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Author's Chapter Notes:
Obviously I don't own anything. Otherwise we wouldn't need fluff after almost every episode lately...although this one was better...

“Hey Big Tuna, come here for a second.” Andy beckoned Jim to his desk.

“Yeah Andy?” Jim asked, tired, and wanting to go home.

“I tried everything on Pam, and all she did was stare at the back of your head. Did you forget something she likes more than Frisbee-based sports, hunting, country music, pig latin and my singing?” Andy asked his own question, still blind to the fact that he was, in fact, apart of another of Jim’s jokes.

Jim was speechless. She stared at the back of his head? Does she—no, she can’t possibly, otherwise she’d have called or wrote him more than she did, or at the very least told him she cancelled the wedding. Unless….

MagicKira is the author of 0 other stories.
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