Penname: Maxine Abbott Real name: Beth
Member Since: September 05, 2020


Married mom of 2 almost grown and flown kids who began watching The Office when her own teenager put it on. And began writing soon after.

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Reviews by Maxine Abbott
Summary: Feature

"There was a definite conflict within him: between the Jim who loved having Pam for a best friend and the Jim who wanted to press her up against the door of his apartment and kiss every single platonic thought out of her brain."

An AU loosely based on the film “When Harry Met Sally.”

Categories: Jim and Pam, Alternate Universe
Characters: Ensemble, Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Adult language, Moderate sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 83821 Read Count: 22410 ePub Downloads: 18
[Report This] Published: August 09, 2021 Updated: November 12, 2021
Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed 1
Date: September 16, 2021 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter Five

Poor Jim, stuck in the friend zone.
Appreciate the Voldemort reference. Yup, he got himself into
a horo-crux of a situation. (Don't mind me, a bit loopy after fasting all day).

Another great job mixing the scenes and tying in lines for movie - I really appreciated that she was wearing a skirt (so you could get that line in - I know the movie really really well)

But what I really loved was the tour of the MEt and the stuff about the impressionists...and you know why.

Funny in all the time I lived in city, only went to the Met a few times - was a west side girl and with young kids our museum was Natural History. But due to my recent research have a pretty good sense of the inside of the Met and you nailed it.

The jinx bit was also well placed and lots of fun.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed 1
Date: September 27, 2021 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter Six

So excited to get my “Surry with a fringe” scene but it was even better because how appropriate that they were dorky dancing. Instead of doing Karaoke. I mean that was brilliant.

Plus you reworked the “I never understood the lyrics of this song”. Like the modern twist.

And right after that I saw Booze Cruise face - that’s the look I felt like you set up in that scene. Really well done there.

And I really am enjoying how you are using Kelly in this story.

Great chapter.

Author's Response: Thanks so much! Writing Kelly has been an unexpected joy.

Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed
Date: October 02, 2021 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter Seven

I promised I would catch up by the weekend and so here I am - what a fun chapter (until the end) - you know I love a good Michael bit and you served him up well.
I thought it was perfect that it was Holly who told the TWSS joke and that made it make perfect sense that he would be so totally smitten -(and paralleled nicely Jess and Marie banter where she quote his line and he says nobody's quoted me back to me before).

But man the ending - Danny - yuck (although I get the sense Jim is imagining things worse in his head than what really went down- or not) but either way it pushed him to Katy. Guess it had to be done.

It was nice to see Michael in his role of advisor and I totally laughed at the condom. Oh but The line - I'd totally open with that - soooooo Jim.

I just am so enjoying this story.

Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed
Date: October 14, 2021 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter Eight

***If their relationship was a record, they were stuck in one of its grooves, and even though she was enjoying the song she couldn’t help but be curious about the next one. Every day she was more and more certain that she’d never get to hear it.***


This had to me my favorite passage of this whole chapter. Went back to read it again.

Wasn't expecting Pam to have seen the little Jim/Katy hook-up but it was a good choice for story. Explains her bit of lashback at him later. The little bits about the perfume and the snow - those are the touches that make your stories so engaging and real.

 The snow - such a magical moment and yet she was alone - but not really - he noticed it and knew enough to write her (so much a hint of their connection) but in that moment she couldn't see it and still felt the relationship had boundaries at the friendship line. That was strong.

Ok - nice to have the lightheartedness in this chapter too and I like how you handled these scenes from the movies and brought in Angela, too and her line about Harry Potter.

Of course Katy works at a dept store selling purses, nice bit. 

SO tying the bookstore scene and the deli fake orgasm scene together and making it like the Pam/Jim shopping for Kevin scene too was brilliant and fun (plus throwing in the other show lines good stuff .“I know. How have we not talked about this? 

Again her ability to read him - pink ears - one of those little details not lost on me and big in the scheme of it all worked well especially as it came back at end. Angela buying the book - funny.

Nice job with this chapter. 


