Date: July 07, 2024 05:56 am Title: Chapter 5
Another great story from you! I love this concept of an angst filled story happening to the whole family, not just Jam. If you have any spare ideas for another one, I'll be always waiting!
Date: September 28, 2020 10:25 pm Title: Chapter 5
Yikes, I think jellybean'd this without actually reviewing.
I liked the use of flashbacks to Jim's experiences as a father here - in particular as Cece's role grows, I think it's useful to have a baseline of the sort of relationships he had with his kids pre-accident, in particular since we have such a rich history with him and Pam. Makes them characters and not just symbols. Plus, let's face it, Daddy Jim is adorable.
The transition from there to Pam coming face-to-face with a badly injured, unable-to-speak Jim is brutal in a way that I think helps illustrate the shock this is for this little family, too.
Author's Response: Thank you so much for the jellybeans AND review, I always look forward to your well thought out reviews, and just want to thank you so much for hanging in with this story and continuing on to support my writing. Daddy Jim is pretty adorable, and as you saw in the upcoming chapter there’s about to be a whole lot more of it. I think Jim’s character is dynamic where he struggles with his internal shock and depression from this incident but also the love he has from his family and the support from them.
The part where Pam sees Jim post accident is traumatic and scary and will lean into how she continues to see him in the future, trying to build back this feeling of him being strong and able to carry the weight of aspects of their family. I think she will work
Through some struggles with this, and I’m excited to see where it goes and what you think!
Date: September 24, 2020 07:42 pm Title: Chapter 5
Nice use of the flashbacks to give us some depth to the Halpert family. How Jim cares for his kids and how scared Pam was as he's heading into surgery. Nice to have that as it builds up your characters well.
Author's Response: Thank you! I wanted some insight into how Jim deals with “crisis” before their family is thrust into one, and give some intimate moments between him and his kiddos. I love writing his perspective and drawing from my own TBI, accident, and time in ICU and how that affected my wife has been hugely inspirational for this story