Important Changes

We had a discussion amongst administrators at MTT, and we just wanted to outline a few important points.

Most members are respectful and overall, we have a lovely peaceful community.  However, some recent incidents have made it necessary for us to remind you of some points and institute a change. 

1) While registering multiple aliases for the purpose of having different types of fic kept separate is acceptable (e.g., to keep your MA-rated stories separate from the rest of your writing or to have a different identity for your angsty stories vs. your fluff), using multiple identities to flame, troll, and/or deceive other members is strictly forbidden.  Accounts will be locked immediately if such behaviour comes to our attention. 

2) Reviews must be polite and while constructive criticism is welcome, flaming/unpleasantness towards the writer of the story or other members of MTT is not.  This point leads to...

3) The option of leaving anonymous reviews has been suspended, at least temporarily.  It is far too easy to leave a rude review when one does not have to own up to it, and monitoring anonymous reviews is a bit of a headache on our end.  We hope this does not discourage readers from leaving feedback to our wonderful writers because this is not the intent.  We just want to make sure our writers receive a helpful kind (i.e., constructive) of reviews.

4) Please do read the Terms of Service and the submission rules.  Makes life easier for everyone.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.  We are always happy to help, especially if you are new around here and are not sure how things work.  

--Morning Angel on January 31, 2007 11:43 am 3 Comments
Thanks guys!  I really feel like some of the comments have gotten out of control - to the point where I just don't want to post stories anymore.  Glad you all took control - great job!
- agd300 on February 01, 2007 08:09 am

I absolutely think you guys are doing the right thing here. Especially with the anonymous comments. I mean, really, everyone is anonymous anyway, but not having to account for your comments on people's work just opens up the option for abuse even more.

It's really a shame that it had to come to this, but it's the right thing to do. Good for you.

- Pixel on February 01, 2007 01:34 pm
What Pixel said - thanks!
- nomadshan on February 01, 2007 09:00 pm