Author's Response:

I love so much that you have been noticing the little things, I've been working hard to make the city sort of move with them, give them signs that they keep misreading, like the signs they give with each other. Your reviews always mean a lot, so thank you!

 (Also: "Someone is starring at you in Personal Growth" is my favorite line in the movie. And only Angela could have delivered it, haha) 

Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed
Date: October 23, 2021 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter Nine


Yeah the weekend...that means getting caught up reading, writing and reviewing.


First stop, here. Another great chapter but man these two - open your freaking eyes and stop fooling yourself with Katy and Danny Fucking Cordray (since that is his proper name).

At least Jim took care of his end with Katy (in a well placed mash-up of WHMS and Booze Cruise episode. Now I did notice some reallocated lines - when Michael talks about the long story to get together instead of it being him and Holly - it's Jim and Pam, nice reassignment. As was the "I hope this guy deserves you" last heard at least in sentiment by Pam's mom. All the ties back to situations and lines from the show and movie were really well done. I'm so glad you managed to get in the Pictionary - clearly paints these two as in sync with each other but also so I could crack up over the “Oh, but ‘Soup Snakes’ is sweeping the nation.

Baby Fish Mouth anyone? 

Great job again - ready to see what's in store in the next chapter. 

Author's Response: Haha Soup Snakes as Baby Fish Mouth was one of the first things I thought of when putting this story together. Glad you liked it!

Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed
Date: October 30, 2021 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter Twelve

My heart is breaking for Jim. Even knowing this was coming through all the little hints (People do stupid things when they’re lonely, Maybe it didn’t feel perfect, but it felt good enough, sex can mean something, but it doesn’t always have to mean everything) that had been dropped in along the way it still hit me like a *mack truck*.

That single tear that tied this to Casino Night - poor Jim. Just as he felt what it was like to make love when in love, she pulls away and says what a mistake. 

 Not that I don't feel bad for Pam too. Her fears, her insecurities, most of which were residual effects from *the countless “I love yous” Roy had offered up and the absolute vacuum in which he’d said them.*

And so when she thought she was being strong: And she would have to say it first, because if he did, it would break her. she was in essence acting in fear, destroying what should be her happy ending. 

But I know you won't do that to us - leave them broken - not sure how or how many chapters it will take but I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out especially since I love how WHMS ends. 

Oh and speaking of WHMS - the parallels here in how Jim thought to Harry's end thoughts really meshed well.

As much as it hurt - it was so well done.

Now where's that next chapter you promised soon?



Author's Response: Thanks so much, and the next chapter is up!

Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed
Date: November 03, 2021 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter Thirteen

And there's my line, the one I've been waiting for.

Not only did you twist things up and give it to Pam - but by Kelly saying   "“Oh. My. God. That is so good, Pam. Did you come up with that? Because that should be in a movie or something.” - you made it even better than I imagined it would be.

The whole chapter was wonderfully written, funny at times and touching at others. I mean Michael asking what were her boobs like at the moment he did is just classic Michael along with Holly's description of their magical sex. I laughed out loud when he took the quarter out of her ear.

The working in of canon lines and the new version of the teapot and the mix tape that wasn't songs but words - loved it all.

Tell me more more about the  Jean-Paul Sarte quote - any personal connection or did you just feel it worked - it did.



Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed
Date: November 09, 2021 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter Fourteen

Ok I might be stealing this from another movie... but what did I love about this chapter? To begin with, everything.

Kelly was pretty hysterical- loved your use of her -you didn't even have to fake it had me smiling - Kelly faking it that's gotta be a sight.
Signs - I love the use of signs so for Pam to look out the window and see Hope just at the moment she needed it - that was lovely.

ANd you know how I love circularity in a fic so for Jim to have a flat and be here at the gas station where Kelly has to pee (and then doesn't and then does again - after all a good romcom moment is worth holding it in for) is perfect.

PLus as the tie-in to weight loss, this just fits as does how they managed to go backward in the episodes and work in the Job and a first date that was pretty steamy.

“Oh, nothing,” he said. “It’s just… the service at this restaurant sucks.” - funny.

