Calling all authors!!
I just thought I should let you know there are two more challenges just demanding to be responded to.

Rain, which opens up all kinds of doors for a wet Pam/Jim fic.

Road Trip, uhh backseat action definitely comes to mind.

I hope that gives everyone some fresh ideas!

--sicokitty on July 13, 2006 09:58 am 55 Comments
You are seriously trying to kill me.

Or get me fired...either or. ;)
- xoxoxo on July 13, 2006 10:17 am
Speaking of Challenges, I was just checking to see what would happen with the feature button and apparently I gave myself a blue ribbon, and now I have a permanent red ribbon. I thought I could just delete my story from that list, but now I'm apparently giving myself awards. How presumptuous of me! And, I was featured and retired all in about 30 seconds! By myself!
- Pixel on July 13, 2006 11:54 am
That's okay, Pixel! Rumba deserves ribbons. :-)
- on July 13, 2006 12:05 pm
I am still having a really hard time with these categories. For example: Missing Moments says that it is for Jim/Pam fic only. But then why is fic about Michael and Darryl, and fic about Kelly and Katy, filed there? Also, you seem to have taken my Pam/Toby fic out of the "Future" category - which is fine if those categories are actually only for Jim/Pam fic, but now apparently they aren't? I really do not understand this system at all. Also, I find the "Alternate Universe" category really strange - the way I've always understood it, AUs are when you change the whole universe. So for fic where everyone's in high school, or everyone's on a space ship, or whatever, not for things that take canon and veer off from it, but stay in the same plausible universe, like alternate endings for episodes do.

Is it site policy that you can change the categorization of our fic at any time, for any reason, without our consent? Because if it is, you really need to tell us that up front. I like to know where my stories go and what's happening to them, and if I file something under one category, a site better have a really good reason for changing that category, and they better let me know they're doing it. You can't just change my fic without asking me - that's not how this works.

You seriously need to figure out stable categories that are USABLE - I would be happy to help you out here. (Dividing other pairings into "canon" and "non-canon" is an impossible system in a fandom where canon is still being created - like I said already, everything might be totally different in season three. That's not even touching the question of what qualifies as canon.) And then you need to hammer out policies, and TELL PEOPLE WHAT THEY ARE. Authors deserve to know that a site reserves the right to change their fic before they decide to post there, and I for one would never post fic to a site with that policy.
- Annakovsky on July 13, 2006 01:21 pm
Bear with us please, Annakovsky. This whole thing started and took off pretty quickly, and I think we're still working out a lot of this stuff. I would definitely agree that instead of just moving stuff we should maybe notify the author and let them move their own stuff into the proper category.

I'm confused by the categories quite often also, so I understand your frustration. It's just going to take a little while to get it all finalized and ironed out I think. Canon vs non-canon is the most confusing one to me.

I think stuff is still going to pop up in the "wrong" categories as long as people are categorizing their own stuff. I do think that the author is probably the best one to decide where their stuff belongs.
- Pixel on July 13, 2006 01:40 pm
OK - that recent switching was the result of me and nomadshan - because we got ourselves confused. That Katy/Kelly story and the Darryl/Michael story were under non-canon "romantic" pairings and they weren't romantic. So I switched them to Missing Moments and AU stuff. Our fault completely for missing the Jim/Pam only tag.

I guess I'm confused now too - as to what my role is. We were simply trying to help categorize better and now we made a big ol' mess.

I was totally joking last night - but I guess the power really seemed to go to my head.
- xoxoxo on July 13, 2006 01:40 pm
PS - to add: sico, I'm going to sit on my hands here until you tell me what to do next.
- xoxoxo on July 13, 2006 01:42 pm
For the record, the Katy/Kelly and the Darryl/Michael story were both definitely 'shippy, if that's what you mean by "romantic". That's what the slash means, in a pairing label, that there's some level of sexual or emotional attraction involved (whether or not romance comes into it), and that's how I wrote them. (The alternative is gen, in which there is no sexual or romantic relationship implied or defined.) Both those stories are about people interacting with each other in a way that is not strictly platonic.
- kyrafic on July 13, 2006 01:46 pm
And, okay, hi guys. It's nice to see so much enthusiasm for the Office fandom! I'd like to make a few suggestions for the way the site is organized because I'm finding it really confusing as it is and I think the complexity/muddiness of some of the categories is going to make it trickier to use especially as time progresses. I'm really happy that this site has decided to be an archive for all fic, since the show itself is so ensemble-based and wide-ranging and full of variety. However the categories as they stand aren't parallel -- when one category is "Missing Moments" and one is "Angela/Gil" for instance you're working on different levels/with different types of labels (story type vs. pairing, in this case) so it makes it difficult to find stories. Having half a dozen categories for Jim/Pam fic and one for canon pairings (even though those can shift in the future, as the show goes on!) and one for non-canon pairings (with a somewhat overly exhaustive list) is also kind of overly complex -- and the less needlessly complex, the faster we can all find the fic, right? Right. :)

