Reviews For Trivial Pursuits
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Reviewer: beanchimjin Signed [Report This]
Date: December 16, 2024 03:06 am Title: "Diversity Day"

!!!! There's a ping everytime they mention something that would lead either of them closer to the truth omg the sketches!!! Im wracking my brain trying to remember when she showed Jim her sketchbook

Reviewer: agian18 Signed [Report This]
Date: December 13, 2017 03:52 am Title: "Diversity Day"

Oh my god, they’re so oblivious it’s adorable! I love how you can have them talking about one another without even realizing it. Can’t wait to see more!

Author's Response: They will remain oblivious for some time yet; I'm glad it worked for you to have them bring each other up. It felt wrong to me to have them avoid mentioning their other friend (but realistic enough that they hadn't done so yet, given that each of them avoids details out of habit). We may get a little less obliviousness and a little more talking about other topics (like the art) going forward.

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