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“Yes, Jim got the best dad dundie. And sure, he can handle diaper changes, bottles, and messy disasters, but you can forget about cute matching outfits, healthy meals, and anything else above the level of sheer survival.”

She crosses her arms over her chest and leans back. “And let’s not forget that he wouldn’t have received that award if it wasn’t for the person whom his child shares half of her DNA with.”

“And Meredith?” Pam scoffs and adds, “Really? I could go on and on, but I don’t want this to overshadow the fact that I actually had a good time.”

“This was our last dundies.” Her face softens.” Sure, I’ve dreaded them in the past, but I actually looked forwards for this one.”

She’s pensive for a moment and then says, “it’s like a family gathering you have to attend. It’s crowed, the food isn’t good, and you have to listen to the same ol’ stories again and again… but when you look back, at least in my case, you feel nostalgic.”

She sighs. “The good ol’ days, huh?”

“And Jim is really a good dad. He’s being a bit proud that Michael made such a fuss over him, but I’m glad he is a dad to Cece. Really, we weren’t married and there wasn’t a shotgun…we know he had a choice…”
Chapter End Notes:
It was a really good episode, especially the end! I shall have tissue boxes handy next Thurs....*sigh*

Dedeen is the author of 20 other stories.
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