It might be helpful to look at how similar archives are set up. For instance, the Buffy fandom archive organization is easy to see here:

CATEGORY is the type of story. In this case it might be "Alternate Universe" (fic that diverges very specifically from canon in large ways -- like if Jim had never worked at Dunder Mifflin), "Futurefic" and so on. This includes ALL fic, regardless of pairing or non-pairing. THEN people can specificy characters and pairings and so forth. I know the fandom is small now so it seems easy to figure out where the existing fic fits, but an archive needs to be able to shift and grow as the fandom does, and as the show changes, and be organized as simply as possible. The current categories can also be confusing: what if a fic takes place partially in a scene from an episode, partially in a "missing moment" and partially after an episode has ended, then flashes back to pre-show? Which of the four current relevant categories would you place it in? What if it also went into the future? And limiting "Post-episode" to the most recent episode only means it will be constantly out of date as new episodes air.

I also think even trying to delineate between canon and non-canon is going to be a huge headache for everyone involved. We're smart people -- we can look at a fic and understand whether it's playing closer or farther from what's onscreen. Plus it's just asking for arguments -- for instance I could write you a whole essay on why I believe Roy/Angela is canon, based on what we've seen onscreen, and that's only one example of many. I don't think there's anything to lose by axing the whole canon vs. non-canon distinction.

I also see that some of the fic I've uploaded here has been moved into different categories without my consent, which really bothers me. Authors should have control of their own fic, should be allowed to categorize it as they see fit, and not come back to find it moved somewhere else. The very fact that some fic could apparently be a "Missing Moment" when it was originally in the non-canon pairing section of the site highlights that the current categorization system has some holes in it that need to be addressed.

As it stands, the current organization system (as well as these concerns about control over where fic is placed, etc) make me really loathe to post Pack Up Your Bags! or any of my other Jim/Pam fic here. I have a lot of ideas and suggestions about how this could be a really strong archive (and none of us would ever have to deal with again!), so if you'd like to bounce them back and forth I'd be more than happy to e-mail with you, sicokitty or any of the other mods -- Let me know if you have any thoughts. Thanks for all your work on this.
- kyrafic on July 13, 2006 01:47 pm
PPS - Maybe we're catergorizing too much and should just make the catergories broader - like simply Jim/Pam, Other Pairings, etc. Much less chance of having things put in the wrong place.

I just want everyone to be happy.
- xoxoxo on July 13, 2006 01:48 pm
kyrafic - I feel the need to extend my deepest apologies. It's obvious that I'm too much of a novice at this to be trusted, and I mean that sincerely. I honestly didn't mean any harm. Clearly we could certainly use some input.
- xoxoxo on July 13, 2006 01:55 pm
xoxox -- thanks for the quick response, and no hard feelings. :)

I definitely agree that broadening the categories is a great idea. We could even do it not by pairing at all, just type of story, and then have subcategories of pairing, like the "Other Pairings" sections currently do. This would be especially useful for a story with multiple pairings.

(Apologies for the lack of linebreaks in my comment above, I didn't realize I needed to insert them myself!)
- kyrafic on July 13, 2006 02:00 pm
Kyrafic - your Darryl/Michael and Katy/Kelly fics are back where you had them - so sorry. From here out, I'll always contact an author if I have a question about their tagging.
- nomadshan on July 13, 2006 02:23 pm
Sorry about that - I didn't mean to sound quite that strident. These are just, uh, things I feel strongly about, I guess. But I think this site has a ton of potential, and is a great idea, and you guys are putting a lot of work into it! Which I'm sure I'm not saying enough. :-)
- Annakovsky on July 13, 2006 02:32 pm
I agree that canon will be constantly changing, and it could quickly become a headache to keep up with it. I also agree that Post-Episode would be a problem for the same reason - time marches on! I understand why we have so many categories, and a fic can be tagged with multiple cats. It may help, though, to simplify things. I get the feeling sicokitty comes online later in the day (and overnight), so I'm holding off doing anything 'til then. It makes my stomach hurt to think I've pissed anyone off - certainly didn't mean to. Looking forward to resolving this simply.
- nomadshan on July 13, 2006 02:38 pm
Re: Alternate Universe...I'm very new to fanfic, so I'm not familiar with how this label has been used in the field. My understanding of it comes from the idea that every decision we make creates an alternate universe, with an infinite number possible. To me, it doesn't mean that the trees in the story are going to be purple, or that people evolved with chocolate syrup in their circulatory systems - it just means that Pam's rejecting Jim's kiss will create a different resulting world than if she embraces it. That said, if the phrase is used differently in most other fanfic, we should adhere to that to reduce confusion.
- nomadshan on July 13, 2006 02:46 pm
By my way of thinking, Alternate Universe would be like the MASH/Office story - the characters we know in a completely foreign setting. We do need to get these clearly defined and more general, because otherwise you can argue that ANY fanfic is alternate universe, because the odds that any of it will actually happen on the show is slim. I say let's dump canon and non-canon, because those are somewhat covered by "Other Pairings" etc. And it should be enough of a warning to anyone if they don't want to read a Jim/Roy slash just to have those characters and an explicit warning.
I think that part of the reason for so many Jim/Pam only categories is that this was originally envisioned as a place for Jim/Pam fic. But it's been expanded and sicokitty has had to try to work all that out. It's not a job that I'd want on my shoulders, but I'm glad she's doing it!

