Admins, Validation and Adding New Stories
Ok first of all, I suck because I turned off submissions completely. This is the second time I've made that mistake, hence the suckage. Anyway, that aside, you can all add new fics.

Also, 30 members!! Awesome!

Thanks for all the feedback on the categories and genres. I've started building a tentative idea for each, but it's gonna need some work. You can select which category you want your fic to appear in, then you can select multiple genres for it to be related to. This is really helpful with searches, because say I'm looking for a future fic with angst where Pam and Jim get drunk, I can do that! So while the categories may seem more general, assoicating the genres will narrow it down more specifically. But, keep with the feedback, I'm pretty flexible and very clueless with this stuff.

I'm pretty much happy to add anyone who offered to help as admin. But what I need to know before I go on, is do we want to have each and every story require validation before it's posted? This will be great for the quality of the archive, but it could become annoying if the submitted fics aren't reviewed and approved quickly enough. I think we'd need at least 6-10 people just to review submitted fics, so that the process is done quickly. I think I have four or five people so far who have offered to do non techie stuff, and this would be the non techie stuff I'd like you to do if we stick with the review process.

So we need to decide- yes or no to validating all submissions?

nomadshan, I don't think you offered, but would you be willing to come on board to create and maintain the categories and genres? I pretty much used ALL of your suggestions and you did say you loved sorting stuff!

--sicokitty on July 10, 2006 03:06 am 43 Comments
sorry, that last comment was for sicokitty.
- nomadshan on July 10, 2006 06:07 am
what about an inner monologue during a scene? like while they're in the car park casino night.
- sicokitty on July 10, 2006 06:18 am
Maybe we should have a Canon category for existing episodes?
- nomadshan on July 10, 2006 06:21 am
I added that category - check the description - seems to fit. Gotta get to bed now - the sun's coming up!
- nomadshan on July 10, 2006 06:26 am
haha, i was wondering about the whole fact that it was after 5am. get some sleep!! crazy woman.

and thanks soooo much, you've made this a hundred times easier to get up and running, the cats and genres are perfect. :-)
- sicokitty on July 10, 2006 06:29 am
I just want to say the site looks great! :)
- loveleee on July 10, 2006 10:33 am
Wait, so pairings other than Jim/Pam are okay, but no slash is allowed?? I think that kind of policy is asking for the site to go down in flames of wank. Either make it a Jim/Pam archive (and use the general category for Jim/Pam UST or ensemble fic), or make it an all-Office fic archive, but please, please don't exclude just one genre of fic. I know that I, personally, couldn't in good conscience post my fic to a site with that policy.
- Annakovsky on July 10, 2006 12:35 pm
Annakovsky, I don't think sicokitty said that. I was the one inquiring what was to be included in that general category. I just wasn't clear what the parameters to that were. I agree that I wouldn't want to discriminate against specific pairings just because they happen to be slash.
- Morning Angel on July 10, 2006 12:50 pm
Ugh... it posted before I was finished. I could see the general category being ensemble fic that has some JAM in there, but where it is not the focal point of the story. But certainly, this is sicokitty's site so it is up to her in terms of how she wants to define these things.
- Morning Angel on July 10, 2006 12:55 pm
Sorry for the double post! I'm not sure why it reposted the same thing 20 minutes later. Anyway, I think sicokitty said she wanted to go towards a Jim/Pam archive, which means, I guess, all other pairing stories would be excluded, unless it was ensemble fic. Did I get that right?
- Morning Angel on July 10, 2006 01:16 pm
I'm pretty new to fanfic, so...what's slash?
- nomadshan on July 10, 2006 02:29 pm
I kind of like the idea of validating the fics before they're posted. Sicokitty - if you need any help with that I'd love to be of assistance.
Nomadshan - slash fic is the pairing of two people of the same gender. For instance Ryan/Michael or Angela/Pam.
- shannanagin on July 10, 2006 04:11 pm
Ok, I remember a fic that paired Jim and Roy. It seemed bizarre, but whatever. On the other hand, I'd love a fic that involved Oscar + Gil.
- nomadshan on July 10, 2006 04:32 pm
Ok I didn't mean to upset anyone with what I said about slash. If it was canon, ie Oscar, I wouldn't have a problem with it. I just don't like slash personally, and would not like to see it on my site. But if I had to choose between having it, and not having any other cast stuff, then I just wouldn't have any other cast stuff. It would just seem way too weird to have slash on a Pam and Jim archive.
- sicokitty on July 10, 2006 07:07 pm
But if the majority of you felt that strongly about it, then by majority rules, we would have it. Slash squicks me out, so for me, it was just an easy choice to not have it, I didn't really think beyond my own opinion, sorry!
- sicokitty on July 10, 2006 07:10 pm
Personally, I don't tend to read fics with pairings that are not canon to a show, because I'm rarely sold to innovative coupling. I don't want to read about Ryan hooking up with Jan or Pam any more than with Michael. But I'm sure plenty of people enjoy a broader variety of pairings than I so I certainly don't want to deny them the right to read that. It depends more what the scope of the archive is going to be. nomadshan, I don't think I've stumbled upon a Oscar/Gil story so far. I'd like to read one though because I love Oscar.
- Morning Angel on July 10, 2006 07:45 pm
I don't like non-canon pairings, either. On the other hand, fantasy is a huge part of fanfic. I think you have two options. Either keep the archive Jam-only, or allow everything and let the ratings take care of the less popular stuff. I don't mind either way, but you've done us a great service here, so I defer to you!
- nomadshan on July 10, 2006 07:53 pm
Hey guys... just dropping by with my two cents! :)

Sicokitty, I can't imagine there being too many complaints about a Jam-only archive. :) Didn't bbatsell over on the TWoP fanfic thread mention that he was almost done with his own fanfic site before he saw this one up and running? Maybe he'd be interested in having a site with all slash, gen, all pairings, etc.

About the validations - I've never been involved in a fanfic archive before, so maybe someone else could explain how it worked elsewhere. I know that it would be great to have a 'quality' fic site, but is it going to be a problem deciding what's 'quality' and are people's heads going to be exploding all over? (And here I look nervously in the direction of the Harry Potter fandom...)
- Ham and Cheese on July 10, 2006 10:08 pm