2022-23 Dundie Awards!

After an unexpected hiatus, we're back with a special double-sized Dundie Awards!

We are holding the Dundies to honor all the best of MTT in 2022 and 2023. In addition to your favorite stories, we want to recognize your favorite authors, review writers, and everyone else with the special "create your own Dundies" award.

We're finally to the voting stage of the Dundies! You will be voting for your favorites in seven categories: Longer Fics, Shorter Fics, Fluff, Angst, Steam, Holiday and of course Favorite Overall. There is a separate voting form for each category, you can start with voting with Fave Overall and follow the links that come up after your votes are submitted. Or go to the Master Doc will all the nominees and follow the links there.

Master Voting Document | Fave Overall Voting Form

The deadline to submit your votes is June 30, so get your selections for favorite fics in today!

--MTT Admins on February 09, 2024 02:24 pm 0 Comments