But it was the last few lines ...
She took a deep breath. “Am I... your girlfriend now?”
He turned his head on the pillow, catching her eye, and squeezed her hand.
“As long as you’re still my best friend, too.”
For a moment her expression was soft and serious, and he thought she was about to say something deep and profound. Instead, she held her other hand up.
He smirked, happy to know that nothing had really changed, and gave her a high five.

Mwahhh - now this is JAM!

Jellybeans - since i ran out long ago, can't give them but if a chapter deserved them it's this one where these two fools finally realize what's been there all along. Bravo.

Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed
Date: November 14, 2021 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter Fifteen

What a delightful ending to a wonderfully crafted story.

Once again the way you aligned the movie's talking heads (and what a perfect connection between the two) and scenes from both the engagement and the later episode when Michael is planning his engagement and Jim and Pam share the story of theirs.

Love the idea that Michael and Kelly are making a documentary about love - without spelling it out exactly I now know what all the little tape recorder moments were about - that was really well done.

Closing it out with her pregnancy was very sweet.

Those end notes - perfect way to get some classic lines in

I enjoyed reading this one so much and will truly miss it.

Author's Response: As a fellow WHMS fan, your reviews were ones I very much looked forward to every chapter. Thanks again for taking the time, and I'm so happy you enjoyed it!

Summary: post the Dundie’s——if only she had asked 
Categories: Jim and Pam, Episode Related
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 450 Read Count: 769 ePub Downloads: 1
[Report This] Published: August 21, 2021 Updated: August 21, 2021
Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed 1
Date: August 21, 2021 Title: Chapter 1: Tiny Dancer

Welcome to MTT - always enjoy new voices.

I enjoyed this a lot- from relating to the chipping off of her nail polish - I do this too (my poor nails) and can total see Pam as a nailpolish peeler - good explanation too why she rarely had on in the show (PS check out OL this week for more).

the juxtapositioning pf the last lines worked really well and I love that Jim was playing his elusive guitar.

Nice first story - hope to see more.

Author's Response: Thank you so much Maxine! The combination of this weeks OL, plus watching the extended cut of the Dundies superfan edition brought this idea into my head. Definitely more stories to come, but I wanted to start out with a little season 2 love. :) 

Summary: The cameras couldn't catch everything. 
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present, Past, Episode Related
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 5217 Read Count: 4361 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: August 23, 2021 Updated: August 31, 2021
Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed 1
Date: August 24, 2021 Title: Chapter 1: Bangs and Barettes

I liked this, one of those glimpses at what we didn't see onscreen between them during what was a very monumental time in their lives as new parents.

Your story and end notes resonated with me. It had been quite a long time since I was in Pam's/your place as a new mom but I can still remember like it was yesterday after my first son was born the feeling of being overwhelmed and thinking "what have I gotten myself into" and pacing the circular driveway in front of my city building with the stroller, crying hysterically along with my baby, not caring who saw while waiting until my husband returned from work.

I can also tell you how it gets both easier and harder but it is the most rewarding thing I've ever done and I wouldn't change it for the world, despite having many more moments of struggles, self-doubt, and tears (both happy and sad) through it all.

I love seeing personal experiences in fics and I can tell you it can be cathartic to put them down even through surrogate characters. (I've done it myself, which regard to my own mom status). I look forward to seeing more of this.

Author's Response:

Maxine, thank you so much for this review, I truly appreciate all the thought you put into it. I always tell my partner sometimes I get what I jokingly refer to as buyers remorse--that feeling of, what have we done? Tonight was one of the nights where the baby was just crying non stop, and nothing was working and we were both so so tired. I am waiting for the gets easier part lol, and knowing we will trade in things for easier and harder aspects of parenting. 


It's extremely cathartic to work through it with other characters, thank you again so much, and i look forward to your reviews! 

Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed 1
Date: August 28, 2021 Title: Chapter 2: Striking Out

That's parenting - sometimes we know what is best for and sometimes we are just struggling to figure it out too, having never been the parent in the situation before. And because of that sometimes we / Jim make mistakes and that is okay too. It was a little scary this one but glad all was okay in the end.

