Date: July 20, 2019 06:13 am Title: Pamerica Online
This story got me in trouble at work, because I kept sneaking off to read it instead of doing my job. I'm a sucker for any and all prior PB&J meetings I can find, and this is one of the best. Loved every second of it. Thanks for sharing it. And your other stuff. I only discover this site last week, criminal negligence on the internet's part as far as I'm concerned, and have been binge reading anything I get my teeth in, and your work is some of the best.
Author's Response: Thank you so much, both for the specific comment on this fic and the overall! Welcome to this site (now that it's 5 months later) and I hope you stick around to read more!
Date: January 04, 2018 09:35 am Title: Pamerica Online
I read this entire thing and completely forgot to review, but better late than never! This was such a fun and cute story! I love stories written in messaging format, and you did a really good job with it. The balance between messaging and regular chapters was perfect and farther solidified the way that Pam felt that her personality online and offline were different. I like how Jim and Pam both shared the same experiences but their cautiousness as well as differentiation in persepctive blinded them to each others' true identities. I'm still in awe at your consistency in posting, and I'm never disappointed by the quality of your content.
Author's Response: Thank you! That means a lot, especially given how much I respect your work in turn. I'm particularly glad you liked the balance between messaging and not--I was a little worried I'd messed that up, so it's good to hear I didn't.
Date: December 24, 2017 05:03 pm Title: Pamerica Online
I. Can't. Wait!!!!!!! Gahhh!!!!!!!
Author's Response: We're almost there. One more full chapter left.
Date: December 17, 2017 08:17 pm Title: Pamerica Online
I suppose this is the firs time story that I’ve been yelled at for leaving too many jellybeans ;)
While I’m constantly yelling at Pam and Jim to realize that they’ve known each other for years, I also actually kind of love the torture of them being so close but so far. Love it! Can’t wait for more!
Author's Response: I'm flattered :). And I feel like yelling at them in the real series, so I feel that way even more in this--and I'm the one writing it! I do promise a happy ending though, I'm a definite JAM shipper. This will not be one of those bittersweet ones where the length of not realizing it overwhelms them into silence.
Date: December 17, 2017 05:20 pm Title: Pamerica Online
OK so I think I finally guessed when will the reveal (probably) be :p There was a clue in this chapter that I noticed.
This story is getting even better, I'm hooked!
Author's Response: I'm glad you think it's getting better! I do strive for improvement ;). And there's definitely clues throughout, though I might also be strewing clues I don't even realize I'm I don't promise all clues are to the correct resolution.
Date: December 17, 2017 08:58 am Title: Pamerica Online
Fantastic story, I love the 'when will they find out' tension. You are the best for posting updates so frequently.
Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad the tension feels like a positive and not a negative! I'll try to keep up the posting pace, it helps me actually get the story written ;).
Date: December 09, 2017 05:58 pm Title: Pamerica Online
Oh man, what an awesome story. Very well written. Have to feel bad for Jim for clinging onto his ‘online girlfriend that’s never going to happen’ for such a long time, but it’s really cool to see how their online relationship and real life relationship are overlapping.
Author's Response: We're going to see some more of Jim's perspective on dating both in the Cugino's chapter and when we finally get to Hot Girl. I don't think it's quite as sad as it might seem (though yeah, I feel for the guy). I promise I'll make it worth his (and hopefully your) while.
Date: December 02, 2017 08:51 pm Title: Pamerica Online
Loving this already....and You've Got Mail is one of my Desert Island Five, so it's basically perfect. Excited to keep reading! I love the fics that's bring the JAM together. Hearts.
Author's Response: Thanks! If you like JAM coming together, you and I have a lot in common, though I'll warn you that I know where I plan for this to go and it'll take a while for them to actually come together in this one (though they will do so, obviously). Thanks for reading.
Date: December 02, 2017 04:19 pm Title: Pamerica Online
So familiar...This is pretty much the number one argument in my home.
I had a brief fan girl moment when I saw the summary for this as NLM and I often discuss which movies will adapt well to jam fic... we had discussed Ryan/Hanks movies a few months ago. So this is amazing.
Also, excellent title!
Author's Response:
Seeing as I'm trying to remember back to my own youth, it's good to know that I'm at least sounding familiar to someone going through a similar argument now.
I'm a huge fan of all the plays/musicals/movies this is trying to draw on, so I'm hoping this will live up to that kind of hype. Obviously since I'm starting before S1 (with a goal of going into S2) it'll be a little bit of a slow build, but I'm hoping it's worth the wait.
And thanks! I try to title these snappily, so I'm glad this one works for you.