Major Change in Story Submission
In the past few months at MTT we've noticed a couple of new trends. The first, an increase in the quantity of fics being published, is actually a good thing (Who doesn't love more fanfic, right?). But when this trend is accompanied by the second, a decrease in the quality of fics being published, I think we can all agree that some changes need to be made.

In light of this, we've decided to change our submission policy at MTT. As all published authors (and I think most readers) are aware, the current set-up allows authors to instantaneously add new stories and chapters to the archive.

Beginning June 6th, this will no longer be the case. Instead, the archive admins will be reviewing each new story before it's made available to the public. This review will simply be a quick check that your submission follows the MTT submission guidelines that have always been in place. If it does, your story will be made available to everyone. If not, we will contact you and explain what you will need to revise before we can let your story be published.

This change in our system will give new authors additional support as they post their first stories. Our admin team will be making sure that there are no problems with formatting, rating or categorizing since the MTT readership has come to expect stories that are polished both in content and in form.

We know that the majority of authors here are conscientious about following the guidelines. That's why we'll also be establishing a system to let experienced authors bypass this review after you've proved to us that you're capable of posting correctly. For some authors this may mean you'll never even have to worry about this.

If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, feel free to contact us at

We appreciate your patience as we make this change. We want MTT to be a welcoming place for everyone, and we know it can be with your cooperation. Thanks everyone!

--MTT Admin Team on June 05, 2008 08:48 pm 0 Comments