I do like the way you doubled up with the errors - the stomach and the softball. But to give Jim a break - it was out of love that he pushed her- his wanting her to have the same love for sports she does. eventually, you do have to let them make their own choices and their own mistakes too.

As a parent who has been through a lot I really appreciate this look at The Halperts as parents.
Well done.

Author's Response: Thank you so so much! Jim definitely had good intentions but it’s so hard when you’re a child not feeling heard too. I love their dynamic and giving Jim and Pam a place to be real parents here on MTT has been a joy. More to come!

Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed
Date: September 03, 2021 Title: Chapter 5: New York


An interesting look at the night before the interview. I do like all these extra moments you give us both in the present and in the past.

On a personal note, my sons grew up in that museum - they were city kids, but we spent more time in the whale room room than on the dinosaur floor. In nay case, that part touched my nostalgic side.

I did really like the analogy you used with the seven minutes and the lightness which was Pam. Nice touch that she would know of his museum story from childhood where Karen would not.

Author's Response: I LOVE the whale room, almost as much as I love the dinosaurs. I’m pretty in love with the entire place, and the Met for that matter. I definitely want to move backward and foreword in time and just showcase lost time we weren’t able to see and my take on it. Thank you so much for your reviews it means a lot! 

Summary: Some (angsty, early season) song inspired 55 word one-shots. 
Categories: Jim and Pam, Episode Related
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 332 Read Count: 859 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: September 01, 2021 Updated: September 01, 2021
Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed 1
Date: September 01, 2021 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

55 word drabbles are not easy- I know it but these are all so heartfelt and raw and say a lot.

Really good job there.

Author's Response:

They’re so hard!! Seriously, how do you do it. Thanks so much for your kind feedback, I’m thrilled you enjoyed it!   

Summary: A small Christmas gift from Jim becomes a constant companion throughout Pam's life. 
Categories: Jim and Pam
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Fluff, Kids/Family, Oneshot
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3041 Read Count: 897 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: September 05, 2021 Updated: September 05, 2021
Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed
Date: September 08, 2021 Title: Chapter 1: Souhaitant des Roches

This was so sweet. A lovely look at some magic moments in jam history brought on by the *mystical* stones. And what a perfect last line. Because they work.


An imagining of Jim and Pam's sexual explorations as they begin their relationship.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Romance, Steamy
Warnings: Adult language, Explicit sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 29196 Read Count: 9624 ePub Downloads: 2
[Report This] Published: September 06, 2021 Updated: October 09, 2021
Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed 1
Date: October 20, 2021 Title: Chapter 1: A Celebrity Sex Tape?

Finally getting caught up with reviewing and you are my first stop.
Took me a bit to even delve in since I'm not usually one for the smut, however By the time you posted your third chapter it had been shared by others that there was a bit in your chapter 3 that was very relevant to a survey question I had asked on the Discord chat. My interest was piqued so I began this story (i haven't yet read the chapter 3 that gets into the question which was about the BC pills, but I have read 1 and 2).

So I'll say again, not usually about the smut, only because I feel like I am intruding on too intimate of a moment between two real people, but I still really enjoyed what you did here. WHoleheartedly agree they waited and that the waiting was both torturous and tantric and a very good lead up to the purchase of a celeb sex tape (which yes I also agree felt very unPamlike) but feels very explainable as you write.

NOw your other reviews talk about how hot and steamy and while yes, it was, what I loved here were the more playful and very intimate moments that floated up around the steam The double speak while playing Free Cell/Watching Videos - yup so very them.

That JIm -despite the heat of the moment still slows to make sure it is still "Okay" - OH Jim, that is what really makes him sexy.

This line -
Yes,” she breathes against his mouth, and while it sounds like an answer to his question, she knows it’s the answer to every question he’ll ever ask of her. Yes, yes, yes. Anything. Everything. - this sensation, this feeling, that is passionate love. As is this-
"His stomach gives a little flip at the sudden realisation that they really do have all the time in the world now, that she really is his. He can worship her out in the open. He can fall at her knees and she’d let him.

That in the middle of it -Pam has a moment of Pamness - and Jim knowing her so well recognizes it and becomes her voice - all the while making sure it is all what she wants- that is hot.

