Penname: Claudia Real name: Claudia
Member Since: June 05, 2007


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Reviews by Claudia

Someone is dead in The Office, and everyone is a suspect.

Categories: Jim and Pam, Alternate Universe
Characters: Ensemble
Genres: Suspense
Warnings: Other Adult Theme
Series: None
Chapters: 24 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 36808 Read Count: 27584 ePub Downloads: 1
[Report This] Published: July 12, 2007 Updated: August 06, 2007
Reviewer: Claudia Signed
Date: July 31, 2007 Title: Chapter 17: Chapter 17 - Visiting Hours

Ding dong the witch is dead!  Good riddance to Karen, although I have a slight premonition she´ll be back.  Oh, well, at least Jam said their ¨I love you¨s, which always makes me happy :-)

Reviewer: Claudia Signed
Date: July 16, 2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - A Killer's Plot

I am so glad you decided to do this series.  It´s really great so far.  I can´t wait to see what you have planned!  Please update quickly.  I can´t stand the suspense...

Reviewer: Claudia Signed
Date: July 20, 2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - A Killer's Plot

I love the way you have every character´s personality down.  Thanks for posting so quickly and keep them coming! (twss) ;-)

Reviewer: Claudia Signed
Date: July 25, 2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - A Killer's Plot

LLQ, this story is so good, I can´t wait to see where you take this now that the interrogations are over.  You got every character down so well.  I especially LOVED Creed!

Reviewer: Claudia Signed 10
Date: July 30, 2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - A Killer's Plot

Whenever I´m quite sure it´s someone in particular, you throw a curve ball at me and make me question my choice.  Please keep it going! :-)

Reviewer: Claudia Signed 10
Date: August 02, 2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - A Killer's Plot

How very smart of Pam to have Michael and Dwight head the investigation so that she can do some thorough observation!  love it, can´t wait to see what she comes up with

Reviewer: Claudia Signed 10
Date: August 03, 2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - A Killer's Plot

OMG, this is the best chapter yet!  You write these characters so well, especially Michael, you have him down to a science.  Favorite line, Darryl: "Do you work at this branch? What's your ass doing here?" lol!

And the suspense at the end was great!

Reviewer: Claudia Signed 10
Date: August 06, 2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - A Killer's Plot

dum, dum, dum...  I can´t believe you left us hanging like that!  I hope nothing happens to Pam.  Please post the next one really, really soon.  I can´t wait too long! 

Reviewer: Claudia Signed 10
Date: August 07, 2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - A Killer's Plot


This was incredible LLQ!  I absofruitly loved everything about this story.  I could soooo see Angela killing Roy now.  You did a GREAT job and I hope you come up with something again soon.  You know how I love your stories woman. 

btw Ryan, Kelly, and Creed´s reactions made me lmao!

Summary: Another death in the Office.
Categories: Other, Present
Characters: Ensemble
Genres: Suspense
Warnings: Violence/Injury
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 17485 Read Count: 8538 ePub Downloads: 1
[Report This] Published: August 10, 2007 Updated: December 12, 2007
Reviewer: Claudia Signed 10
Date: September 06, 2007 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5 - The Investigation

Ok, so now I´m trying to think of everyone that has a personal cup... I hope next chapter gives off some clues :-)... great so far!

Reviewer: Claudia Signed 10
Date: August 13, 2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - Some Killer Coffee!

I´m incredibly happy you decided to do another mystery!  This one so far is GREAT!  There´s so many places you could go with this.  And Angela slapping Kelly... genius!  No guesses yet, I want to see where you take this

Reviewer: Claudia Signed
Date: August 24, 2007 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3 - The Detective

now we´re rolling... love it so far... and great twist with the termination of Meredith and Creed!

Favorite line ¨well detective, he´s kind of a moron¨ lol!

Reviewer: Claudia Signed
Date: August 31, 2007 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4 - The Interrogation

Loved the interviews.  I think you got Meredith, Creed, and Kelly perfectly.

OK, I´m certain Ryan was not the intended victim here. We´ll see who detective Roberts leans towards now.  I have my suspect, but I´m not saying who just yet... I want to see where you take this...

Reviewer: Claudia Signed 10
Date: September 12, 2007 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6 - The Film

OMG!!! talk about a cliffhanger!  I´m in shock!

Ok, best line, I think ever... ¨I have never seen someone so inept and clueless, who actually made it to management¨... Genius!

oh, and I love the little bit of Jam-ness <O><->