Sicky Challenges
It sure seems that everyone on the interwebs has been hit by the cold this past week. Or at least, a majority of my friends have. So I consider that everyone (everyone important that is). Hope everyone is feeling better soon.
So, since that seems to be the theme (at least in my life), here are three challenges vaguely related to being sick.
Injury (Cecelia) -
Severe, mild...doesn't really matter. Almost losing someone or seeing them hurt can make you realize how important and irreplaceable they were to you in the first place.
Drunk Michael (snozdoodle) -
We've seen Pam and Jim drunk and let's face it they were pretty darn funny. So what would a drunk Michael be like?
Jim To The Rescue (JennInTheCity) -
Pam's a modern woman who can take care of herself, but sometimes Jim just can't help himself. Someone's bugging Pam and Jim comes to the rescue.
And as a reminder, if you have challenge ideas, you can submit them in the challenges thread on the forum, or email them to us at Thanks!
--EmilyHalpert on March 14, 2009 04:54 pm 0 Comments