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Story Notes:
This is my first multi chapter so I'm kind of excited to branch out a bit. I love reading about Jim and Pam as children, and the only thing I can write recently is Angst, so this is the result. Hope you enjoy!
Author's Chapter Notes:
I can't figure out how to make my computer copy the italics when I copy my stories over from Word documents. So until I do the part above the dotted line is Jim's childhood memory. The part below is in the here and now. Got all that? Good, now go enjoy:)
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from this story, except an unrational fear of heights. Jim, Pam and Casino Night all belong to NBC.

Jim had been to only three swimming lessons when Pete had dared him to jump off one of the diving boards at the local pool. Scared of heights (something he would later find ironic) Jim had refused at first. But 10 minutes of Pete’s talking and Tom's teasing and Jim found himself standing at the foot of the ladder to the shortest diving board.

Roy asked him to keep an eye on Pam and Jim had agreed without thinking, because that’s all he’d been doing for the last 5 years anyway. As Roy’s truck pulled away, Pam sauntered over to stand in front of him and Jim was struck by how different she looked. The usual hairclip, button up shirts and straight skirts, had changed places with a upswept hairdo, a few loose curls framing her face and a dress that shimmered a soft blue in the dusky glow of the street lamps.

But the most unusual thing was her face. The quiet mask she wore to stop advances from Kevin and Michael had disappeared. Instead her shoulders were back, she looked relaxed and the impish grin crossing her face, warned him that she was about to bring up his recent loss to her.

The conversation with Jan was still ringing in his ears as Pam teased him about losing all his money and Jim wondered if he should tell Pam about the transfer now. It might, no, it would, ruin the rest of the evening, but it was only fair to tell her in person, in private and give her as much time as possible to adjust to the idea.
Chapter End Notes:
I have the next 4 parts written and I think the last chapter is the best. Please review so I'll know to keep posting. (If I get even one review I'll keep posting. I really like this last chapter:))

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