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Author's Chapter Notes:
Here's the last chapter which is set next Christmas (2010) when the baby is born. We took a creative license and created their daughter, Olivia, or Livy. Thank you so much to everyone who read our story and who left a review for us, we really appreciated all of your comments! - Deedldee and pamelamorganhalpert
Chapter 6 – Christmas 2010

“Jim?” Pam asked as she held their adorable daughter Olivia in her lap. Olivia just stared up at Pam with her big green eyes, her light brown hair, curly like her mom’s, lightly blowing in the wind. Pam looked down to see Olivia smiling around a bottle of juice as she drank.

“Yes my dear?” Jim asked, shifting in his chair to look at Pam.

“Have I told you how insanely happy I am?” She smiled, wide and bright, her eyes glistening, but not tearing.

“Not in the last ten minutes or so, no.” He looked at his watch and gave her a quizzical face.

“Well, let me tell you again. I’m so incredibly happy. Thank you, for all of this. This is amazing.” She said, as she turned her head to look at the ocean, as the sun set in front of the happy family of three.

“You’re welcome. So what has been your favorite part so far?” He asked, putting his arm around Pam’s shoulders.

“Hmm, well taking Olivia to Disneyland yesterday was nice. I loved that parade they had. And she loved seeing the characters, even though I’m pretty sure she didn’t understand what was going on. But I think today wins, hands down, as the best day of this Christmas vacation.” She said definitively.

“Oh yeah? Why is that?” He said in a low voice, as he kissed the side of Pam’s cheek.

“Oh stop, you know what I’m talking about Jim.” She said, giving him a look of mock disapproval.

“Well, I’m on vacation, my brain shut off. Tell me, what’s so special about today to you?” He said with a wide grin.

“Oh please, you just want to hear me say it so you can inflate your ego.” She said rolling her eyes, looking back down to see Olivia sleeping in her arms. Pam put the juice bottle back in the baby bag, and moved her arm down so Olivia was laying across her lap with her head on Pam’s arm.

“So you say. I’m serious! I want to know, what’s so special about today? Jim continued to prod.

“This. Us, sitting here on the sand with Livy, spending the day on the beach, facing the Pacific Ocean as the sun is setting. It’s pretty much the perfect end to the perfect day. I love how the sun makes the water look all golden and I love when it shimmers like that. It’s so calm and peaceful here.” She said, leaning her head back as she took a deep breath of fresh ocean air.

“Hmm… yeah, this is more or less how I imagined it would be when I started planning this.” He said, moving his himself closer to Pam on the beach blanket they were sitting on.

“I’m telling you, you did a great job planning all of this. Seriously, how did you find a hotel right by the beach? It’s like you found the perfect things for us to do each day too.” She said, smiling and giving him a peck on the cheek.

“They do have these things called tour books, Pam. They have them in book stores. I’m sure you’re familiar.” He said sarcastically, trying but failing to cover a huge grin.

“Don’t mock me, stop smiling like that.” She said, turning her head back towards the sunset.

“Like what?” He asked innocently.

“Like you’re mocking me.” She smirked and nudged him with her elbow.

“I’m not mocking you Pam. I think it’s cute that the little things still impress you.” He gave her shoulder a squeeze.

“This isn’t little Jim. You planned an entire week in California for us! It couldn’t have been easy, making up an itinerary of when we were going to the San Diego Zoo, which was a ton of fun for Livy. And the tour of the wineries, and the tour of Los Angeles, it was a lot to plan out by you alone. I take back the time I told you that you were going to beg for my help when you kept refusing it. It’s all been fantastic! I’m so impressed you were able to do this all without a travel agent.” She said her voice filled with awe at what Jim had planned for them.

“That internet is a useful tool Pam.” He chuckled.

“Funny boy, take the compliment or I take it back.” She said sarcastically, raising an eyebrow as she looked at him.

“OK, thank you.” He again squeezed her shoulder and kissed her temple.

“Though I do wish you wouldn’t have been so extravagant, I saw our credit card statement. Even though finally being able to see the Pacific Ocean is amazing, we’ll be paying for this trip for a few months” She said, trying not to sound unappreciative.

“Don’t worry I have it covered.” He said nonchalantly.

“Jim, I do worry. This a pretty steep price to pay for a vacation.” She said quietly.

“As long as you’re happy, I don’t care how much it costs Pam. Plus, I told you, I’ve got it covered. I’ve been planning and saving for this for a long time.” He said smiling proudly.

“What, like a few months?” She asked, turning towards him as she shifted Olivia in her lap. Olivia fidgeted for a moment and then fell back asleep.

