Calling all authors!!
I just thought I should let you know there are two more challenges just demanding to be responded to.

Rain, which opens up all kinds of doors for a wet Pam/Jim fic.

Road Trip, uhh backseat action definitely comes to mind.

I hope that gives everyone some fresh ideas!

--sicokitty on July 13, 2006 09:58 am 55 Comments
Oh, our pleasure - we really love this show, and having an archive for its fic is really a fantastic idea. We've been in an embarrassing number of fandoms for an embarrassing amount of time, so whatever sad, sad wealth of knowledge that gives us, we're happy to share. :-) Anyway, we'll see what sicokitty thinks.
- Annakovsky on July 13, 2006 04:05 pm
Also, I meant to say - our suggestion is only a suggestion, and isn't the only way to do things, or necessarily the best way, at all, and I don't mean to be, like, laying down the law or anything like that. This is your archive! You should do things how you want. As long as things get decided as being one clear way, with clear categories, and everybody knows what that way is, I'm fine with it.
- Annakovsky on July 13, 2006 05:22 pm
Gosh darn us newbies for thinking we could create our own fanfic aristocracy! We're so arrogant! (Just kidding - I think the suggestions are great. In fact, I was just coming here to suggest a crossover section, although I tried after MASH to figure out another show to fit these guys into and haven't yet.
- Pixel on July 13, 2006 05:38 pm
O*F*F*I*C*E is Alternate Universe, though, right? Not crossover? (This isn't a correction for you, Pixel, just me trying to work this out in my head). For example, an Office/MASH AU would be the Office taking place during the Korean War, whereas an Office/MASH crossover would be, I don't know, Jim and Pam see an elderly man on a Scranton park bench and it turns out to be Radar. Am I on target with this? I'm still learning about all this stuff.
- on July 13, 2006 05:46 pm
O*F*F*I*C*E is a really freakish kind of fic, since it is actually kind of simultaneously AU and crossover. The more typical crossover would be what you said about them running into Radar, swestworld, and a more typical AU would be, like, a WWII AU that isn't connected to a particular other TV show. Since in O*F*F*I*C*E there are no actual M*A*S*H characters, but most of the relationships run in parallel to the M*A*S*H relationships, it's in a weird position. I'd tend to categorize it as more AU than crossover, but you could make an argument for either or both, probably. Sorry to write a fic that is ridiculously cross-genre like that, to muddy the waters. :-)

Hee, really, Pixel? That's kind of awesome. I would so fully support more AUs and crossovers.
- Annakovsky on July 13, 2006 06:26 pm
I wanted to say I LOVE this archive, it's an awesome idea and I've been reading new fic all day. hehe

I just had a question, is there a deadline for any of the challenges or are they just prompts?
- katrina87 on July 13, 2006 11:22 pm
As far as I know, there are no deadlines. They're just prompts. I know that I, for one, would hate for someone to not submit something just because of a silly old deadline!
- Pixel on July 13, 2006 11:55 pm
We have 69 members - Kevin's favorite number! [/6th grade humor]
- nomadshan on July 13, 2006 11:55 pm
i'm going to read through all that again in a minute, but man! and we thought it would be so easy! lol

I dunno, are we maybe asking for too much trouble including other pairing at all? I really didn't expect to have a whole lot posted to be honest, so I didn't put much thought into that.

Annakovsky, I think I may have re categorised a bunch of fics last night too. I didn't mean any harm in it, and I had no idea that it would be considered as altering your fic. I just thought that there was some initial confusion regarding the categories, and I was tidying up afterwards. Again, I'm really sorry, I didn't actually touch any of it's content.
- sicokitty on July 14, 2006 12:55 am
I think the categories you guys came up with are great. They definitely organise things a lot better than what we currently have.

I am though, starting to worry about where we're going with the other pairings. I keep coming back to the fact that we wanted to have a dedicated Pam/Jim fic archive, but it's turning out to be a more general Office Fic archive, which wasn't our original vision. At the same time though, I really want to have the other fics posted here, I just didn't want them jumbled up with the Jim/Pam stuff.

Nomadshan came up with a great idea of just having two categories, Jim/Pam, and other, with the categories Annakovsky and Kyra came up with in there as the sub categories. That feels like the best compromise for me personally, but I think this is something the admins will need to get together and discuss this some more. We haven't even had a chance to discuss our policy for the site, so hopefully we can go over that as well. As far as the re categorising goes, we'd discussed doing that when we'd decided no to have the fic validation. But if authors are going to havea huge problem with us doing that, then we can definitely make it a policy for the admins to notify the author prior. But I'm not quite sure what we would do if the author doesn't respond in a reasonable amount of time.

