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Author's Chapter Notes:

Disclaimer: I do not own The Office and intend no harm.


She smiles when Angela narrows her eyes at her new blouse and proclaims it more appropriate for a bordello than a place of business.

She smiles when Creed spends an hour following her around to inspect said blouse.

She smiles when Kelly tells her that her new clothes are just SO cute and amazing and, no offense, but so much hotter than her old wardrobe, cause let’s be totally honest, she kinda looked like a librarian. And not the hot kind, who secretly wears stilettos and black lingerie and lets all her hair down by just taking out one of those hair chopsticks. No, more like the kind who yells at you just because Justin Timberlake was soooo hot in Tiger Beat and you maybe squealed just a little instead of studying something totally lame like theorems or Yugoslavia or whatever.

She smiles when Kevin requests she provide him with a list: “Who is better in bed, Jim or Roy?” And when his high-pitched snicker follows her into the break room.

She smiles when Dwight informs her that she’s chosen the wrong cock. In the cockfight.

She smiles when Michael gives her pointers on what lovers can do to keep the boudoir-ay spice-ay. And how to scrapbook romantically.

She smiles at the hair curling over his ears as he finishes his sales call. He drops the phone back into its cradle, spinning his chair to face her. He winks.

She smiles.



Chapter End Notes:
Who knew how much fun it was to write ensemble? I got to use the words bordello, theorem, Yugoslavia, cockfight, and boudoir all in one drabble. Win-win-win.

thirtypercent is the author of 11 other stories.
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