The season finale is this week? How did that happen? Doesn't it seem like just yesterday they got engaged? Now they're all talking about eloping... well, even if they decided a big fancy wedding was better. But man, the season has flown by!
Relations -
Michael is related to someone in the office.
Dancing (Strider) -
Write a story based upon the following quotation:
A dance is always a good idea.
Any characters, any time period.
Jealous Jim (The Lurker)-
Nothing gets me hotter than jealous Jim. Like Pam dating Toby during S3 and/or David Wallace (after his divorce of course). Pam and DW = sizzle to me. I love Toby and DW I guess that's why I want to see Pam with them. Anyway wring his heart out (Jim) make it hurt. then let Pam fix it. Add in Ryan and - whoa.
Another Decade (Big Tuna)-
I'd really like to see some stuff on Jim and Pam in a different decade. Can't you just imagine hippie 60's Pam and Disco 70's Jim? Or better yet, 80's hair band Jim? I just think it'd be cute to see them written in to the common ideas about those periods in time, or even how they get through some tough situations together. I can see it now...Nurse Pam taking care of wounded soldier Jim in World War II...*sigh*
And as a reminder, if you have challenge ideas, you can submit them in the challenges thread on the forum, or email them to us at Thanks!
--EmilyHalpert on May 10, 2009 06:36 pm 0 Comments