared at Jim. “No, Jim. I see what you’re doing.” Dwight smiled smugly. “You cannot distract me from my African Campaign with your lies.”

“Right…..” Jim drew out the word as he leaned back in his chair. “No, I mean…I just hope that it doesn’t freeze, could be messy, could interfere with the campaign.” Jim raised his eyebrows and emphasized the last word as dramatically as he possibly could.

Before Dwight could respond, Jim heard Steve shift the camera off his shoulder. He looked up at him.

“You heading out?”

Steve took the camera and held it at his side. “Yeah. This is a thrilling game of RISK, but I think we’re going to head over to Poor Richard’s. If anyone asks…” he looked over at Dwight, who was staring at him accusingly, “…uh, just…you know Jim.”

Jim understood. He knew they were supposed to be there until 5. “Yeah, I got you Steve.”

“Thanks, I’ll see you guys on, uh, Tuesday. Have a good weekend.” With that Steve smiled and walked out of the room to the echo of his last words from everyone at the table.

Jim felt himself relax a little as he watched the cameras leave. It wasn’t that he was particularly tense when they were around, after a couple years it had become almost normal, but he still felt freer when they weren’t around. His every move, and every look wouldn’t be captured. He could say something inappropriate to make somebody laugh, and not have to look around to see if a camera was watching him first. Plus, if they were leaving now, they probably hadn’t done any more individual interviews. By Tuesday, his fight with Karen wouldn’t be remembered by anyone.

While Jim thought, Dwight instantly refocused.

“Pick up the dice, Jim.” In one blunt motion, Dwight grabbed the attack dice and spoke again. “I’ve already taken Brazil from Kevin. Now, I will attack North Africa from Brazil.”

Jim grabbed the two defense dice, and surveyed the situation. He had 5 troops stationed in North Africa, and Dwight was attacking with 10 troops. He needed some good rolls or he was screwed.

Five rolls later Jim was officially screwed. Dwight moved five troops into the territory and smiled widely at Jim as he did so.

“This is only the beginning Jim. Soon I will have all of Africa, and my empire will extend from Alaska to Madagascar.” Dwight finished his turn and took his conquer card.

Jim was unfazed. “Oh right, I forgot to ask you, what imperial power are you again?”

Dwight was momentarily confused at the question. “Wh…What Jim?”

“I mean, you told me before that you always pick an imperial power when you play RISK, so which one are you?”

Before Dwight could respond, Kevin spoke. “Whaaat are the choices?…Can I be, like the Amazons?” A slow smile crept across his face.

Dwight turned and stared at him. “Kevin are you an imbecile? I do not understand how…" his voice cut off, only to start again a second later, “….the other members of Accounting deal with you everyday.” Dwight turned back to address the entire table. “There are four powers that I usually choose. The Romans, the Mongolians, the British, and the Germans.”

As the last syllable left Dwight’s mouth, Andy spoke in a terrible accent. “I call the British! Hel-lo, I’ve got to take the lift up to the loo. This game is all sixes and sevens and nines.”

At Andy’s words, Jim sensed an opportunity and decided to seize it. “I call the Romans. Kevin what about you?”

“Stacey says that I can’t eat sauerkraut anymore…” There was a pause at the table as Jim, Andy, and Dwight all attempted to figure out what was coming next. “….so I can’t be the Germans. I guess I’ll take the Mongolians.”

Jim smiled widely, it had worked out perfectly. He turned to Dwight. “Well I guess that makes you the Nazis Dwight.” Andy and Kevin looked surprisingly over at Dwight for his reaction.

“I…” his face and voice faltered. “….whatever Jim. My empire will crush yours. It’s only a matter of time!”

Jim smirked, and then looked over to Dwight. “Yeah….I think technically it’s a Reich….not sure….” He let his voice fade away again. “Anyway, my turn.”

Jim looked at the board and tried to figure out how he was possibly going to win. Dwight now had South America, was close to finishing off North America, and was coming for Africa. He knew that if he lost this game, especially considering he had initiated it, Dwight would never, ever, let him hear the end of it. Still, he could see that he didn’t have a lot of options.

He rubbed the side of his face in frustration, and decided to attack Egypt, which was held by Andy. After several rolls, he conquered it and moved his troops in. He took his conquer card and finished his turn.

“Go for it Andy.”

Without a word, Andy smiled widely and flipped up three similar conquer cards, which entitled him to bonus troops.

After their placement, he leisurely took in the board, and then began.

“Hmm…what new territory should the mighty British army conquer today? Ah!” Andy smiled and moved his hand towards Europe.

“I attack Scandinavia from Northern Europe.” Kevin looked personally offended as he took the defense dice and rolled. He was no match for Andy’s reinforcements however, and in only a few rolls it fell.

Andy looked over at Kevin and smiled. “Don’t worry Kevin, I’ll take care of Sweden. Gentlemen do prefer blondes, you know. Like Angela she’s…”

Excuse me?” Dwight’s voice was suddenly raised, and his knuckles white as he gripped the side of the table.

