Fanfic Primer - Comments

You nominated them, you voted for them, now's the time to tell us why.

We want to ask people to contribute a few sentences commenting on stories that were part of JAM or other pairings fanfic primer.  You can write blurbs for as few or as many stories as you wish, but it might be particularly nice to could start with the top 10 vote getters in the JAM category, which were:

1) I Just Wanted To Be Famous
2) Pack Up Your Bags, It's Never Too Late!
3) Hope
4) Vox
5) Canary
6) The Love Song of Squirrel McPants
7) Vanilla
8) Climbing As We Fall
9) Breakable
10) Truth and Consequences

The top vote getters for the Other stories

1) Hey Jealousy
2) Life Under The Observer Effect
3) Five Firsts (or, how Dwight, Jim, Angela, Pam and Michael lost their virginity)
4) Occasionally We Stop and Stare Past Tiny Paintings
5) stitch myself together and tie the ends in knots

You can post your comments in the comment thread.

Thanks for your help!

--Emily on September 30, 2008 04:57 pm 0 Comments