Reviews For In The Night
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Reviewer: Too Late Kev Signed [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2007 09:14 pm Title: Mistakes

Even I wouldn’t go back to me after a fuck up like that. - Priceless line.  

I think you write these chapters and then write the opposite in your chapter notes.  I thought, "angsty? I don't know how much angst I can take", and then there's like 2 seconds of angst.  And "fall apart at the end?"  You mean the end where Pam tells him to come over to her apartment for some time alone with her?  Is that what you thought we wouldn't like?  You crazy kid.

So, I love that she gets him to go out for coffee.  I love that he tells her what he did... I just think it's all a-MAY-zing and wonderful and interesting. 

And on to the next chapter!  Whoohoo! 



Reviewer: Too Late Kev Signed [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2007 09:04 pm Title: Persistence

Evil?  I don't call Jim and Karen being done evil.  And if some fun was had on the way?  Fine with me. 

Karen maybe won't be so quick to wake a guy up that way again, particularly one who has "feelings" for someone else.  Live and learn, Karen.

Reviewer: Too Late Kev Signed [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2007 08:54 pm Title: Jealousy

He wonders if it’s worth giving up a great sex life and a fairly normal relationship for the unknown – for the dream. Is it worth leaving? Is it worth giving up?  Yes, and yes.

Karen doesn't seem to be such a bad person in this chapter.  She slaps Jim, but plenty of people have slapped someone out of anger and been nice people, I suppose.  Jim even slapped Dwight in TH!  Out of line in real life, but...

Jim and Pam seem sort of all right in this chapter, by the end anyway. 

I would say this chapter is in the right order. 

Reviewer: Too Late Kev Signed [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2007 08:47 pm Title: Hostility

Yikes!!!  His parting line - oh my gosh!

I love how there's all this tension at work and only 3 people have any clue as to why!  "Clouds of hostility loom in the air on Monday – no one knows what’s wrong.

Reviewer: Office Elly Signed [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2007 08:39 pm Title: Bitterness

I love this story so much, it's killing me. But , oh man, I have to second Lisahoo. Last chapter Pam almost felt out of character, she was able to throw herself at Jim again so unemotionally, with him still being a jerk. This chapter, he's even more of an ass to Pam & Karen. The only way I can think of him coming back from this is if Pam starts to show a chink in her armor, like this is hurting her some, and that pulls RomanticJim out from behind his totally insensitive, always-thinking-with-his-dick persona. *Crosses fingers*

Of course, maybe you have something else up your sleeve. Maybe you don't want to bring them back from the mutual hostility? Can't wait to find out what happens! 

Reviewer: lisahoo Signed [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2007 07:06 pm Title: Discovery

OMG, Jim, you are a world-class wank.  You soooo don't deserve the attentions of either Pam OR Karen.  I got one word for you.  Comeuppance.

P.S.  This is whack. 

Author's Response:

Haha! It's so funny that you say "Comeuppance" because I was TOTALLY trying to think of that word while I was writing the end notes to the chapter and I kept thinking "comuffins" because that's always how I say it (with "f", not "p"). I realized the correct spelling a little later. 

And yes, he should get what's coming to him in the end. 

Reviewer: lisahoo Signed [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2007 06:45 pm Title: Competition

Oh, sweet jaysus.  Pam, you naughty little hussy, leaving panties where they'll get spineless boy in trouble.  Nice.

Reviewer: sherlockelly Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2007 06:15 pm Title: Discovery

I'm advancing our engagement to marriage.

 Inform your boyfriend.


Author's Response: Haha! I'll start wearing my favorite ring on my left hand, just for you. :)

Reviewer: Alex Wert Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2007 01:42 pm Title: Competition

As someone who's written a murder/suicide, I'd like to say that that wouldn't be a hot enough ending for this, but I'm coming up blank.  I'm always partial to catfights, but that doesn't really resolve anything...

The shock of going from the angry sex to a brief Michael interlude was a bit disturbing, though that is exactly what he'd do in that situation and was damned funny - but it's weird because this fic isn't about the damned funny.  Possibly just damned...

