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Story Notes:


So, apparently, there are two things I like to do when I write: incorporate lyrics from classic rock songs (this time from Jackson Browne) and explore a world in which Jim and Pam and the documentary are all real.

I do not own these characters. No infringement is intended.

Author's Chapter Notes:
We begin sometime early in Season 2



And the heavens were rolling
Like a wheel on a track
And our sky was unfolding
And It’ll never fold back
Sky blue and black

Pam was used to having things happen to her instead of making them happen herself. She was often oblivious to the forces pushing and pulling her life in different directions, not because she didn’t want to be an active participant, but because…well…that’s just the way things were. She’d find herself going about her usual business, not realizing that somewhere else, people were making decisions or acting on impulses that would alter the fabric of her universe and redefine what was usual or routine for her. It was only after it happened that she’d realize that she’d missed out on the chance to chart her own course or to at least be aware of what was going on around her.

She had been at a middle school dance, giggling in the girl’s restroom with Mary Jane and Julia while her beloved Grandma Helen passed on only a few blocks away.

She had been stuck in the lunch line, her progress hampered by one of those hempy kids who always had to argue about the lack of vegetarian options in the cafeteria, while the Wildcat defensive line dared Roy to ask her out.

She’d been at the mall, trying to find something appropriate and sexy to wear for Roy on their fourth anniversary when her brother, Patrick, pulled Roy aside and told him that it was time he made an honest woman out of his sister.

She’d been working at her easel in her favorite art class at Marywood when Roy arranged for her to get a job as a receptionist at the paper company he worked at so that they could save money instead of wasting it on "coloring classes".

Each time, her life had been changed and she hadn’t been there for the genesis of the alteration. She had gotten used to it and she knew some would categorize her as weak or dependant, but she just saw it as the way things were and prided herself with her ability to roll with the changes and to adapt to whatever life offered up to her. She thought of herself as an active bystander content to sit back and see what happened.

She had no way of knowing, though, that because of the documentary, thousands of strangers were watching her life happen to her as well.

That was the way it was on a grey and rainy September afternoon. Jim was leaning over her desk like he always did, while downstairs in the warehouse, a series of events was unfolding that would drastically change the way she looked at her life and at herself.


"So, are you telling me, Pam that you have never seen any of Chris Farley’s movies? The guy was a genius!"

"Um…I’ve seen Uncle Buck. Does that count?"

"That’s John Candy, Pam, and you know it. Chris Farley is a whole different breed of chubby white comic. Tommy Boy is a masterpiece."

"I’m not falling for that again, Jim. You told me Zoolander was a masterpiece and you still owe me that hour and a half of my life back!"

"Hey…Roy. Come into my office for a second, there’s something you’ve got to see on the computer."

"Be right there, Darryl."

"Hey, I can’t help it if you can’t appreciate a work of art for what it is."

"And what do you know about art, Jim?"

"I’m a connoisseur of the canine billiard genre made popular by the velveteen artisans of Las Vegas."

"Oh really?"

"Don’t doubt me, Pam."

"What in the hell is that? What the hell is JAMFANCENTRAL.com?? Is this some sort of a joke?"

"You know, Jim, we could actually be working. I think Dwight is giving you the evil eye."

"But if we were working, we’d miss out on expanding our cultural horizons."

"Expanding to include Zoolander and velvet paintings of dogs playing poker?"

"I think they should give us our own PBS series, don’t you think, Pam?"

"And call it what? Mastercrap Theatre? Stop laughing so hard…you’ll attract Michael."

"Roy, you’ve got to calm down. This is the Internet and who knows what’s real. You need to talk to her about this."

"I’m going to kill him, Darryl. I’m going to kill Halpert. Hitting on my girlfriend…on my fiancée like that? Look at these photos! Look at how he's looking at her!"

"Roy, I’m serious. Take her home and ask her about this and don’t do anything stupid upstairs. There are cameras there, remember."

"Fine. I’ll ask her. Maybe there’s some sort of explanation for these photos and these ideas these people seem to have. And if there isn’t, Halpert had better watch out."

And, once again, without her knowledge, something had shifted in Pam’s life. Nothing would be the same again.


Chapter End Notes:
Thanks for reading. This is just a short little introductory chapter to get the ball rolling.  I'm excited to see where this story goes. My original outlines always change as I write. That's part of the fun.

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