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Author's Chapter Notes:
Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own any office characters, they belong to NBC. No copyright infringement is intended.

This chapter is less fluff and more angst. It is also a tad longer than the first. The next one will be back to a bit more fluff. I hope you enjoy!

Thanks Kate and David for the beta jobs.
“Dwight! For the last time stop tackling people. It’s flag football for God’s sake.” Michael yelled as Ryan got up off the ground rubbing his left shoulder.

“I’m sorry Michael. I thought it looked like he was going after you again.”

“He was going after him. That’s what you’re supposed to do when you are covering someone. Maybe you should start covering Oscar like we told you to and stop protecting our opponent.” Roy said through gritted teeth. “Your team’s second down Halpert.” He added as he tossed the football to Jim.

Jim gripped the ball and smiled towards Oscar and Kevin. The three had been dead on with reading each other the whole game. Stanley had been great at covering him from the blitz and he could see the frustration in Roy’s eyes.

He caught the snap from Stanley and quickly passed it back to Kevin. Kevin took a few steps back out of Toby’s reach and tossed the ball back to Jim who had cut left away from Roy. Jim looked down the field to Oscar who was wide open and launched the ball. It sailed into his hands and the accountant ran the last few yards into the end zone.

“Wow great play boys. We are so on fire!” Michael cheered.

As he walked back down the field, Jim couldn’t help but steal a glance at Pam. She was sitting on a bench with Kelly, wrapped up in a blanket and sipping a mug of tea. When their eyes met she gave him a smile and a thumb’s up.

The game continued even has the rain became harder and the field muddier. Jim’s team had managed to keep a lead and Roy’s frustrations were mounting. Jim couldn’t help but feel excited by the idea of beating Roy, especially after the basketball game Michael had ruined for everyone. Unfortunately for Jim, his dreams of defeating Roy in front of Pam where once again lost.

“Hey guys I have a dentist appointment at 3:30, so I need to head home to clean up.” Roy announced. “But, Pammy told me earlier that she would take my place when I left. We’re getting creamed anyway, so no loss there.” He added as he gave his belt and flags to Pam and kissed her good-bye.

“You are so going down Beesly.” Jim said with a wink as Pam took her place across from him. She rolled her eyes at him, but then cracked a huge smile.

“I’m too fast for you Jim, so bring it.” She replied.

For Jim the game took a turn from fierce competition to pure fun as he chased Pam down and taunted her when she was trying to get his flags. The rain was coming down harder and everyone was slipping and falling all over the field. After about fifteen minutes they all agreed to call it quits.

“That was so fun. I haven’t played flag football since tenth grade gym class. I mean Roy plays all the time, but he always just laughs when I ask to join in.” Pam told Jim they walked towards her car.

“Well that’s his mistake, because you were great. I had no idea how fast you were and you can catch better than a lot of guys I know.”

“Thanks. I’m sad it had to end, but you know this mud.” She held up her hands to show the dirt all over them. Jim laughed and started to respond when he saw a look of horror cross Pam’s face.

“What? Are you alright?”

“My ring…it’s gone…Oh my God Jim, my ring fell off.” She gasped as tears began to fall down her cheeks. “He’s going to kill me. Oh God, I have to find it. I can’t…he’ll...He’s going to kill me.”

“Pam, calm down. No one is going to kill you. Listen to me; we are going to find it.” He said as calmly as he could.

“But if we don’t…It was so expensive…He’ll be so angry.”

“Come on, sit down.” Jim said guiding her back to the bench. “I’ll find it. You just try to relax, OK? I promise I’ll find it.”

Jim walked onto the mud soaked field and began crawling around in search of the ring. His mind was racing and his heart pounding. He wanted to take Pam in his arms and tell her he loved her. He wanted to tell her that he would never make her live in fear, that he would never take his anger out on her. He wanted to find Roy Anderson and tell him what an ass he was, maybe even punch him in the face.

After almost fifteen minutes the mud had completely soaked through his pant legs and his fingers were freezing. Just as he was on the verge of giving up hope his hand hit the ring. For a brief moment he thought of jamming it down into the ground and making it lost forever. As much as he wanted to hide the ring and tell Pam to come home with him, to move in with him, to marry him, he knew it would never happen that way.

“Here you go, good as new.” He said as he wiped the ring off with his shirt and handed it to Pam.

“Thank you…you are incredible.” She whispered as a fresh set of tears began to stream down face. Jim pulled her into his arms and fought the desire to kiss her fiercely. Instead, he led her towards their cars.

“I think you just saved my life again.” Pam laughed weakly as she wiped her face.

“Don’t say that. Don’t tell me that and expect me to let you go home to him.” Jim said as he pulled her hand away from the car door.

Pam stared at Jim for a moment, her face a mix of confusion and hurt.

“Jim, I didn’t mean it like that. Roy would never…has never hurt me like that. He just has a temper and I’ve seen how he can get with people. I’m sorry, I was just emotional over the ring.”

“Yeah, sure. I just…You shouldn’t have to be afraid. I’m sorry. I’ll see you on Monday.”

“Good-bye Jim.” She said in a soft voice, not looking at him as she got into her car.

Jim’s eyes began to fill with tears as he watched her drive away. The thought of her falling asleep in Roy’s embrace worked its way into his mind. The image haunted him the entire weekend.
Chapter End Notes:
Please, please review! This is my first office fic and I would love the feedback.

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