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I'm looking for that one fic...

Did you read a great Office fic and now you just can't remember the name of it? We can help! Post as much as you can remember about it and our MTT experts (basically the Canadian Concierges of JAMFic ;) ) should help find it for you.


  • I'm looking for this one fic... I'm not sure if it's on-site or off-site, but I know it takes place when Roy tries to attack Jim. Before Dwight can intervene, Pam gets in the way, gets injured, and ends up in the hospital. I remember really enjoying it, but I haven't been able to find it again. Does anybody know the fic I'm referring to? Thanks! :)
  • edited September 2017
    I'm looking for this one fic... I'm not sure if it's on-site or off-site, but I know it takes place when Roy tries to attack Jim. Before Dwight can intervene, Pam gets in the way, gets injured, and ends up in the hospital. I remember really enjoying it, but I haven't been able to find it again. Does anybody know the fic I'm referring to? Thanks! :)
    I asked a fellow mod about this: is it Pacific by Recorderalways?

  • OMG, yes! Thank you!
  • What is the story where Jim drives from Stamford to visit Mark, gets drunk and slips away to walk to Pam's and falls asleep on her doorstep?
  • judy_27toB wrote: »
    What is the story where Jim drives from Stamford to visit Mark, gets drunk and slips away to walk to Pam's and falls asleep on her doorstep?
    Hmm, that's not ringing any bells, can you remember any other details such as about how long it was, was it completed, how it ended, etc?

  • It was a short, one chapter story from Stamford. The author said she didn't like the title and asked if anyone could think of anything better. Jim drives to Scranton to visit Mark. They talk about Pam and Jim gets drunk. When Mark goes to the kitchen, Jim slips out to walk to Pam's. He doesn't bother with a coat even tho it's freezing outside. When he finally gets to Pam's, he sits down on her stoop to contemplate things and dozes off. Mark had apparently called Pam, so she checked outside, found him and brought him in to sleep on couch. He keeps asking for just one kiss. Pam's answer is no, but he sneaks one anyway, and satisfied, goes back to sleep. She then carefully places her knees between his and lays down on top of him.
    The End. That's the best I can do.. Thanks for helping!
  • The fic took place after Dwight found Pam crying and sent in Angela to comfort her. Angela talked about being a lion or a house cat to cheer Pam up and subtly tell her to stake her claim. Forgot what it was called. :((((
  • @judy_27toB a couple months late but that one didn't end up ringing bells sorry, I'll keep a look out

    @TonksMeowski is it House Cat? http://mtt.just-once.net/fanfiction/viewstory.php?sid=4839
  • Hopefully someone can help me! I have a scene from a story stuck in my head and I want to reread it. Pam and Jim aren’t dating, but they’re at a bar, and the waitress is hitting on Jim, so the drunker Pam gets, the gutsier she gets with pretending she and Jim are together (to ward off the waitress), and then Jim almost calls a cab but he doesn’t. Help?!?
  • @agian18 I just reread girl7's "Away From the Cameras" (the original one, based on S1 and 2) and Chapter 9 "The Christmas Party" sounds similar to what you're describing.
  • This story was always on the front page of the old website. It was "Truly, Madly, Deeply" or a variation of those words. Pam
    buys Jim a Valentine's card... "if you smile, I smile; if you laugh, I laugh; if you take your clothes off, ?". Has a great sense of humor, but I can't get the title straight and can't find it. Help, please. judy_27toB
  • @agian18 I just reread girl7's "Away From the Cameras" (the original one, based on S1 and 2) and Chapter 9 "The Christmas Party" sounds similar to what you're describing.

    YES! That’s it!! Thank you! I must have read it before I truly understood that adding stories to your favorites on here was like a 3 step process
  • Finally found "Truly, Madly, Deeply" by time4moxie. Too late for Valentine's Day but it's so good! Her stories are always good...
  • Hi looking for a fac I don’t know if I read it on this site or not, Jim and meeting with his father and he made Jim think that Pam was going to trap him with pretending to be pregnant, she come to him saying she really is pregnant, Jim goes off and break up with her accusing her of trapping him, they make up, and I can’t remember anything else can shine help me thanks pip13
  • The one with Jims horrible father and pregnant Pam is...
    Set Fire to the Rain by Dedeen
  • The one with Jims horrible father and pregnant Pam is...
    Set Fire to the Rain by Dedeen

    That’s the one thank you

  • @judy_27toB
    It was a short, one chapter story from Stamford. The author said she didn't like the title and asked if anyone could think of anything better. Jim drives to Scranton to visit Mark. They talk about Pam and Jim gets drunk. When Mark goes to the kitchen, Jim slips out to walk to Pam's. He doesn't bother with a coat even tho it's freezing outside. When he finally gets to Pam's, he sits down on her stoop to contemplate things and dozes off. Mark had apparently called Pam, so she checked outside, found him and brought him in to sleep on couch. He keeps asking for just one kiss. Pam's answer is no, but he sneaks one anyway, and satisfied, goes back to sleep. She then carefully places her knees between his and lays down on top of him.
    The End. That's the best I can do.. Thanks for helping!

    This is called Hate Me Tomorrow by svilleficrecs. I actually have this saved in my files, I believe from LJ, but I can’t find it there now.
  • Thank you so much for not giving up! I really appreciate knowing the title so I can look for it too. Thanks again, Judy
  • I'm really hoping someone can help me. I'm rereading all my favorite jam stories before I get back into writing my own fics again and I'm trying to find one where everyone goes hiking and Jim and Pam end up together. It's set sometime in season 3 and it's very cute, especially the parts with Ryan and Kelly.
  • edited July 2018
    Open by Annabel Winslow

    Also, glad to see you’ll be writing here again!
    candi wrote: »
    I'm really hoping someone can help me. I'm rereading all my favorite jam stories before I get back into writing my own fics again and I'm trying to find one where everyone goes hiking and Jim and Pam end up together. It's set sometime in season 3 and it's very cute, especially the parts with Ryan and Kelly.

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