Reviewer: Maybe Once Signed [Report This]
Date: May 25, 2007 05:02 pm Title: Competition

A more detailed plot suggestion has been sent to your MTT email.....;)

Author's Response: Haha! Awesome! :) I really love that idea and I'm totally formulating ideas in my mind right now that could make it work awesomely.
Thank you so much for the inspiration!!

Reviewer: Maybe Once Signed [Report This]
Date: May 25, 2007 04:31 pm Title: Competition

Woosh.  Well, since a) we are going completely over the top with this story in the interest of hotness and b) Jim is the biggest asshole in the known universe here....I'm going to say that the story should end with some evil revenge and a hot few chapters of KaPAM!

Author's Response: I like, I like. :) Definitely see what I can do with that. Thanks for the suggestion!

Reviewer: sherlockelly Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: May 25, 2007 02:28 pm Title: Competition


Ideas... since I just finished a Karen roleplaying as Pam fic (similar to this, actually) that's one way to go about it.

Or, I don't know woman! Just as long as its more sex and you're writing it.

Author's Response:

XD And you complete me!! 

Have no fear. There will be more sex. Sometimes I wonder if that's all I know how to write now...I lead such a sad, sexy life. 

Reviewer: HailEris Signed [Report This]
Date: May 25, 2007 02:15 pm Title: Bitterness

No one's suggested the Hot!Angry!Threesome! yet?!
I'm shocked! SHOCKED!

Heh. Seriously, though, I don't know if that would even be a possibility with the characterizations that you have going (although maybe with sufficient alkeehol, eh?), but if anyone could make it believable (and Hot!), it's definitely you!

Author's Response:

Actually, I have considered the threesome. That would be delving into some dangerous territory since I've never actually written anything like that before. you said, I don't know how much the characters would be "into" that would be a rather...hostile threesome, certainly.

Thanks for the comment though! I will take it into consideration. :) 

Reviewer: sherlockelly Signed [Report This]
Date: May 25, 2007 12:23 pm Title: Anger

Um... please tell me that we will get lots and lots of details regarding what Karen is providing him with????


Author's Response:

Um...*thinks* Kind of. :)

Have no fear, my Karen lover, we have not seen the last of her yet. I just have to figure out which direction I'm going to go with her first. 

Reviewer: kells8995 Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: May 25, 2007 12:22 pm Title: Anger

Seriously?  WTF is wrong with Jim?  Why is Pam not slapping him herself and telling him what a dick he is?  I'm mad for her. And then he's got the balls to invite her to a bbq? Seriously?

That said - I've never had a fic get me this emotionally involved - so - good job!  I look forward to Pam hopefully kicking Jim's ass soon!

Author's Response:

Haha, Jim is definitely a dick in this story. And...I could go on and say something else, but I'll refrain for now. 

And I think that I'm starting to give Pam her nasty moments too. I think that we'll see more of that in the chapters to come, at least I hope I'm able to make it come off that way. 

Reviewer: sherlockelly Signed [Report This]
Date: May 24, 2007 08:18 pm Title: Desire

I am officially taking you up on your marriage proposal here and now.

 From this moment forward, we are officially engaged.

 THIS??? Was so hot my brain fried.

Author's Response:

I'm not really sure how happy my boyfriend will be with the engagement, but who cares about him? Haha!!!

I'm very glad that you enjoyed the chapter. I hope that you have a few brain cells left for the upcoming chapters. :) 

Reviewer: Maybe Once Signed [Report This]
Date: May 24, 2007 10:08 am Title: Persistence

<cough.>  Well.   Goodness.   Jim needs to pick a vagina and stick to it, I think. 

 But, in the meantime, I have a more serious critique.   I would like it to be a policy going forward that if Jim has got the stamina for three times in one night, than the author has to have the stamina to give each "time" it's own chapter.   Because, seriously?   I'd like to know more.   You know, as a scientific observer, of course.   And a single sentence description is insufficient data.   So, you know, you should really give the particulars on the first two times.   You know.   For science.

Author's Response: Yes...for science...::looks around suspiciously::
The Jim/Pam chapters that are coming up are in more detail, and each time has it's own chapter. ;) If you want detail between Jim/Karen, I don't have anything written for that (other than Chapter 3?).
Thanks for your comment!!