These two had a quite a first time - nicely done.

Author's Response: Thank you very much! I really appreciate that you gave this fic a chance, even if it wasn’t your usual cup of tea. While I absolutely love writing the smut, I also love to show the care they have for each other, so I’m glad that shines through and you enjoyed it. I must frequent the Discord chat more often! I’m a sucker for any mention of my story. 🙈


Somewhat canon-complicit? 6 or 7 short blurbs of the moments where Jim had butterflies while with Pam. Pure fluff, I apologize!





Categories: Jim and Pam, Present, Episode Related
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Fluff, Oneshot, Romance
Warnings: Adult language
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 5325 Read Count: 1229 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: September 06, 2021 Updated: September 06, 2021
Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed 1
Date: September 07, 2021 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Aww Em this was so fluffy and sweet and so full of Jam love. You really did a great job bringing each scene to life beyond the glimpses from the show and making us feel what Jim would be in each.

Great use of the song for this one- it really fits well.

So sweet that you wrote it for The pink Butterfly 🦋. Happy birthday wishes to you TPB.


An AU inspired by Couples Retreat (feat. Jam on a tropical island, under Michael’s expert relationship guidance). 

Categories: Jim and Pam, Alternate Universe
Characters: Ensemble, Jim/Pam
Genres: Humor, Married
Warnings: Adult language, Moderate sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 75851 Read Count: 10757 ePub Downloads: 2
[Report This] Published: September 08, 2021 Updated: December 06, 2022
Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed 1
Date: September 11, 2021 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

I've only seen bit and pieces of Couple's Retreat -it comes on Comedy Central and I watch scenes from middle- so don't know exactly the story, how it begins or ends but have the basic premise.
Besides, you are going to work you magic and twist it up to work for these characters so I needn't worry about knowing the whole plot.

This was a really fun start to get the ball rolling.

I wish my kids had/would remind my husband it's been a while since he's taken me on a vacation (COVID in part to blame here) but my kids are clueless in that regard. Great of Cece to be that kid.

Interesting to bring a little of season 9 tension in here, on the surface they seem fine and happy but maybe all is not what it seems at first.

And I adore that Holly is there with Michael. A great start to what I'm sure is going to be a fun ride.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! So I did actually catch the tail end of the movie on TV the other week haha, which is what reminded me of it and gave me the idea for this story. And I mean, I’m probably attributing too much wisdom to a 7 year old, but artistic licence. (I also feel you on the holiday, I’m not sure it’s a coincidence that this is my second fic this year to feature a nice hot destination with a beach…) 

And yeah, I’ve not really written Holly and Michael before, so am looking forward to that! 

Thanks so much for your review :) 

Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed
Date: September 15, 2021 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

This chapter got all sorts of interesting.

Now I don't know if the whole disrobing scene was from the movie or your creation, however I am surprised that Angela didn't haul off and smack Michael or Michel at the mere suggestion of it but I did like where you went with Pam's insecurity and her feeling as if Jim had evolved even physically, while she had stayed the same. But thanks for the image of Jim in his boxers, enjoyed that.
Oh and classic that Ryan was commando.

The therapy sessions were interesting and I'm actually very drawn in by the Mark/Isabel conflicts (which reminds me how I loved the earlier part where Pam notices how Jim seemed to be concerned for his friends due to his caring nature).

The way Holly seems to be drawing out the problems that do exist but weren't yet at the surface (at least not until that blackberry came along) sets us up for more conflict but I'm here for that (as long as it gets fixed).

I will say I am sad that Pam didn't get her art school experience in this world but I guess that adds to the issues.

Author's Response:

Thanks very much! And haha, the disrobing scene was lifted from the movie (but I thought fit well for Michael / also wanted an excuse for Jim in his boxers). For Angela, I was sort of going with, she was ok with following Michel’s instructions up to a certain point…until he went too far. But yeah, she 100% would have smacked Michael Scott for that on the show. I’m really glad you’re enjoying the Mark/Isabel conflicts! I know they’re not Jam or any canon relationship, which is always a bit trickier to get into - but I’m having fun writing them. And yeah, I was interested in the conflict of Jim getting his dreams with Pam not quite getting all of hers…but the art school thing still felt a bit mean. Although I’m not saying she won’t ever get those dreams here! 