Jim looked over at him, then back over at a clearly surprised Andy. He figured Dwight was playing the chivalrous knight for the Dunder-Mifflin female employees.

Andy recovered quickly, and smiled bemusedly back at Dwight. “Oh, you know Angela in Accounting? The one I sit next to? She’s a foxy lady, is all I’m saying. I’d dock my cruise ship in her fjord any time.

At his words, Dwight stood up, and looked like he was about to launch himself over the table. Jim stood up in response, his arms wide. “Whoa! Ok! Everybody just calm down, there’s no need to bring Angela into anything. She’s, uh, good at her job, and not here to defend herself…I guess. Just relax Dwight, alright?”

Dwight sat back in his chair, still glowering at Andy, and mumbled. “The fjords are predominantly in Norway…”

“That’s…good. Um, good information.” Jim said absent-mindedly, still trying to defuse the situation. Kevin nodded in agreement.

“Your turn, Kevin.” Andy said, still smiling from Dwight’s reaction.

Kevin looked at the board, and the two territories that he now held, Alaska and Japan. Neither had many troops on them.

“Pass.” Kevin mumbled resignedly.

“Really Kevin? Pass? What are you the French in 1940?” Dwight, recovered from Andy’s remark, smirked at his own joke as he stared over at Kevin.

Jim looked over to see Kevin’s face dissolve into confusion. He raised his voice a little to pull Dwight’s attention away. “You’d like that wouldn’t you Dwight?” Jim smiled. He had paid attention in his high school history class.

Dwight ignored his comment and began placing reinforcements, predominantly in North America. When he was done, he looked back over at Kevin, and spoke, his voice low and somber.

“Now, Kevin, is the end for you. It is Ragnarok. I tried to tell Jim that you were an unworthy adversary for me.” Dwight gestured dramatically towards Jim, “but he didn’t listen, and now the end of the Mongolian Empire is here.”

Jim couldn’t help himself, and smiled at Dwight’s theatrics. Up until now he hadn’t believed Michael when he said that Dwight’s speech at the convention last year had been a success, but now? Well, it was at least possible…. especially if he had used the hand motions.

“I attack Alaska from Alberta.” Kevin and Dwight both picked up their respective dice, but it didn’t take long. Dwight conquered it easily, and moved his troops in to occupy it. He now controlled every North American territory except Greenland.

“And…I attack Japan from Mongolia.” Dwight paused thoughtfully. “Ironic isn’t it? That the fall of the Mongolian Empire should come from Mongolia itself?”

Kevin continued to look confused at everything Dwight said, so Jim jumped in. “Dwight…I think you may be taking the whole imperial army thing a little too literally. It just means that you’re a Nazi, that’s all.”

“I am not a Nazi Jim, and don’t try to distract me from Kevin’s absolute annihilation.” Dwight said the last word with particular relish and saliva. Jim sighed.

Kevin only had two soldiers stationed in Japan, to the five Dwight was attacking with from Mongolia.

Kevin picked up the two defense dice and rolled two threes. Dwight picked up his three attack dice and rolled a 5, a 3, and a 1. They each removed a soldier.

“Again.” Dwight grabbed for the dice.

Before Dwight had a chance to roll, Kevin rolled his one defense die, for the one soldier he had left. It came up a 6.

“Dammit.” Dwight removed a soldier, a roll of 6 on a defense die was unbeatable.

“How’s the annihilation going, Dwight?”

Dwight didn’t respond, but picked up his attack dice, only two this time, and gestured for Kevin to roll again. Unfortunately for Kevin, this time he rolled a 2. Dwight smiled and rolled a 3 and a 4. He had conquered Japan, and knocked Kevin out of the game.

“It’s going just fine Jim, thank you very much.” Dwight turned to Kevin. “Give me your conquer cards Kevin, you won’t be needing them.” Kevin passed them over, got up from his seat, and instantly rebounded from the loss.

“Hmmmm…I’m feeling like a Milky Way.” He walked slowly over to the vending machine.

“My turn Dwight?” Jim asked.

“No Jim, I’m not done yet. My North American campaign needs to be concluded. Andy, I attack Greenland from Quebec.”

Jim shrugged and looked down at the board. He knew that there was no stopping Dwight. Andy had only 2 soldiers defending Greenland to the 10 that Dwight was attacking with from Quebec. North America was lost.

Dwight rolled his attack dice, which noisily clattered to a 4, 3, and 2. Andy scoffed audibly, and rolled his defense dice, which came up 5, 5. As Dwight removed two soldiers from Quebec, Jim looked over to see if actual smoke was coming out of his ears. Not yet.


Dwight’s second roll came up 5, 5, 2. He smiled widely at Andy and Jim. He knew that it was a strong roll.

Andy wasn’t smiling anymore as he reached for, and rolled his dice. The two dice rolled over almost the entire board, before one stopped just short of the end of the table, and one flew off. The one left on the table was a 6, Dwight and Jim both pushed back in their chairs to look for the second die. Jim saw that it was a six as well.

