Important Changes

In an ongoing effort to improve the quality of MTT, site administrators will now have the right to make changes to a story's tags (categorization, rating, warnings, labels, disclaimer, etc.) without notifying the author. Any changes will be made in accordance with MTT's Terms of Service and Submission Rules, which have been updated to reflect this new policy.

Our goals are to give readers the most accurate data possible for story searches, and to ensure that site admins can do this as efficiently as possible.

Be assured that the body of a story will never be altered without an author's permission - only its tags.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to use the Comments feature below or the Contact Us link above.


--nomadshan on November 06, 2006 10:01 am 5 Comments
YAY for new rule.  I think it's a great idea.  
- kath0321 on November 06, 2006 10:27 am

Are there really 9999 reviews or is the counter screwed up?

Also, will MTT ever get a stats counter so we can see how many people are actually reading our stories?  Just wondered!

Keep up the great admin work - it's appreciated!!

- time4moxie on November 06, 2006 07:55 pm
Story counts are part of the feature list for the new relase..if it ever gets released!!  It's still in the testing/beta stages, but it's been there for a lot longer than they first projected it would be.
- sicokitty on November 06, 2006 09:34 pm
Any measure that makes the admin job easier for you all is a good one, IMO (I know it's not an easy job!). Thank you for all the work and effort you all put into this site. We love you ladies!
- nqllisi on November 07, 2006 11:53 am
Thanks for posting about it, Shan.
- Morning Angel on November 07, 2006 05:35 pm