I'll tell you one thing, this has already been a huge learning experience for me!
- Pixel on July 13, 2006 03:02 pm
nomadshan - it just means that Pam's rejecting Jim's kiss will create a different resulting world than if she embraces it is definitely true but with a definition quite that broad then every single story would be labelled a/u, since they all vary from the show by their nature. And then, of course, the definition ceases to mean anything.

The way fandom at large uses the term is if the world of the fic is specifically and significantly different from the world of the show -- so if they were all in the Korean War OR if Jim had never come to work at Dunder Mifflin or if Pam had married Roy before she started at the office.

A fic where Jim gives Pam the Christmas card would not be an alternate universe, just a regular fanfic. The same goes for a story where Ryan hooks up with Angela or Jim and Pam get locked overnight in the supply closet. Yes they differ from the show, but that's just plain old non-a/u fanfic. :)

Does that clarify things at all?
- kyrafic on July 13, 2006 03:04 pm
Kyrafic - yes it does.
- nomadshan on July 13, 2006 03:12 pm
Kyrafic and I sat down and tried to hammer out some categories with an eye to them being useful, easy to understand (and understandable cross-fandoms - in other words, to using common fandom terminology) and to minimizing overlap between categories. We think that the easiest way for this fandom is to have large categories that include all pairings - so non-Jim/Pam pairings aren't excluded in another category. Then, under genre (instead of under character), pairing tags can be added so you can sort by pairing. This fandom's going to be 95% Jim/Pam anyway, so there's no need to put the other fic over in a category by themselves, and this way we use one consistent style of category instead of mixing them (story type, rather than pairing).

Our suggestions for categories:

Past (for stories that take place pre-series)
Present (for stories that take place during the current run of the show)
Future (for stories that take place far in the future - not post-Casino Night fic, but fic that's farther down the road)
Alternate Universe (for alternate universes, with premises dramatically different from the show as it stands; for instance, Jim never came to work at Dunder Mifflin)
Crossover (for crossovers with other shows)
Episode Related (for fic that is tied to a specific episode, whether that's an internal monologue during scenes we've seen, missing scenes, alternate endings to current episodes, or immediately post-episode fic)

For the pairings (which I think would be easiest filed under "genre"), I'd suggest this list:

Phyllis/Bob Vance

(and Kevin/Other and so forth for the rest of the cast - though there's no need to add characters that are only in one or two eps. I doubt there's going to be much Bob Vance/Other, and those people are under "Characters" anyway. Then, since you can tag things as multiple genres, a Pam/Toby fic would be listed as Pam/Other and Toby/Other, and you don't have to deal with listing over 200 pairings)

I'd also suggest that you add "gen" (for non-pairing fic), "het" (for heterosexual pairings) and "slash" (for homosexual pairings) to the genres, so that those are marked. Plus, I noticed that "Oneshot" is a genre but "Series" isn't - so you should probably add series.

Anyway, that's just our two cents - do with it what you will. I think this system would be easier and less confusing, though.
- Annakovsky on July 13, 2006 03:21 pm
How would you distinguish between Present and Episode-Related? ER is part of P, but P is not necessarily part of ER?
- nomadshan on July 13, 2006 03:28 pm
Oh, I meant to clarify that - thanks, Nomadshan. Present would be for a story like Pack Up Your Bags!, that is set during this season, but isn't connected to a specific episode and is just sort of nebulously after Booze Cruise. So Present is the general category for fic taking place in the current time - whereas if a fic IS tied to a specific episode, it goes in the episode related category and not in the "present" one. (Though I wouldn't have a big problem with people putting Episode Related fic in both categories. Whatever.)

Also, does anyone have sicokitty's email address? We wanted to send it to her directly, so when Australia rolls back into daylight she'll have it.
- Annakovsky on July 13, 2006 03:32 pm
Good question -- that would be at the author's discretion, but typically Episode Related would be tied very specifically to a certain episode (occurs within or right afterward) while Present would be generally in the present timeframe of the show, and connected to more than one episode or no specific episode.
- kyrafic on July 13, 2006 03:32 pm
Looks like sicokitty might have her email listed next to MSN IM in her profile. Not sure.
- nomadshan on July 13, 2006 03:38 pm
Wow, thanks for all the help, kyrafic and Annakovsky. I think the categories you came up with are perfect in that they are broad and easy to understand. I think if sicokitty is on board, then let's make all those changes. A lot of us are new to the world of fic in general (I know I am) and this site started as a project suggested by the folks on the TWoP Office board and has quickly (like, in the space of 72 hours) grown into something I'm not sure we all expected, so it has been very much a work in progress. Thank you for bearing with us.
- on July 13, 2006 03:52 pm