Reviews For Trivial Pursuits
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Reviewer: beanchimjin Signed [Report This]
Date: December 16, 2024 04:10 am Title: "The Fire"

OH MY GOD this was REALLY great again, the ingenuity of the premise really shines here cuz "i have a lot of experience" POOR JIM POOR PAM you two pure summer babies omg?

Reviewer: BecauseOfYou Signed [Report This]
Date: December 21, 2017 08:43 am Title: "The Fire"

Argh, I’ve been a bad reader/reviewer. Christmas is kicking my butt!

I really liked how you focused these last two chapters on Pam and connected them the way you did. That whole jealousy thing was brilliant, probably my favorite part of the story so far.
I wish I had jellybeans to give this chapter!

Author's Response: I appreciate the kind words. I certainly don't think of you as a bad reader/reviewer; I always appreciate hearing whatever you have to say. I'm glad the emphasis on Pam is working for you. I think she has the furthest to go at the start of the story, so I want to make sure she gets there in time.

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