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Author's Chapter Notes:

A/N: A thousand, million thanks to WildBerryJam as always. A short chapter, next is longer. Should be posted today or tomorrow even.

Oh, and to remember: Pam is at her mom’s for the weekend :).

As Jim dialed, he tried to think of what he would say. How the hell do you even respond to something like that? The phone started ringing, and Jim just pushed all thoughts out of his head... see what she would say first. Yep, definitely the better plan.

However, that plan went to hell when she didn't answer, and it went to voicemail.

Jim kept trying, calling over and over, not sure if she was just avoiding his call or busy. After the tenth call, he hung up, and turned off his phone. "Good one, now you've convinced her you are a stalker." He turned on the TV, trying to distract himself.

Thirty minutes later, he was back on the phone. It still went straight to voicemail. Now he was convinced she was avoiding his calls.

"Hey, this is Pam. Leave a message at the beep." Pam's voice sounded over the phone. Normally, just that message would make his heart skip a beat, but right now, it made his blood boil. She wouldn’t even give him the decency of answering her phone.

"God, Pam.… What the hell? You... you kissed me, and then just left. You didn't even say anything. What the hell! What were you expecting me to do? And now you won't even talk to me!" Jim could feel his anger rising as he talked. "You kiss me, you leave, and now avoiding my calls. Talk about mixed signals! God! Pam. What was I supposed to do?" Jim slammed his phone shut, and threw it across the room. It hit the wall with a resounding thud, and Jim just collapsed on the couch. "What the hell did I just do?" 

            Jim debated calling Pam back, and leaving an apology, but he didn’t know what good it would do. It wasn’t as if he could erase that message. In a way, he was glad he had said it… he just wished he was nicer about it.

            As he lay there on the couch, he kept feeling guilty. He knew her mom lived two hours away; she probably was just getting there now. And the first thing she would hear was Jim yelling at her. He wasn’t sure what he wanted, but he knew that that message was not the best start.

            He called back, and again it went to voicemail. “God, Pam. I’m sorry. I was angry, I guess. I mean, I was – frustrated. Just… I don’t know, okay. I’m sorry. Call me… maybe. I don’t know. Have a good weekend. Yeah. Have a good weekend.”

            Jim turned on the TV, the volume loud, hoping to drown out the thoughts in his head. He stayed there for hours, only moving to grab a beer. As he was about to head to bed, his phone started to ring. ‘Pam Cell’ appeared on the screen. He hesitated, staring at his phone. Finally, right before it went to voicemail, he answered. “Hello?” 

Chapter End Notes:

Hope everyone is still enjoying. I will say the original draft of this chapter had some weird Dwight moments in it (I swear, it made sense), but reworking it – much better.

So, I promise, next chapter they talk. Really. They do. And it will be up soon.

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