“No, that’s definitely an understatement.” He regretted saying that the moment it came out of his mouth.

“A year?” She asked, becoming more curious.

“I’m not telling you Pam. It’s pretty embarrassing.” He said, closing his eyes and shaking his head.

“Come on, please? You have to tell me! How long have you been saving money for this?” She asked her voice filled with amusement at his embarrassment.

“I can’t say.” He said as he kissed her nose.

“Jim, come on, you can’t keep secrets from your best friend.” She began to pout her lips and make her sad face that he found irresistible.

“Wow, it’s been a while since you pulled the best friend card. Since we got married it’s been the wife card. You must really need to know huh?” He said, sounding defeated.

“Please? Tell me!” She said, moving her arm, causing Olivia to fidget again.

“Okay you win Pam.” He rolled his eyes.

“Of course I do.” She grinned proudly.

“So, remember the day we found out that Kevin might have skin cancer? We went to that store to get him gifts and during the drive there we talked about all of the things we would want to do if we had a week to live. I remember, I said I wanted to try chili cheese dogs, go to Disney World, and finally convince Dwight that I was a secret spy from the government. Then you said you wanted to see the Grand Canyon, live in a house with a terrace for at least one day, stay up for twenty four hours straight, and see the Pacific Ocean. You said that you were sad that you probably would never be able to afford to get here, that you really wanted to sit on a beach and just take it all in, maybe sketch a picture of the sunset. Take a tour of the wineries and of Hollywood. See where the stars lived. It just seemed like it was really important to you that you get here to California one day. And you looked really sad when you said you probably never would.” He looked down at his hand, becoming interested in his finger nails.

“Oh my God Jim, I can’t believe you remembered all of that..” She looked at him with tears in her eyes.

“I decided that afternoon that you would get to live that dream one day, with or without me. I always hoped that I would be going with you, but either way it became a mission of mine to give you this. I’ve been putting money away every few weeks since then so we could do this. Even when we weren’t on the best terms, I kept saving, I figured even though we weren’t really getting along, I wanted to still give it to you as a thirtieth birthday gift. But that we’re here together, it’s so incredible. ” He said, as he slowly looked up to see Pam looking teary eyed.

“Oh my God.” She said, staring at him with a look of pure love on her face, choking back the small lump that had formed in her throat.

“Yeah. Wow.” He said, as he stared back at her, with an equal amount of love and slight embarrassment in his eyes.

He closed the small space that was between them and put both arms around her shoulders., She turned to look in his eyes, and they stared at one another for a moment. Jim brought his hand to rest on her cheek, and kissed her softly at first, and with more passion as the kiss progressed, Pam moving her arm up around his neck to pull him closer. They slowly began to pull apart, when Pam pulled him into a tight hug and whispered in his ear.

“I love you so much Jim. You have no idea.” She said, giving him a soft kiss on his cheek..

“I love you too, Pam.” He said, lightly rubbing Pam’s back.

They spent a few minutes sitting in silence, enjoying the sunset, Pam’s head on Jim’s shoulder, Jim lightly running his fingers over her arm with one hand, as he took Olivia’s hand in his who was now shifted to be sleeping on his lap.

“Oh look the sun is almost half way down. It’s so pretty.” Pam said breaking the silence.

“Yeah… it’s beautiful.” Jim said softly.

“You’re staring at me Jim, not the sunset.” She said with a giggle.

“Sorry, can’t help it, the expression on your face is just the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Makes every cent totally worth it. I’m so in love with you Pam.” He said, kissing her lips.

“I love you too Jim.” She said as they parted.

“Can I give you your gift now?” Jim asked, moving to his right to get her gift out of their beach bag.

“Jim, I really think this trip was enough of a gift. You didn’t have to get me anything else.” She said seriously.

“It’s not just from me. Livy picked out the card herself.” He said with a smile, glancing down at his daughter sleeping on his lap.

“How did she do that?” Pam asked, incredulously.

“I went shopping with my mom and Livy the day you went to lunch with Penny. My mom held up two cards and Livy pointed to the one she liked.” He said, as he handed Pam the envelope he was holding.

“Thank you.” Accepting the gift from his hands and beginning to open the card.

“Read the card out loud so she can hear it.” He said as he adjusted Olivia and settled her so that her head was on his shoulder, carefully making sure she didn’t awaken.

