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Reviewer: Pam21 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 10:59 pm Title: Chapter 27 - SHE'S LYING

NICE... you left me satistfied and smiling!!!....

 Oh and GO PAM

Author's Response: Why do I feel so used? And yet...I'll keep writing. ;)

Reviewer: Jamster Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 10:41 pm Title: Chapter 27 - SHE'S LYING


Talk about a cliffhanger!

It's funny, I really didn't think I would be interested in this. But this is an amazing story!!! Definitely one of my favorites.

Keep it up!

Author's Response: Thank you Jamster! Also glad to bring people over to the dark side (Muggins lifts hood over head and grins maniacally).

Reviewer: MrsFlenderson Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 10:40 pm Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

This is quite possibly the most compelling fic I've read in a long time.  I can't believe how well in character you have everyone.  UPDATE SOON!

Author's Response: Thank you so much Mrs Flenderson!!! I promise a new chapter will be yours to peruse in 23 hours.

Reviewer: fasterthansnakes Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 10:21 pm Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

In the words of Kevin "niiiiiiice"

Reviewer: molly_connelley Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 10:17 pm Title: Chapter 27 - SHE'S LYING


That's all I have to say right now. I'm too busy killing Karen, hugging Phyllis, and trying to not JUMP JIM.

Ahem. Have a lovely day! Thanks so much for writing!

Author's Response:

Really Molly! Are you SURE that's the order you want that in... how about

Jumping Jim, hugging Phyllis, and trying NOT to kill Karen.

See then you get....well... Jim. And happy Phyllis. AND no jail sentence. So WIN! WIN! WIN!


Reviewer: angie Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 10:14 pm Title: Chapter 27 - SHE'S LYING


Reviewer: sharky Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 10:07 pm Title: Chapter 27 - SHE'S LYING

"She's lying" Yes! Yes! Yes! I love Jim! This is going to be sooooo good!

Reviewer: shan21 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 10:03 pm Title: Chapter 27 - SHE'S LYING

Yes!!!! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!!

And also, YES.

Loved Pam knocking over her chair, loved that Stanley helped Jim out, and LOVE Jim at the end. So very much love for this chapter. 

Author's Response: ♥ Stanley IS manly ♥ Be careful with screaming those 'yes's' shan21. Your neighbors might be thinking you're doing the horizontal mambo with....insert Office member here.

Reviewer: moofoot Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 09:49 pm Title: Chapter 27 - SHE'S LYING

WOOOOO JIM. Death to Karen! WOO. WOO. And I freaking loved Phyllis, and them talking in terms of 'contract' and and 'artistic differences' - awesome. I loved this chapter. 

SHE'S LYING! Amazing, Muggins: it takes one awesome story to make me go back to loving Jim and not getting irritated with him as the actual episodes make me. =P 

I'm in such a good mood now that I'm going to work on proofing maths now!! WOO! 

Author's Response:

Thank you! Thank you! I had to rework that damn 'contract' and 'artistic differences' section for damn near two hours to get them saying something without saying anything that anyone but those in the know would get! Does that sentence eve make sense? I don't care if it does because then I would have to spend two hours reworking it, too. Phew!

 Proofing maths! Good god! Is there nothing you can't do?

Reviewer: GreenFish Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 09:48 pm Title: Chapter 27 - SHE'S LYING

Wow.  This just gets more compelling with each chapter.  Jim, FTW with the Post-It note!  Nice!  And Kelly -- whoa, girl.  Take your finger off the caps-lock, wow.  I love the way that you write all the characters in this, how they each have their distinctive voices.  Heh.  Can't wait to see where this goes!  Oh, my!!!

Author's Response: Heh heh heh! "the caps-lock." I giggled the whole time I was typing her caps-lock speech. I HATE when people type in all caps-lock. Drives me bonkers!

Reviewer: lisahoo Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 09:43 pm Title: Chapter 27 - SHE'S LYING

Jim has CHOSEN KAREN!  Dang -- was that for me? 

I like Pam's new mantra better.  And way to step up, Jim! 

This just keeps getting better and better -- both the drama level and freaking hysterical dialogue -- Meredith KILLS!

Author's Response: Wait for next chapter!!!  Meredith will purposely mention Dwight's  lovemaking skills just so she can be silenced again. She's also considering speaking in the secret code of go-go dancing!

Reviewer: super_perfect Anonymous [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 09:42 pm Title: Chapter 27 - SHE'S LYING

oh jim! you are my hero. wow. this just gets better and better!!!!! thanks for updating so often and keep that pattern up!

Reviewer: Tangy_Zip Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 09:39 pm Title: Chapter 27 - SHE'S LYING

Oh, HELL YES!!  The throw down we've all been waiting for.  BRING IT, BEESLEY!!

