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More Than That Terms of Service

*If you are already registered and having trouble accessing your account OR want to change to a different username, please email us at rather than creating a new account*

The following Terms of Service outline acceptable behavior and use of the site. It is understood that all members and visitors of the site agree to comply with the following:


  • To sign up for MoreThanThat you MUST be at least 14 years of age. By signing up for the archive you verify that you are the required age. To read, write and review stories rated M you must be at least 16 years of age. To read, write and review MA rated stories you must be at least 18 years of age. You assume responsibility for any content you read.
  • More Than That Fanfiction Archive ( is an unofficial, not-for-profit fansite devoted to Jim & Pam and The Office. We are in no way affiliated with NBC-Universal or with the cast, writers, creators or producers of The Office. Rights to any of its characters or storylines are not claimed, and there is no copyright infringement intended.
  • This site was created for the purposes of archiving fanfiction about Pam Beesly and Jim Halpert of The Office and this remains our focus; other stories about other characters/pairings from The Office are welcomed, but we ask all users to respect that this is primarily a Jim and Pam archive.
  • Reviews, stories and other user submitted content are only representative of the user that submitted the content and does not necessarily represent the views of the owner or administrators of More Than That.


  • We value your privacy. To create and maintain your account we ask only for you to provide a valid email address (that will never be displayed publicly) and a username of your choosing. Aside from email, any information you enter into your profile is public, and we ask members to use their best judgement and discretion in deciding what they want to share on their profile.
  • By registering, you grant the site admins permission to contact you by email should there be questions or problems with your account, your submissions, or your reviews. After registering you will be asked if you want to opt-in to our mailing list that occasionally sends out newsletters with updates, but you may unsubscribe from these newsletter emails at any time. We will NEVER sell your information, and we will never distribute your information to a third party without your explicit consent.
  • Any websites or social media accounts listed in your profile should be your personal accounts that you own/manage, links to corporate websites/accounts will be deleted.
  • Pennames and profiles should not contain any strong profanity, ethnic slurs or other offensive language. Accounts found to contain such language will be edited without warning and may be locked until acceptable changes are sent directly to the admins.
  • Please do not sign up for multiple accounts on More Than That unless you have cleared it with an administrator first. (check out FAQs for more info on multiple accounts)
    • If you want to change your username or are having any issues with an account you have already created, please contact us rather creating a new account.
    • Anyone found to be creating multiple accounts (aka sockpuppet accounts) in order to pad the review/rating numbers on their own or another user's stories or to gang up on/harass other members will face disciplinary action including possible deleted of submissions and temporary or permanent account suspension.


  • All content on this site is viewed at your own risk. Every effort is made by the administrators to ensure that all stories are appropriately labeled and rated. If you feel that something is incorrectly labeled, rated, or otherwise inappropriate, please contact the administrators. The administrators of this fansite claim no responsibility for any content that is linked to outside of this site, and you visit these links at your own risk and discretion.
  • Written adult content is contained on this site, and every effort is made by administrators to ensure such content is rated correctly and that appropriate warnings are attached. Stories rated M or MA will give members a pop-up warning, by clicking "Okay" you are acknowledging you are old enough to view such content (16 years of age for M-rated stories, 18 years of age for MA-rated stories).
  • All submitted stories must be original works and be in compliance with the site's Submission Rules. All stories must be properly rated and categorized for the purposes of fair use for members and visitors of the site. All submissions will be reviewed periodically by administrators for tagging (categorization, rating, warnings, labeling, disclaimers, etc). Administrators reserve the right to make tagging corrections as they see fit.
  • Authors are responsible for ensuring their stories/content are backed up to their own devices or drives. More Than That assumes no responsibility for lost content.
  • Any content depicting the following activities will not be accepted: rape, bestiality, incest, sexual relationships between adults and minors, and the promotion of illegal activities. Stories containing any such content will be removed from the site without notification and disciplinary action may be taken against the uploader.
  • Any images uploaded or embedded must be Safe For Work (SFW). Images with mature content will be removed without warning.
  • More Than That claims no responsibility for outside content that is linked on the website by it's users and you click and visit these links at your own risk. We will however delete links that we deem to be spam or otherwise unsafe and encourage users to reports if they come across a spam/unsafe link.

Reviews/Interaction with other users

  • In Short: when interacting with others on the site be polite, be courteous, and speak to people the way you would like to be spoken to. This site is meant to be a fun and friendly place to share your writing about and your love of The Office and Pam & Jim. Being rude or harassing towards fellow members or towards their stories will not be tolerated.
  • Members are highly encouraged to leave reviews, but we do ask you read our review policy before leaving any. Above all reviews should be polite and courteous. Any criticism should be well-worded and constructive. The Mods will edit or deleted reviews we find to be rude or harassing or otherwise not following our review policy, and disciplinary action will be taken against users showing a trend of breaking our reviews policy.
This service is provided to its members and visitors subject to their compliance with these Terms of Service. The Terms of Service will be subject to periodic revision.

Last Modified December 1, 2017.

*To ensure delivery of your registration email and other site notifications, please add to your contacts/safe list before filling out this form.
*Password and account recovery is done via email, please ensure your email is typed correctly and please use an email address you have long-term access to (we suggest avoiding .EDU addresses)


* Indicates required fields.