Penname: Mi Mariposita Real name: Andrea
Member Since: July 26, 2017


I’m a small town girl who just so happens to be in love with The Office. Truth be told, I’m a Dwangelite looking for the occasional fix.


Beta Fish Realness:


Ratings I’ll Beta for: K, K+, T, M, MA


Turn Around Time: Depends on the length of the chapter and if I’ve got anything pressing at the moment. I hardcore get into the minutiae of editing, so it takes some time. I’d guess 3-5 days, but if it’s under or around a thousand words, probably a day or two.


I Can Help with: American English | Quirky Southern Expressions | Punctuation & Spelling | Grammar | Plot Suggestions | In-depth Editing | Star Trek References


Beta/Editing Experience: I did some beta work years ago and then took a long break. For the sake of this, TBD. But I have been published twice by my university, so that’s promising, right?


What can I bring to your stories as your beta? What can’t I bring to your stories? (Wow, cocky much, @myself?) No, but seriously, I’m pretty solid when it comes to grammar, and I’m also fond of and familiar with various stylistic methods that aren’t exactly grammatically correct. But let’s get this straight. I’m mainly here for Dwangela. And yes, I know that this is a Jam site, and I completely love and respect that. (No buts.) I’m just saying that if you’ve got some Dwangela in your Jam, and you can’t quite figure it out, that’s probably where I’ll be the most helpful. (And happy.)


Stories/Topics I’d Prefer Not to Beta: Probably M(A) slash? Nothing against it, I just don’t feel that I have much to offer there.


Contact (not the movie): The “Contact Me” option is fine! 

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