Reviewer: WildBerryJam Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 09:35 pm Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

Post it notes are truly an amazing thing.  She's so lying.  Love it.

Author's Response:

Fact: Without post it notes there would be no love in this world.

Reviewer: ayla Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 09:33 pm Title: Chapter 27 - SHE'S LYING

Now that's how you end a chapter! Hell yeah!

I am so addicted to this fic. 

Reviewer: dudski Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 09:27 pm Title: Chapter 27 - SHE'S LYING


 More soon, PLEASE.

Author's Response: Dudski. This is really going to suck if I'm labelled on the coroner's report as your cause of death. I recommend a nice hot steamy bath with, oh, I'm thinking of a name, on the tip of my tongue...stars on this show...called "the office". Have you heard of it?

Reviewer: the_chosen_one00 Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 09:26 pm Title: Chapter 27 - SHE'S LYING

And the plot thickens. Very nice. I have to say--Jim totally pulled through on this one. Go Pam and her fancy new beesley-ness. Have you ever thought of writing for the show? Because you rock.

Author's Response:

See. Now I've thought about writing for the show. Cue boulder falling on Karen in the Parking Lot of Doom...  But!!! Oddly enough, no one from the show has called me! Hint Hint! I'm in the phone book, people!    In. The. Phone. Book!

Reviewer: Creedaholic Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 09:22 pm Title: Chapter 27 - SHE'S LYING


Reviewer: Alex Wert Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 07:30 pm Title: Chapter 26 - Dwight's Grandma Fetish

Would this be an appropriate time for a 'yo' momma' joke?  No?

Author's Response: Look Mom, whatever rocks your boat.

Reviewer: ilovepocky Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 05:09 pm Title: Chapter 26 - Dwight's Grandma Fetish


That bitch. 

XD. Oh dear, bitchy!Karen is starting to be my favorite. ^-^;; 

Author's Response:

♥ Karen plays to win!

Reviewer: Snarkland Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 04:37 pm Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

In response to your response to my post (lost yet?  I am...):

You have a point.  Karen is having sex with the HOTTEST guy in the office.  I guess she could act like that...but STILL....

BTW  I hate her BECAUSE of that.  And, I will admit, I probably wouldn't like Pam nearly so much when they do start having sex (because Pam and Jim are SOOO going to be together...they are...they are (I'm chanting to myself)) BECAUSE she's got to see Little Halpert and I haven't.  Sigh.  But I'll NEVER hate Pam like I do Karen. 

Author's Response: TMI, my friend, TMI .... I think I was lost a while ago. I'm still trying to figure out which direction is north.

Reviewer: Weetzie Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 03:14 pm Title: Chapter 26 - Dwight's Grandma Fetish

Ok, Karen needs to get slapped. A better kisser? Puh-leezzz

Author's Response: Interesting suggestion. People who would also enjoy watching Pam slap Karen: Creed, Kevin, Michael, Dwight, Meredith, possibly Angela. You're in interesting company there, Weetzie

Reviewer: Creedaholic Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 02:27 pm Title: Chapter 26 - Dwight's Grandma Fetish

that bitch!!!

Author's Response:

tell me what you REALLY think!


Reviewer: the_chosen_one00 Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 02:23 pm Title: Chapter 26 - Dwight's Grandma Fetish

::GASP:: That little---omg....did he really say that???? OMG!!! You litterally made me fall out of my chair! I LOVE this story!

Author's Response: You can read the answer in today's chapter!

Reviewer: ficklevillain Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 12:57 pm Title: Chapter 26 - Dwight's Grandma Fetish



holy crap! i can't even think of an appropriate expletive to use. and i know ALL OF THEM! damn, damn, damn, damn, DAMN!

mother of crack-ass! i was gonna tell you how funny the whole thing with angela and tampons and little flowers was, but now i'm too overwhelmed with the BITCH-ASS KARENMONSTER!


quick! new chapter! would it be *completely* out of character for pam to beat the crap out of karen right in front of anyone? you could make it a dare. i'd vote yes on that one.

AWW! CRAP! i simply will not be able to enjoy my day now. damnation. crap. gaaaaaaaaaaaah. i'm about ready to die of frustration here, little missy.

::dead:: (oh, good going.)

Author's Response:

Maybe this is one of those situations where you make up new expletives???

Angela and the tampons (she's just so... Angela.) was actually my favorite section to write. I had to trim it down A LOT. That dialogue went on for pages and pages. I eventually grossed myself out so much I had to put my head between my knees. Course I have to do that whenever Jim smiles at Pam, so I may just have a weak constitution.

would it be *completely* out of character for pam to beat the crap out of karen right in front of everyone?  Now that's what you need to do...think happy thoughts. Here's a nerf bat, help Pam out.

::dead:: As long as you can keep writing reviews... It's a free country. Dead? Alive? It's all good.

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