Date: April 28, 2010 09:08 pm Title: Chapter 9
Question: Why do you stop on cliff hangers?
Fact: Stopping on cliff hangers not only makes the reader go 'Ahh! What? Wait... why? When they get to the end of the chapter, but makes them NEED to read more so badly, they just don't know what to do. That said, what am I going to do while I wait? Just do my math homework, then go to school, then sleep, eat... and daydream about what happens next in your amazingly wonderful (and suspenseful) story.
Please continue! (I totally understand that you're in school - so please, let that be your #1 priority, that's so much more important - but know that your readers are completely hooked and curious to see what happens next. We'll wait!)
Author's Response: Thank you! And I looooove cliff hangers--keeps people reading and anticipating what's next. So glad that you're enjoying it, and I promise, once graduation is over, I will be sure to update another chapter too!
Date: April 28, 2010 09:25 am Title: Chapter 9
Hey! You're back! I missed this story, Jenn. I'm emotionally invested. My heart just breaks for Jim and Claire, and this chap just adds to it. What an ending! I hope you can update again soon.
Author's Response: I am back! Thank you Nancy, I'm so glad that you're continuing to enjoy the story, and as soon as I graduate in May I'll try to get another chapter up. I may even write some while I'm home from surgery this week. Hope all is well ♥
Date: April 28, 2010 07:37 am Title: Chapter 9
I'm so glad you're continuing this! I have to say I think, in my opinion this is the most powerful chapter of the story so far. It really pushes the story forward. And the end is very powerful when Claire asks “Did you really love Mom?” How can he explain to her who Pam is to him and not betray Claire's trust in him. I don't know if that made sense, so I hope what you know what I mean. I'm just really glad you're continuing this story. And congratulations on graduation! Can't wait to see what the next chapters bring.
Author's Response: Oh thank you! I really worked on the language that I used in this chapter, as well as tried to hit home about some stuff that were personal to me. I love Jim's relationship with Claire, and so this tension is definitely going to stir some things up--as soon as she finds out what Jim's intentions are in Philly ;) Look for an update soon!
Date: April 28, 2010 02:12 am Title: Chapter 9
Oh, I was so excited to see an update on this fic this morning! Totally understand the busyness though, and so glad you found the time to update. :) I fear things could get difficult if he doesn't explain to Claire why he's suddenly so drawn to philly... although things could get difficult either way. Intrigued to know what he'll say about Sarah, (and Pam) to her. I'm in no doubt over the answer to Claire's question, but I think it might be hard to make her understand how he feels about Pam without tainting how she views her parent's relationship (whenever that may be addressed). Looking forward to more :)
Author's Response: Katie, you hit the nail right on the head with this reviews. I'm playing on that and that's what makes the fic so much fun for me. Dealing with a parent whose lost their spouse, but has found someone else is so difficult for a child, and that's why I'm being very careful with what Jim says to Claire. :) Thanks so much for the review!