Thanks so much for reviewing :) 

Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed
Date: September 23, 2021 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Major Minor - now that is good! And getting Charles into the mix here - mwahh. Love Idris Elba (although not the character he played on show - fan from watching The Wire) But the way you had him give Jim a hard time here was a perfect parallel to the conflict on the show.
Don't really blame Angela and Kelly reactions here (and again written very true to their characters.)

Glad Jim realizing he is missing things Pam is doing as he is busy with job - but glad he hold his ground (pose) and stays with Pam through Baby Pose and of course in classic Jim- makes Pam laugh.

Onto next chapter!

Author's Response:

Thanks so much! And haha, I'm really glad you enjoyed the Major Minor and Charles - his character was awful on the show, but I did still love the episodes he was on/the different ways everyone reacted to him. (I also love Idris Elba, but mainly from Luther). And Jim is getting there...

Thanks so much for reading and reviewing! 

Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed
Date: September 27, 2021 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

I've been very behind on reviews - I read this when you first posted but not had a chance to share thoughts.

“Sometimes,” Dr Flax is saying, “We get so caught up in our lives that we forget to just be with each other. To appreciate the small things, like touching each other. Something as simple as holding your partner’s hand.”

This really resonated with me. Really loved her message and methods and can totally see Holly as a therapist - her helping Michael choreograph the dance is so cute too.

I enjoyed the new backstory for Pam and Jim and that Pam was the initiated of the kiss here - but still got the line - I’ve wanted to do that for a long time. It was too bad she never got her teapot.

The romantic Jim gesture -awww - and think I got a little, You bought me a house vibe in the "I love it" I only wish she hadn't been thinking he was busy with work - that she wasn't thinking the worse when he really was trying so hard.

I also am hoping some of the re-connection our Jam is experiencing will rub off on Mizzy. I know they're not our main focus characters but I'm kinda routing for them too.

Author's Response:

I am even more behind on replying to reviews (and most things on this site, it is catch up time now) - but thank you so much! I'm really glad you're enjoying Holly as a therapist, it didn't feel like a huge stretch for me either, so glad it's making sense here :) And I know, I did actually feel a bit bad about doing that to the teapot, haha. I was thinking about the house-buying scene with this one too! Also so pleased to hear you're routing for Mark and Isabel, I'm really enjoying writing them. I can promise each couple will sort of have their own journey... 

Thanks so much as ever for the review!  

Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed 1
Date: September 29, 2021 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

I LOVED this chapter- so well written and such an intimate look at these couples. Thank you for giving us that look at Mark and Isabel - I'm really invested in them even though they were such peripherals on the show.


'Some people - people like Jim and Pam, maybe, who tend to overthink themselves into circles - think that Iz is the type of person who jumps without looking. Mark can see how it might seem that way to them. He knows better. He knows that she jumps, sure, but she does always look.

So he knows he never has to look when he jumps after her.'

This was just beautiful and so telling into Isabel and I totally see it about her. It seems and I hope they are making a small progression.


That you could humanize Angela and actually make me feel bad for her is another triumph here. The fact she is thinking of and praying for interesting - not lost on me that Isabel had been with Dwight even if that was not in this universe.

Even the Kelly and Ryan bit had it's moments of tenderness and had me sympathetic to a character I usually loathe.

And of course Pam and Jim, love the picture you painted here and the ice sculpture - well that was perfectly placed.

Really great job.




Author's Response:

Ah, thank you so much! I'm so thrilled to hear that - this was definitely a chapter I was more nervous about with writing the other characters' POVs, and adding some backstory for Mark and Isabel. So I'm really relieved you thought it worked! 

And haha, yes - I sort of wanted to get a bit of a reference to the Dwight/Isabel relationship from the show into here. I do love the scenes on the show that humanise Angela, I think they're all the more powerful given her general state as a character. 

And glad you even enjoyed the Kelly and Ryan! I struggle to find anything too likeable about their relationship, lol, but they are fun to write.

