Co Admins
First of all- make sure you read the previous news item!

Second! I've added in all the people who offered to co admin as follows-

Morning Angel

You guys will be overseeing four categories, Canon, Prequel, Future and General.


You guys will be overseeing four categories also, Missing Moments, Post Episode, AU, and Other Pairings.

I will leave it up to you guys to come to a conclusion how you want attack the whole quality control issue, but I think the best way might just be to rely on the ratings from yourselves, and act accordingly.

Our first challenge was issued, and we already have two fantastic responses aleady, so check them out!!

--sicokitty on July 12, 2006 12:21 am 82 Comments

i think it might have to do with how i set up your admin powers, so i cleared out the category access, hoping that would fix it.
- sicokitty on July 13, 2006 12:12 am
xoxoxo, i'm going to revoke your admin access for a minute, let me know if you still can't see the challenges.
- sicokitty on July 13, 2006 12:13 am
ok log out and back in again and tell me what happens.
- sicokitty on July 13, 2006 12:14 am
sico, done. It worked fine.

Does this mean I'm no longer powerful??? Oh man. Just when I was relishing in it. ;)
- xoxoxo on July 13, 2006 12:18 am
I know I still can't see them. I'm going to log out and try it. But one question-what's that blue ribbon on the camping trip story?
- Pixel on July 13, 2006 12:18 am
it's ok guys, i'll just have to give you MORE power. :P
- on July 13, 2006 12:20 am
I think the blue ribbons are given to the 3 stories who get the best ratings within a challenge. It's like a fiction fair. LOL
- Morning Angel on July 13, 2006 12:23 am
God, I'm already drunk on the little bit of power I have! What's next? The ability to raise the dead?
- Pixel on July 13, 2006 12:24 am
So that was weird anyway. Level 3 admins can't access the challenges, so I made you all level 2 admins, just...don't touch it if you're not sure what it does, ok?

Pixel those are featured stories with the ribbon. I was testing it out to see if the block works, but it doesn't. I'll see what I can do, but you can at least see the ribbon.
- sicokitty on July 13, 2006 12:24 am
Ho, best in show and whatnot? I'm going to have to stop giving everyone 10's.
- Pixel on July 13, 2006 12:24 am
It works now. Yay. This is just one bizarre glitch in the system.
- Morning Angel on July 13, 2006 12:24 am
I promise to use my superpowers for good, not evil!
- Morning Angel on July 13, 2006 12:26 am
You don't have to worry about me messing with anything! The only thing I'm here for is to help with the basics. And as far as don't touch it if you don't know what it does - that's what she said!
- Pixel on July 13, 2006 12:26 am
twss- LOL.

yea they're like the ribbons you give cows at a cattle fair. once i get the block up, they'll feature on the front page too.

yes there are some very odd glitches, i guess you could call them endearing, you learn to put up with them. like having to use break tags in comments to news items. ew.
- sicokitty on July 13, 2006 12:33 am
Yeah, the formatting of comments without break is most bizarre. So if we use html code, they work to modify the text? Let's see if/what works ...
- Morning Angel on July 13, 2006 12:37 am
i have a list of tags that work in the settings...but i didn't expect it to not do the break tags for you automatically. it does everywhere else BUT the news block. and also when you're viewing just the one news item, it's all squished together too. ew.
- sicokitty on July 13, 2006 12:45 am
< strong>< em>< br />< br>< blockquote>< strike>< font>< b>< i>< u>< center>< img>< a>< hr>< p>< ul>< li>< ol>

i don't even know what some of those last ones do.
- sicokitty on July 13, 2006 12:47 am
Not me. I'm taking my power and running rampant. I'll to edit stories with wild abandon, change all pairings to Jim/Pam and add a "hot eyebrow" category. :)

Now there's an idea for a challenge. LOL!
- xoxoxo on July 13, 2006 12:50 am
BWAHAHA!!! Power is good.

xoxoxo, you crack me up. A "hot eyebrow" category. Heh. The JK hussies would love that.
- shannanagin on July 13, 2006 12:54 am
Please. Thanks to nomadshan my mind is deeply entrenched in the gutter tonight. I am supposed to be up at 5:15. It's midnight where I am now and I can't stop writing. At the rate I'm going, I won't need my wake-up call at all.
- xoxoxo on July 13, 2006 12:59 am
WOO HOO!!! Hot Eyebrows challenge.

All. Over. It. (TWSS)
- nomadshan on July 13, 2006 01:03 am
power-mad xoxoxo makes me giggle
- nomadshan on July 13, 2006 01:03 am
xoxoxo, sleep deprivation is never a good thing... unless it provides us with some new excellent fic. Hey, and when the muse strikes you gotta go with it right?
- shannanagin on July 13, 2006 01:05 am
xoxoxo needs sleep deprivation all the time. the new chapter of moments just KILLED me.
- sicokitty on July 13, 2006 02:24 am
ok so the categories, rather than remove canon, i just renamed it so that it wasn't as confusing. i think the name still fits in with when rather than what. i also added in canon pairings, and amended the summaries on the main 6 jim/pam categories, so that it is a bit clearer that only pam and jim fics should be categorised there. the other pairings can go in their own category and the genres should take care of the rest for them. i hope that works a bit better.
- sicokitty on July 13, 2006 02:59 am