Reviewer: Office Elly Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: May 24, 2007 09:20 am Title: Mistakes

Is it wrong of me that I really wanted him to tell her that he'd said her name during sex with Karen "again"? As in, this has been a problem for him since all the way back to the very first time he hooked up with Karen... Jim is such a f**k up in this story, honestly, I'm lovin' it. Like a couple chapters back when he decided he wanted to keep "both relationships" with the ladies of Dunder Mifflin. A**hole Jim is kinda hot.

Author's Response:

"Jim is such a f**k up in this story, honestly, I'm lovin' it"
I'm so glad that someone noticed that!  (Others might have too, but just haven't said anything). The funny thing is, that I totally didn't even plan it that way and suddenly, I think around this chapter, maybe one of the next two I suddenly realized, "Wow, Jim is an a-hole! ...I think I'm going to keep going with that." He's kind of the tragic f-up in this story -- like nothing he does can get him on solid ground again.
And a couple of things that you mentioned do appear again in later chapters. :) Glad that you're enjoying it!!

Reviewer: lisahoo Signed [Report This]
Date: May 23, 2007 01:12 pm Title: Persistence

In my own personal fanon if Jim & Karen did 'do the deed', Jim definitely said Pam's name.  So I'm evil too.  And even though this may not be a happy tale, I'm interested in where it may go.

Reviewer: sherlockelly Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: May 23, 2007 01:07 pm Title: Persistence

Why do I love you so much? Let me think about this...

1. You write the hottest stuff. Like stuff that I would want to write, but then be afraid of.
2. I love Karen, and usually when she's a bitch I get all icky inside, but this Karen? I LOVE this Karen.
3. They curse violently. I like that.
5. No seriously. I have no idea why this is so good!!! I think you put crack in it.
7. I'm actually incoherent right now, which is why none of this makes a lot of sense.

Author's Response:

1. Aw, shucks. :) I'm blushing! Because I don't think of the stuff that I write as being all that hot. I guess we're all our worst critics.
2. Never been a Karen fan. I like how I molded her to fit my naughty imagination. I like this Karen too. Abusives and everything.
3. I like that too. Completely not the characters you see on NBC. In my mind, The Office would be HBO or Showtime and all my dirty little fantasies for cursing and sexing would come true.
4. Shucks...I am not. (Haha, okay, maybe I am)
5. I like to lace things with crack. It's kind of my calling card ;)
6. You're making my ego swell to the size of a football stadium here! And I try to keep myself in line as much as possible.
7. Glad to have pushed you over the edge to incoherentsville. It's a rather fun place to be, I rather enjoy it there myself.
And you made perfect sense and made me a very happy lady! Thank you!!

Reviewer: secondrink Signed [Report This]
Date: May 22, 2007 11:39 pm Title: Jealousy

I think it's kind of funny that Karen slapped him.  I had her punch him in the face in one of mine after Cocktails, so you know, more power to ya!  He'd have it coming to him if she ever did though.

Author's Response: Haha! A punch in the face?!? That's glorious :)

Reviewer: Office Elly Signed [Report This]
Date: May 22, 2007 02:41 pm Title: Hostility

Ack.asdlfjajio. So good. Amused at how Jim & Karen often refer to Pam not by name but as The Receptionist. (Feels like it should be capitalized.) Like she's some formidable obstacle, like The Terminator. Which, come to think of it, she is.

Off-topic (to answer your A/N question): the MTT bird icon is a robin. It denotes a "round robin" story where different authors write different chapters. Took me a while to figure it out, too!

Reviewer: feared_or_loved Signed [Report This]
Date: May 22, 2007 12:59 pm Title: Hostility

Ouch!  What a kick ass last line.

Reviewer: sherlockelly Signed [Report This]
Date: May 22, 2007 08:26 am Title: Hostility



Reviewer: JRAddict Signed [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2007 09:55 pm Title: Desperation

I don't mind the angst at's nice to have some variety in the fanfics I read


I can't wait for the more that is coming very soon! 

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