Summary: An AU where Jim Halpert, a young high school English teacher, notices the new art teacher and takes it upon himself to help her get acclimated.
Rated: T
Categories: Jim and Pam, Other, Alternate Universe Characters: Ensemble, Jim/Pam
Genres: Fluff, Humor, Romance, Workdays
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: Yes
Word count: 35572 Read: 67066 ePub Downloads: 16
Published: October 24, 2020 Updated: November 24, 2020
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Story Notes:
This is the first *true* AU I have written. I’m a little nervous about it but also super excited to explore this story I have running around in my head. Hopefully you like it!

A GIANT thank you to everyone in the chat to helped me brainstorm, gave me killer suggestions, and let me bounce ideas around. One million Schrute Bucks to you all. A small reminder than I own nothing. Nada. Zilch.

1. Chapter 1: The Faculty Lounge by WanderingWatchtower [Reviews - 15] 18 (1458 words)
Just a little introductory chapter for you. :)

2. Chapter 2: The Art Room by WanderingWatchtower [Reviews - 7] 9 (1813 words)
Thank you for all your kind reviews so far!! It really gives me the motivation to continue writing. :)

3. Chapter 3: The German Room by WanderingWatchtower [Reviews - 11] 11 (1415 words)
I wasn’t planning on posting anything today, but then I sat down to write and it basically wrote itself. So here you go!

Also, I realize we are three chapters in and they haven’t even started the school year yet. We’ll get there, I promise! Haha

4. Chapter 4: The English Room by WanderingWatchtower [Reviews - 9] 13 (2429 words)
These chapters are coming along faster than I thought they would! I can’t promise I’ll always have daily updates, so hopefully you enjoy them while they last!

5. Chapter 5: Homecoming by WanderingWatchtower [Reviews - 8] 12 (2419 words)
Keeping the daily posting streak alive!

This one has a few nuggets from the show, so I hope you enjoy! :)

6. Chapter 6: The Stadium by WanderingWatchtower [Reviews - 8] 5 (2623 words)
I’m posting this *just* after midnight so I technically broke my daily posting streak, but maybe we can pretend I live in a different time zone and call it good. :) Enjoy!

7. Chapter 7: Field Trip (Part 1) by WanderingWatchtower [Reviews - 9] 7 (3054 words)
This is most likely a two-part chapter. Special thanks again to those in the chat who give me ideas and feedback. You know who you are! You’re all wonderful humans.

8. Chapter 8: Field Trip (Part 2) by WanderingWatchtower [Reviews - 4] 1 (1944 words)
Surprise! A fast update since this one was practically all the way written in my head when I posted Part 1.

9. Chapter 9: Mr. Halpert’s House by WanderingWatchtower [Reviews - 5] 3 (1705 words)
Kind of a filler chapter to get us to the next one, which will probably be a lot longer.

Thank you for all your incredibly kind responses to this little story of mine. It makes me stay up way too late at night writing new chapters after my kids go to bed, but I love you so much for it. :)

10. Chapter 10: The Poconos by WanderingWatchtower [Reviews - 5] 2 (3946 words)
This is a little bit of a longer chapter, but hopefully not too long.

Also, I mention a song in this chapter and the title of it is “The Luckiest” by Ben Folds. I promise if you listen to it, that part in the story will be a whole lot sweeter. Enjoy a little Christmas in the Poconos. :) It gets pretty darn fluffy, as an FYI.

11. Chapter 11: The Gymnasium by WanderingWatchtower [Reviews - 4] 2 (2681 words)
Alright, I think it’s time to get back to the school, don’t you?

12. Chapter 12: The Faculty Lounge...again by WanderingWatchtower [Reviews - 5] 3 (1689 words)
Some of you mentioned Roy in your reviews. Well, he’s baaaaaack...

13. Chapter 13: Valentine’s Day by WanderingWatchtower [Reviews - 5] 2 (1856 words)
I wasn’t going to write a Valentine’s Day chapter, but was borderline harassed to write it (you know who you are). So, here you go. ;)

14. Chapter 14: Pam's Condo by WanderingWatchtower [Reviews - 9] 3 (2129 words)
Alright, folks. This one is a little more real and raw than previous chapters, but hopefully you like it just the same. *sets chapter on ground and backs away slowly*

15. Chapter 15: Stage Right by WanderingWatchtower [Reviews - 7] 3 (1826 words)
We’re nearing the end, friends. Just a couple more chapters to go. *sniff*

16. Chapter 16: For Forever by WanderingWatchtower [Reviews - 9] 5 (2033 words)
It makes me a little sad to begin wrapping this one up. But I hope you enjoy this second-to-last installment of fluff and rainbows. Switching things up this time and having this one be Pam’s POV.

17. Chapter 17: Epilogue by WanderingWatchtower [Reviews - 17] 14 (552 words)
It physically pains me to mark “complete” on this story because I have loved writing it so much. But the time has come. The last installment of English Jim. :’)