“Redo! Dice that go off the table are no longer in play. The second six is invalid.” Dwight spoke almost instantly.

Andy’s response was just as quick. “No no no! It’s in play, I rolled it. It counts. Doesn’t it Jim?”

Jim looked wide-eyed at Andy and Dwight, who were both staring at him. He wondered how he had been put in the middle of this. “Uhh, what does Kevin think?”

Before Kevin’s thoughts could be voiced, Dwight interrupted. “No, Kevin is ineligible, he is out of the game.”

“He’s eligible! Wait, what are you going to say Kevin?” Andy turned in his seat to face him.

Kevin looked completely bewildered as he opened his Milky Way. “I dunno. Um, what does Jim think? ‘Cause I dunno.”

Andy and Dwight turned back to Jim questioningly. “I think…if Andy rolled it, then it counts. You lose two troops Dwight.” Jim braced himself for each man’s reaction.

Andy immediately began air-banjoing what Jim thought was “The Devil Went Down To Georgia” in celebration.

“Andy, should that be the fiddl…” Jim was cut off.

“I should have expected as much from you Jim! You constantly undermine me in front of subordinates. I will be taking this to Toby at the end of the day and I will make sure it gets to Jan!” Dwight face was now a mixture of redness and bulging veins. “Again Andy.”

Dwight rolled for the third time, now down to six troops. This time his dice came up 6, 5, 1. He smiled and looked up at Andy, “I’ve got you now.”

Andy looked nervously at the defense dice before he picked them up. He shook them several times, blew into them, and then rolled.

Jim couldn’t believe it. They came up sixes again.

“NO WAY! Wha-What?” Dwight sprung up from his chair, his hands on the top of his head. He looked menacingly over at Jim. “This is some kind of prank isn’t it?”

Jim covered his laughter with his hand and looked over at him. “Dwight, how could I possibly? I mean….”

Before he could continue, Dwight had sat back down. “Again Andy.”

Dwight was now down to 4 soldiers. His fourth roll garnered two 4s, and a 1.

Andy confidently rolled his defense dice. This time, they came up 5, 2. Each man removed a soldier from their respective territories. Andy only had one soldier left to Dwight’s 3.

Dwight took in a large breath of air through his nose and focused on Andy. “Again.”

Jim looked over to see that Andy was now visibly excited. He was bouncing around in his chair like a toddler, or like Michael after eating six packets of Fun Dip, like he had last Tuesday. Without another word, each man rolled, and Jim leaned forward to watch.

Dwight’s two attack dice skipped and stopped on dual 4s. Jim saw Dwight’s face suddenly melt in horror, and he turned to look at Andy. His one defense die was a 5. Andy had beaten Dwight again.

“God! What? I! Unbelievable!” Dwight couldn’t form a coherent sentence he was so upset.

Andy, on the other hand, re-started the air banjo.

“Again Andy.” Dwight’s voice had lowered to a growl.

Jim contemplated throwing back in Dwight’s face his previous reprimand of Kevin for attacking without the correct number of soldiers, but decided against it.

With a wide smile, Andy grabbed the single defense die as Dwight likewise grabbed the single attack die. They both rolled. Dwight’s die skidded to a stop on 5, Andy’s on 6.

The first thing Jim heard was the concussion of Dwight’s fists hitting the table. However, he looked up just in time to see Andy yell,


Jim began to smile when Andy sat back down and launched into “The Devil Went Down To Georgia” again, while simultaneously bouncing around in his seat. As he did, he also heard Dwight mutter something about impossibilities and statistics.

That was it. He couldn’t hold it in any longer. Jim started to laugh harder than he had in a long time. It wasn’t just the game, which was completely ridiculous on its own, but the stress of the day as well.

The emotion and adrenalin from the fight with Karen in the Conference Room, and the fact that they were probably going to break up, if they weren’t already, continued to turn over in his mind and ache throughout his body.

Likewise, the fact that Pam wouldn’t even look at him, and left the office secretly at lunch to go into her own little world, one that he knew nothing about at all, had kept him on edge the whole day.

All of that emotion, stress, and anxiety he let out in laughter. It was the only thing he could do, the only thing he knew how to do.

It stopped immediately however, along with his heart, when he heard a voice from the doorway.


He didn’t need to look up, he already knew who it was. The difference in how he felt hearing it, compared to when Karen had said something similar, wasn’t lost on him. He felt a sudden nervousness, an excitement, and a warmth pulse through him. He looked up as she spoke again.

“…. So, I guess you guys found my RISK game?”

Despite the awkwardness that had lingered between them for so long, her smirk, and how good he suddenly felt, was all the invitation and motivation that he needed.

“Hey Pam. You, uh, want to watch?” He looked at her questioningly, hopefully, and pleadingly as he gestured towards the table. He needed her to say yes, for something to start to go right with them, even if it was this small.

She paused, and looked down at her shoes, then back up.

“Ok” She smiled weakly.

“Ok” He smiled back warmly.

















Chapter End Notes:


Thank you for reading. I, of course, appreciate feedback and comments.

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