Members Area

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MTT has a new community! In the spirit of having a “fresh start”, this new community requires a new registration even if you already have an account at the fanfic archive or the old message boards. If you register you can set up a stylish profiles, see member activity streams, send personal messages, and “friend” each other! If you’re a little shy or unsure if you want to register, you can still post replies in our new message boards.

After you register here, you will get an activation email with a link that you must click to complete your registration. *Note* Activation and Password Reset emails often end up in spam or not delivered at all! Try adding to your contacts/safe-list before registering or requesting reset emails to ensure they get delivered!

When you are registered and logged in, you can access the user menu from your avatar in the upper right hand corner, from them “Members Area” of the top menu, or see various options in the right sidebar (will appear below posts on tablets and smartphones)

We are still in “beta mode” and testing things out so some features may change or disappear without notice, and errors may occur. We encourage members to post in the tech forum or send us a message with any bug reports, questions, suggestions or feedback!

Privacy Policy: The only information we require for registration is your email address and a username of your choosing. Your email will never be publicly displayed. Any information you share on your profile is purely voluntary and you may modify it at any time.

By registering, you agree to be occasionally contacted via email or personal message by the site admins should there be questions or problems with your account. Your email may be added to a mailing list that occasionally sends out newsletters with updates, but you may unsubscribe from these newsletter emails at any time. We will NEVER sell your information, and we will never distribute your information to a third party without your explicit consent.