Thanks so much for your kind words! 

Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed
Date: October 20, 2021 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Sorry you had such a busy time last few weeks but glad to see you back!

Lots of fun with what's known on this side of the pond as "The Newlywed Game"...Michael is pretty funny with his frustration no one gets his Carson routine but Holly. And i'm just loving those two - hoping they have as much of a happy ending as I hope is in store for our other couples (or at least Jam and Mizzy).

Speaking of Mizzy - wow, you really got me with their biggest fears -each one scared to lose the other. But as much as they are still fighting, at least it means they still care enough to fight. I'm really hoping they can see that, with Oscar's help and maybe even Michel's.

I'm finding myself strangely more invested in them that even Pam and Jim who seem to be doing a little better in these scenes (now if he would just stop with the the damn blackberry).

Clever bit with the swapping of the envelopes - but hope they don't miss out on being able to discuss their biggest fears. Seems like they should. (Angela and Dwight too).

Looking forward to what is next.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! And sorry for the slow reply (and the lack of my own reviews...I've seen that I've got several chapters of 360 turns to catch up on, which I am greatly excited about). 

Ha, I didn't realise the game had a different name over there! I can see Michael thinking it's an excellent couples therapy exercise though. (Although yeah, I've seen the game cause enough tension between couples that I slightly think the opposite...)  Really glad you're enjoying the Michael and Holly too, I'm finding them really fun to write. 

And glad you're still liking the Mizzy! I may also have discovered I like writing them at least as much as Jam, so they are at slight risk of taking over this story if I'm not careful...but there will be more Jam to come. And don't worry - the envelopes will be making a reappearance too. 

Thanks so much as ever for taking the time to review!  

Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed
Date: December 23, 2021 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7

First off - welcome back! Good to get an update on this one.
So I thought things had been going somewhat better for our Jam, but seems as if getting out of the envelope exercise because of the mix up was maybe not for the best.
They still do have those fears to discuss. Feels like Pam is letting hers get to her and make her think their connection isn't what it once was.
And Jim and that phone - oh but I love how Kelly still had two of hers and the whole bit with Kelly was lots of perfect fun.
And Izzy paired with Ryan - love the look into what she thinks of him (and she's not wrong)

I too am really into the Izzy and Mark stuff - this is where you have created a whole new couple to care about and with it comes a dearth of fresh and unique backstory - the issues with her dad and his voice like a third uninvited guest in their relationship. I do hope somehow they get through this.

Looking forward to part 2 of the treasure hunt.

Author's Response:

Thanks so much! And yeah, Jam are not quite there yet…I always thought the discussing their fears was a big thing for them on the show too. I’m really glad you enjoyed the Kelly haha, I’m having a lot of fun with her. And the Isabel and Ryan pairing was one I really wanted to write lol, mainly because I couldn’t see Isabel putting up with any of his crap. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing! 

Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed
Date: January 01, 2022 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Ok I'll admit, I'm a little confused how this scavenger hunt works. Maybe because I've seen only bits of the movie.

It doesn't matter anyway becasue it didn't take away from my interest and enjoyment of the read.
Dwight and Pam - the way he is trying to be helpful but fueling her little breakdown while confusing his work for a tramp he's having or thinking of having a fling with. Classic.
But how she also has advice for him to take it easy on Angela and triggers his own shortcomings as it pertains to their fertility issues also was well portrayed.

The part with the keys, I really just loved that, very sweet.

But ughh, the losing Bridgeport and then losing the phone (thanks Dwight) and how it might lead to losing her - noooooo.

Not as much Mizzy her but the little bit you gave was enough to make me sad for everyone now.

Update soon!

Author's Response:

Thanks very much! And ha, sorry - I think I slightly confused myself in the writing of it, lol. I was sort of hoping I could just put it down to Michael designing a confusing exercise and get away with it. (Tbf it's not actually in the movie either). Really glad you enjoyed the rest of it though! And yeah, I did want Dwight to also sort of start to learn something from Pam too, even if he's a bit slow in getting there.

Sorry for all the relationship angst :D We are getting there with the couples though, I promise...

Thank you so much for your review!