33 [Reviews - 21] Printer ePub eBook
Summary: The Finer Thing's Club isn't Scranton's only exclusive club
Rated: T
Categories: Jim and Pam, Other Characters: Angela, Holly, Jim, Meredith, Nellie, Pam
Genres: Fluff, Humor, Kids/Family
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes
Word count: 7172 Read: 2800 ePub Downloads: 0
Published: October 17, 2022 Updated: October 17, 2022
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Story Notes:

A few of you may recognise some of the chats in here. No copyright infringements intended on ourselves or The Office. I don't own anything here, apart from my own children. But the thing that I'm just trying to say to you, GraceFace, and to everyone else in this circle I guess, is HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Just you, not everyone in the circle. 

As always, thanks to YB for the beta, and to the Farty Party for the inspiration.

1. Thursday February 3rd, 2012 by MrsKHalpert [Reviews - 8] 11 (756 words)

This is set in season 8 between Jury Duty and Special Project, before Pam returns to work.

2. Thursday January 10, 2013 by MrsKHalpert [Reviews - 2] 4 (882 words)

This is set in season nine, directly after Lice

3. Wednesday April 28th, 2013 by MrsKHalpert [Reviews - 3] 6 (955 words)

This is set in season nine between Paper Airplane and Livin' The Dream.

4. Saturday May 25th, 2014 by MrsKHalpert [Reviews - 2] 5 (1706 words)

This is set a week after the finale in The Office world, rather than ours (the finale was set a year later than 2013, so makes sense. Right?)

5. Monday July 5th, 2015 by MrsKHalpert [Reviews - 2] 3 (1252 words)

6. Friday March 25th, 2016 by MrsKHalpert [Reviews - 4] 4 (1621 words)