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Author's Chapter Notes:
Pam explains the note and Midas gets even.
“You know this means war.” Jim assured her, glancing over as he drove. She just kept giggling. He’d taken the note from her with a word that she’d never heard from him. A word, apparently, that made her giggle like a five year old.

“Okay,” he asked as she calmed down. “What did you tell him?”

She was still smiling hugely and looking proud of herself. “Well, in Matty’s reality…tonight your sister Pam,” she put a hand on her chest. “took you out to dinner to raise your spirits after your breakup with your boyfriend.” She patted his hand on the steering wheel. “He agrees with me that you’re being very brave.”

“You’re so dead,” he said, making her laugh.

“So let me get this straight,” he said, raising a hand off the wheel. “We dressed up; sat under what can only be described as romantic ‘mood lighting’; laughed like loons for the better part of dinner; and then you,” he pointed at her, “took me out,” he pointed at himself, “by letting me pay for dinner,” he clarified in an incredulous tone.

She looked at him solemnly for a moment with her eyes all big. “What can I say? I am an excellent sister.” She immediately broke down laughing. “And any way, he was way too dazzled and hopeful to notice any holes in my logic.” She playfully nudged his arm. “Apparently you pack a punch, Halpert.”

“Oh, do I?” he asked silkily, glancing over at her with eyebrows raised.

She clung to the purse on her lap as she nervously turned to face forward again. How he’d managed to turn that conversation around on her, she’d never know, but suddenly the car had way too little air.

Jim was still grinning at her discomfiture and his ability to make a comment like that when a loud bang issued from the back of the car. Pam yelped and grabbed onto his arm. Jim said the word again and made her laugh. “You have got to be kidding me,” he muttered as he pulled over to the curb.

“Oh, my God, I’m cursed!” Pam groaned, putting her face in her hands.

He looked over at her. “Interesting curse, Pam.” He made a quizzical face. “And how exactly did you anger Midas, the tire god?”

She reminded him of Meredith’s van when Michael had taken all the girls from the office to the mall for ‘Women’s Appreciation Day’. “I ended up being the one to change the tire,” she said, rolling her eyes at Michael’s ineptitude.

He slapped the dash. “Well, that’s what did it!” he said seriously. “Women can’t touch the sacred tools. Geez,” he said shaking his head at her apparent audacity. “Midas must be ticked.”

“Suck it, Halpert,” she said crossing her arms and making him laugh.
Chapter End Notes:
Next:Jim walks her home.

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