Fanfic Primer

In the spirit of helping new readers find must-read fiction, I thought it would be nice to put together a list of those great stories everyone should read. To do so, I need your help. I'd like to ask readers to submit titles and authors for their top 5 Jim/Pam stories and top 5 Other Pairings/Ensemble stories. They can be archived at MTT or elsewhere; it doesn't matter. If you don't read Jim/Pam or Other Pairings stories, just submit in the category where you feel most comfortable. If you don't have 5 favourite stories, you can submit fewer titles. You can also include a line or 2 indicating why you picked a given fic. From all the submissions, I will compile the 15 most often recommended Jim/Pam stories, and the 15 most recommended Other Pairings stories. (The number of fics that will go on the list will be flexible depending on the number of submissions I receive.)

Please email your Top 5 Jim/Pam stories and Top 5 Other Pairings/Ensemble stories to by Monday, September 18th. Please label the email "Favourite Stories" to help me keep track of the submissions.

--Morning Angel on September 10, 2006 05:11 am 0 Comments