Date: June 04, 2023 04:31 pm Title: Chapter 1
I like how Roy and Pam was having a good evening. Showing it wasn’t all bad. But we still see they don’t really connect like Pam and Jim do.
Which we do see later. Great first chapter!
Date: May 21, 2021 05:44 pm Title: Chapter 1
Poor Darryl! That man deserves a hug; of ALL days for your wife to just up-and-leave you, it's Valentine's Day?
I don't blame Pam either. If I had the chance to go and hang with my best co-worker friend (who you lowkey have feelings for), I'd do the same!
Great chapter, NLM!
Date: September 28, 2020 10:24 am Title: Chapter 1
I really appreciate the choice to have Pam available to show up because of Roy doing something decent rather than overwhelmingly terrible - I'm a committed Roy hater, but it does make the story more interesting (and Pam's choices more understandable) if he has something going for him. Like, this isn't great fiancee behavior from a fiancee who is typically not great, but it's at least him being a good guy.
I also like the level of awareness of her choices Pam has, which feels very appropriate to this point in their relationship - she's definitely headed for a particular outcome, but it's not like she's conscious that she's wrestling with her feelings for Jim.
Date: February 16, 2018 06:57 am Title: Chapter 1
Woohoo!!! Let’s get this party started!!
Author's Response: "Let's get it started" - Black Eyed Crows
Date: February 15, 2018 10:09 am Title: Chapter 1
I love stories set in this time period! Early JAM just tugs at my heartstrings. Can’t wait to see it finished!
Author's Response: I know it, I'm trying to challenge myself to write more middle or later season JAM but I just can't quit these early days! Thanks for taking the time to review and also thank you so much for coming back to us after so long!