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Author's Chapter Notes:

The reality of Jam on the show is depressing. And yet, Jim and Pam are both acting awfully chipper for two people who couldn't seem to get along without each other last year. I imagine this is the reason.

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, they own me.



"Hey there! Whatchya doin'?"

"Well, you know, the usual. Catering to Michael's random whims."

"Right. So what's the 'whim du jour'?"

"French! Very impressive, mon ami!"

"Yeah, well, Karen did a thing today where we...wait, no I'll tell you about that later."

"So you heard that Ed Truck died right?"

"Oh yeah. First I got the official corporate email. Then Michael sent me an email. He attached that great picture of him and Ed..."

"...the one with the mullet?"

"Is there any other?"

"Apparently not! So he got all weird when nobody seemed quite as stricken with grief as he was. I heard him on the phone with Jan trying to get a statue built in Ed's honor."

"Nice! How'd that work out?"

"As you can imagine, Jan wasn't quite on board with it."

"Really? Shocking! So then what?"

"Well, Toby told Michael he saw a little bird crash into the glass doors downstairs and suddenly Michael's whole focus was reviving the bird and when that didn't work...well, we held a funeral."


"Oh, I forgot about the whole grief therapy session! Michael made us sit in a circle and share a memory of someone we knew who had died."

"So what did you do?"

"Hilary Swank's character from 'Million Dollar Baby'."

"God, you are good!"

"You should've seen me - I've really had to elevate my game to a whole new level since you've been gone. It's hard working alone!"

"Nobody stepped up?"

"Well, actually Ryan did a great 'Lion King' reference so that was cool."

"I'm impressed! How about, you know, the other stuff?"

"Well, Roy came and got me out of the meeting so that was nice of him."

"The cameras caught it?"

"Oh yeah. I made sure. How about you?"

"I managed to waste the whole day searching for salty snack foods."

"Sun chips?"

"No way! Those are yours and yours alone. Herr's chips."

"For Karen, right?"


"I bet the camera guys ate that up."


"So she's still cool with playing along for the cameras?"

"Yeah, she's a really good sport about it. She thinks it's fun. Roy still cool with it?"

"He says he is. Otherwise, he gets no camera time. But I'm pretty sure he secretly thinks he's going to win me back even though I've told him about a hundred times that's not going to happen."


"You okay?"

"I just wish we could be together now."

"I know. It won't be much longer. And I'll be there this weekend!"

"I can't wait! And I finally get to see your new car."

"Well, I needed something reliable to get me back and forth to Stamford!"

"Hey, look, I've got to run. Staff meeting."

"Okay. I'll see you in 2 days and 5 hours."

"I'm counting the minutes."

"I love you, Jim."

"I love you too, Pam."


Par5 is the author of 29 other stories.
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