“Okay. It says, ‘Dear Mommy. I can’t write so daddy is helping me out with this. Merry Christmas Mommy. You’re the best. We hope you enjoy our first family vacation, and our first Christmas together in California. Daddy and I love you so much. Merry Christmas, love and hugs, Olivia Grace, and Daddy.’ Aw, that’s so sweet Jim. Thank you.” She said, placing both hands on either side of his face, giving him a firm kiss.

“You’re welcome.” He said, his deep voice almost in a whisper.

“You’re too much. I’m going to save this.” She said, putting the card in the baby bag.

“Hey, Okay I couldn’t really tell you what we were doing on our last day until now. So, for tomorrow I made a reservation for you at the resort’s spa. You can pick out any treatment they have, it’s been pre-paid. And while you’re there me and Livy will get our things packed up for the trip back home. Then tomorrow night I scheduled for a sitter at the resort to watch her while we go for dinner. Nope, close your mouth. I can’t tell you where yet, that’s a surprise.” He said, as he rubbed Olivia’s back, smiling broadly.

“Jim, I… I… oh my God, thank you so much, that’s so sweet of you!.” She said, shaking her head in amazement.

“You’re welcome.” He said, leaning over to kiss her cheek.

“Thank you so much Jim. Merry Christmas.” She said, wrapping her arms around his waist.

“Merry Christmas. Thank you, too Pam.” He said as he kissed her head.

“For what?” She looked up, creasing her brow.

“Everything.” He said, as he pulled her closer to him.

They continued to sit for a few more minutes, with Jim holding Olivia in one arm, and his other arm wrapped around Pam, Jim’s cheek resting on the top of Pam’s head, as they stared at the sun setting over the ocean.


I guess this is what it feels like to have more than everything I could have ever wanted. I’m raising this beautiful little girl here, with the most amazing woman I’ve ever known. Pam really is amazing. She brightens the room just by walking into it. She’s passionate about everything she does now. The way she takes care of our daughter, it’s like instinct. She knows the meaning of every sound that Olivia makes. It’s amazing to watch them together. Livy is like a carbon copy of Pam.

I know I loved Pam the day I met her, but that was nothing compared to what I feel for her today. It’s weird to hear people tell me that the magic and the passion die when you have a child. That eventually you forget what being together as a couple was like. With Pam, it’s the exact opposite. We still go out for dinner. We still sit on the couch at the end of the day and talk once Livy is in bed for the night. We still have movie night, we still joke around, and we still make time for us. I still kiss her when we go to sleep at night. I still hold her while we watch TV. I just can’t understand how people could be married and have kids and lose that part of their relationship. Maybe in a way it is good that we know what it’s like to love each other but not be together, this way we value each other more. I don’t know what it is. We just migrate towards each other all the time.

And this little girl, she’s already saying some words. She’s going to be the most beautiful girl in the world. I know every parent thinks their child is pretty, and talented, and smart. But Olivia Grace Halpert really is the smartest, prettiest, most talented little girl on the planet, even if she’s only ten months old. She really does have me wrapped around her little finger. They both do.

I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I’m three years into my ten year plan, and life is wonderful. And it’s only going to get better.


I don’t know how I got this lucky. I really don’t. I was never a lucky girl when I was growing up. I never got an award, or any special recognition. I just flew under the radar, accepted life for how it was, and never questioned it until he walked into my life and changed everything with that kiss. I really wish I could go back to that night and change everything that happened after that kiss. If I knew then what I know now, I would have jumped into his arms and went off to see this sunset with him then.

I wouldn’t have wasted all that time, all that precious time that I wish we could get back. It’s an entire year or more that we could have been together. I definitely know that’s why I hold onto him every night while we sleep, why I tell him I love him so often.

I can see his face in our daughters. She has the prettiest green eyes, his exact hair color, and her little mouth looks just like his when she smiles that crooked little smile. I never thought I would be any good at this mothering thing, and it’s definitely not easy. But when she smiles at me, holds my face in her chubby little fists, and calls me momma, my heart melts.

I wish that I can find a way to show Jim how much this trip means to me, how much he means to me, and how much I adore him and our daughter. Words are absolutely not enough. How do you thank someone for giving you every single thing you could have ever wanted and more? I’ll just keep holding onto him every night, tell him I love him every day, and try to be the best wife and mother I can be.

This is where I’m meant to be, with his arm around my shoulder, our heads pressed together at the temple, and our daughter in his lap. It’s absolute perfection.
Chapter End Notes:
Thanks again for reading and leaving your comments for us, we had a lot of fun co-writing this story! - Deedldee and pamelamorganhalpert

pamelamorganhalpert is the author of 2 other stories.
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