Date: October 15, 2020 06:24 pm Title: Chapter 10
Another great update! I always love when people explore the idea of the documentary after the show ends, like Cece finding the DVDs.
I also can’t wait to find out baby Halpert’s name! I hope the delivery goes well, because they’ve all had one hell of a year. Haha
Author's Response: Her name will be revealed so soon! Thank you again for another lovely review!
Date: October 15, 2020 01:19 pm Title: Chapter 10
Jesus. No mercy from you towards these characters, huh? They're having about the wildest year imaginable.
That was a moving glimpse into what exactly Jim's experience with PTSD has been like, particularly as we're seeing him make noticeable progress in recovery from his physical injuries. Interested to see where you go with that next - and how Pam is holding up with all of this.
I am absolutely fascinated by the concept of Cece and Phil reacting to the documentary, and I really love that you brought it into this - she's definitely at the age where she'd be aware of it and curious about it, and at a moment in her life when she might be especially interested in what her parents' lives were like before.
The puzzle metaphor is a good one - understandable for someone who is still a little young to grasp the nuances of adult relationships, pretty accurate, and kind enough to Roy.
(I absolutely love the detail of Cece having Pam's tongue-between-the-teeth smile.)
Author's Response: Ahaha and here I was thinking this chapter was tame compared to my others lol. Had to bring a little action in here! Jim’s PTSD is a bit of a beast, we’ll continue to delve into that. I also am extremely interested in the discovery of the documentary and how that has shaped their lives and especially what their children think of it. I want to see more snippets of that in stories so there will most certainly be more of it. Cece’s got that same infectious smile just like her Momma :) Thank you for your review!!
Date: October 14, 2020 11:15 pm Title: Chapter 10
This is a lovely chapter.
As a 14-year-old, I can relate so much to Cece. Seeing the relationship that Jim and Cece has reminds me so much of my dad and myself.
I love how to tackle the topic of how Jim explained Roy and Pam’s relationship to Cece with the puzzle analogy. It was very clever indeed.
Throughout the run of The Office, I adore the moments whereby Pam has her head on Jim’s shoulder and Jim will plant her kiss on her head. It always make my heart flutter. I’m glad you wrote it in when they were discussing baby names. It made my heart melt. We finally get to see the sweet side of Jim and Pam again. It’s definitely one of my favorite part of this chapter.
Ohhhh boy, we are in for a ride. Baby Halpert #3 is coming in HOT!!! She could not wait to see this world, couldn’t she?
Author's Response: I love that you’re able to relate to her! That actually means a lot to me, because I am not 14, nor 11, and although I remember it quite clearly, I have to think about what being a pre-teen in 2020 actually looks like. It’s nice to hear she’s relatable, and in character. I think she grew up to be a spit fire. Her parents were both a bit wishy washy and I think they raised her to know what she wants, speak her truth, and go out and get it. I love Cece, that’s why she’s such a big part of this story.
Baby Halpert can’t wait to get here! I love when you said she’s coming in hot, it made me actually laugh out loud today. Lol. I love that she’s making her way into the world, and they’re not ready even though this is their third time around. But sometimes you just have to jump even when you’re not ready. She’ll be coming soon, and with a beautiful name I might add too!
Date: October 14, 2020 10:00 pm Title: Chapter 10
Nice chapter here. Good to see things moving along with Jim's recovery. I love the idea that Cece not only found the guitar but the DVD's too. She is after all Jim and Pam's kid and thus a quick thinker and probalby more than likely quite mishchevious as well.
I totally buy into the idea that they're not ready for baby #3. With everything going on it seems like it would be an easy thing to put on the back burner.
The scene trying out baby names is fun. The reaction to Astrid was a wonderful moment of levity. They're not back to where they were, but they're a lot farther from where they've been. Great way to bring that out.
An early arrival too! At least they're already in the hospital. Always fun to get an update for this one.
Author's Response: Thank you Eric! I’ve been on vacation but had to take some time to write out the next chapter for the week! I wanted to bring some joy into their lives as different as it might be right now, and with a little call back to Astrid I felt it was appropriate. I also took all the names INCLUDING Astrid from the top 100 list of girls names for 2020, so when I saw it on there, I about fell over in my chair laughing, so that’s how the little memento made it’s way into the chapter.
Thank you again so much for the review!