Summary: “I like talking to you. I LOVE talking to you. You’re the best person I talk to here.” “I’m the only person who you talk to here, Jim.” - jim gets a little drunk cleaning up after a party and pam is stuck in the office taking care of him until he sobers up. sometimes things are cliches for a reason, folks
Recommended by: darjeelingandcoke
Recommender's comments: It's Jim. It's Pam. They're cute. He's drunk. He confesses his feelings. They make out. Listen, if you're reading this, do you actually *need* more than that to want to read this story?
Categories: Jim and Pam, Past, Alternate Universe
Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Drunk Pam/Jim, Fluff
Warnings: Other Adult Theme
Completed: Yes
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[Report This] Added: October 01, 2020