But yea, those are my thoughts at the moment, I had a pretty yuck day at work, so I'm sorry if I've rambled too much. :-)
- sicokitty on July 14, 2006 01:56 am
How would you like to go about the admin discussion?
- nomadshan on July 14, 2006 02:06 am
Not sure, probably some kind of IM program, maybe i'll dust off AIM and see if it decides to work. It hates my computer normally. But I do have msn and could do yahoo messenger if needed, I just never got around to installing it on my new pc.
- sicokitty on July 14, 2006 02:22 am
I have MSN & can install AIM or Yahoo if need be. I like the suggestions that have been thrown into the mix (a lot of categorization would certainly be more standard as far as fanfic communities go), but I agree that we need to talk so we are all heading in the same direction, whatever that may be. I personally would love for the archive to be all inclusive, but if it is not what you want to have to deal with, sicokitty, it is up to you. I'm just tagging along to help.

I will admit, I personally didn't even think recategorizing could be an issue for authors since it doesn't involve modifying anything about the story itself. To me, it was simply about making sure a story was easily accessible within our own little Dewey system we've got going here. I guess this is something we should certainly take into consideration, and it does beg the question whether a systematic validation might be needed so that an author might be informed of classification changes before the story hits the archive so that the author can pull it if he/she is unhappy with the changes.
- Morning Angel on July 14, 2006 04:11 am
I'm just a silly girl who sees so much potential in two fictional characters I feel the need to write about them. I did not even begin to realize the scope of what we were taking on here.

I can do either msn and AIM - and I have a yahoo account too I think - I never even use it. Just let me know where and when and if I'm not flying or delayed in an airport (cross your fingers - I go home tomorrow) I'll be there!!

I love the idea of this site. Truly, truly. I want to do anything I can to make it work. It's clearly too big a job for one person and if I can help out in some small way then that's what I want to do.

So let's all chat so you can tell me how. :)
- xoxoxo on July 14, 2006 06:42 am
cause i'm bored, i'm gonna do up an example of what nomadshan suggested, for everyone to have a look at.

i think that if everyone can remember that this is primarily a jim/pam archive, i would be happy to have all of the other pairings here, but if that's going to be a problem for any of the authors, then maybe we do need to discuss dropping the other pairings all together. i really want this to work and for everyone to be happy, but if it's going to create too much hassle, maybe we should leave it. the other pairings were supposed to come second to that, and i didn't realise it would create such a stir.
- sicokitty on July 14, 2006 08:05 am
Ok, I've done that, "Jim and Pam" and "Other", so have a look at them. If we go with that, those will be the only two categories, as the sub cats will take care of the rest, and we can add in the pairings etc as you suggested. I didn't initially add in series as a genre because this software has it's own series section where you can add a bunch of fics all in the same series under it's own little series title and everything. I thought maybe we could add multi-chapter as opposed to series, so there isn't any confusion between a several chapter long fic, and a series of fics. I guess you could still label it series though, if you came accross the story under the all stories tab, then you would know it was part of a series. Ok, yea that does make more sense.
- sicokitty on July 14, 2006 08:25 am
Oh, and that's only a preview at this point, the categories I mean, obviously the admins still need to get together and have a discussion first before anything is decided.

I don't think i've said this yet, but i really appreciate all the opinions today. I won't lie, they gave me a headache, but it's all good. ;-)
- sicokitty on July 14, 2006 08:28 am
I can do AIM. And it's better for me to hook up at night, but tonight I'll be out at a waterpark until about 9pm CST.
- Pixel on July 14, 2006 09:54 am
If everyone is willing to join Delphi, we can set up a chat room over there. Let me know.
- Pixel on July 14, 2006 10:14 am
I'm easy. (ha! TWSS) Just tell me when and where and I'll show up.
- xoxoxo on July 14, 2006 10:24 am
If everyone is willing to join Delphi, we can set up a chat room over there. Let me know.
- Pixel on July 14, 2006 10:34 am
I can't meet to chat during my work day (which today is 10:30 to 6:30 CST), but I'm available this evening after around 7:30 CST (and I can stay up late so we can accommodate Andi). So like xoxoxo, I'm easy. :-) I'm mac-only like Pixel but I have a Delphi membership and I'm on AIM. Whatever works best for everyone.
- on July 14, 2006 10:39 am
what's delphi?? i have to get to bed soon, i should be up about 9am my time which is GMT+10.
- sicokitty on July 14, 2006 10:46 am
Ok, I've done that, "Jim and Pam" and "Other", so have a look at them. If we go with that, those will be the only two categories, as the sub cats will take care of the rest, and we can add in the pairings etc as you suggested.

This seems reasonable to me!
- kyrafic on July 14, 2006 11:04 am
is there going to be any problem with us shifting everything over into those categories?
- sicokitty on July 14, 2006 11:30 am