Date: October 26, 2020 04:59 pm Title: An Ending to a Beginning
I can't believe it's over (for now!!)
This story has kept me coming back to check for updates on a very regular basis. I really thought you were going to kill off Jim in the beginning. I'm so glad you didn't. The ending was great, and full of so much hope. Since I know this is based off of some of your own personal experiences, I hope your story had a positive ending, such as Cece's did with the upcoming move and her new school. I'm looking forward to your sequel story, and (hopefully) more positive progression for the family!
Date: October 26, 2020 04:24 pm Title: An Ending to a Beginning
Well, after all the pain they've gone through, I loved seeing happy Cece - and seeing her interacting with her family without it being fraught.
The line about Phil saying goodbye to every blade of grass, each bush, and all the trees is great - and very age-appropriate.
I don't have much intelligent to say about this in general - I'm just appreciative of them getting some light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm excited to see the next steps on their journey. Looking forward to the sequel!
(Also, quick beta note: I think it should be "parental programs for immersion and ASL instruction were unmatched by any other institution.")
Date: October 25, 2020 06:55 pm Title: An Ending to a Beginning
What an incredible ending!
Extremely sweet to see the intimate interaction between the sisters. Cece pouring out her soul to Ollie was simply perfect. Ollie will definitely grow up to share a special bond with her big sister. I love to see Cece is adjusting well to her baby sister too. Her love for her baby sister is beyond measure.
I cannot believe that Pam actually bought Cece a horse! For whatever reason, I thought the stall was left behind by the previous homeowner and they may get a horse after they have settled down for a few years. And by the phrase in previous chapter, “she’s begging me for ages”, I figured that Pam will get Cece a puppy instead. I am so glad that I was wrong. A horse is certainly a bolder option. I love this spontaneous side of Pam. I hope Cece’s horse acts as an incentive for her to be more excited about the move. It is clearly a bittersweet moment for Cece. You have managed to capture her fears and insecurities flawlessly.
I love seeing the juxtaposition between Cece and Phil. Although they are both anxious about the move, they have been presented to show it differently. Cece was clearly nervous while Philip seems to be a little more carefree and innocent. It was adorable to see that he was bidding every little thing outside his Austin home goodbye.
I’m delighted to hear that Jim regained his some strength back. Not only can he help with the move by lifting lightweight objects, he can even scoop Phil up and give him a shoulder ride. That is a fantastic start. I love the relationship between the father and son. I like how you managed to emphasize it more in this chapter.
It warms my heart to see that days are getting so much brighter for Jim and Pam. It has been a turmoil for the couple. Jim reassuring Pam that they are going to be fine as a family makes me emotional. Look how far all of them have come. I’m so happy that everyone is fine, taking it one step at a time. They fought it hard and well. Every scar tells a story. It shows bravery. Nashville will be a new beginning for all of them to thrive.
With a heavy heart, I could not bear to say farewell to this story. Nonetheless, I’m so excited about the sequel. Thank you for this wonderful story about love, strength and courage from a family that we all love.
Author's Response: Olivia---I have to tell you that I ADORE how much thought you put into these reviews. I love how lengthy they are, and I take all of your thoughts into account when writing. So thanks to you, Ollie has this little nickname that I feel fits perfectly into the story. All thanks to you. I have always wanted a little sister, I had two younger brothers, and then my parents adopted two little girls and it changed my life. They're now 18 and 19, and I am so lucky to have them in my life.
Cece's horse will play a huge role in the next story, and I like to see spontaneous Pam doing something after knowing they've had a hell of a year. You're also going to learn a little backstory that a Miss Pamela Morgan Beesly-Halpert has some experience with horses.
I loved the description of Jim really leaning into his relatonship with his son. My father survived his TBI and he is literally the most supportive and incredible man in my life. I adore him, and he reminds me SO much of Jim. Emotional, sensitive, caring, and his kids and his wife are his priority--and he's been a huge inspiration for my story as well as keeping Jim as in character as possible. TBI's, trauma and accidents leave a long lasting mark, and we will see some of that in the sequel.
As sad I am that this story has ended, I am SO excited for Tennessee River Run to come out very very soon, and I truly hope you'll jump on board for the next one and keep reviewing because truly Olivia, they inspire me every single chapter! Thank you!
Date: October 25, 2020 05:20 pm Title: An Ending to a Beginning
Lovely ending for a great story. There were a ton of ups and downs. There at the beginning I was thinking for a few chapters you might kill Jim. Thanks for not doing that by the way.
You showed them in very real ways. That's one of the things I've always said makes Jim and Pam resonate so well. They feel much more like a real couple than many other pairings on TV. They struggle to get together sure, but then they go past the wedding to their marriage and there's still ups and downs. So you did that part of the JAM relationship real justice.
Getting into this chapter, I love the conversation Cece is hacing with Olivia. I also get the feeling that Ollie is kind of Cece's private nickname for her. Like everyone else calls her Olivia, but only Cece calls her Ollie. Moving as a kid is hard and it's nice to see that nervousness brought out in her.
Likewise Jim is also hesitant. They've been through the fire and have come out stronger true. But as you said, the scars remain. However it's because of that fire that they now feel even stronger as a good refining fire should do. Loved that.
Like I said, great work with this one. Looking forward to seeing the tale continue.
Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat
(Fortune Favors the Bold)
Author's Response: I didn't want to give away too much about what would happen with Jim, and although I've written major character death, my purpose, as you now know, was to really use the aspects of Jim and Pam being such real characters and bringing them into the severity of a very difficult situation. It was cathartic for me to work through my own trauma, but also to see it end differently than my own story, and I love where this little family is going.
I always appreciate your lengthy reviews so much and how you give me insight into your thoughts each chapter, it truly motivates me and I love it. Ollie is definitly per private nicknames and I think a sweet little thing I've inputted from a recommendation of another reader as well. I am so excited to show you what Ollie will be like in Nashville, as we are going to move into the future a bit.
I LOVED the latin. Thank you Eric for being here through this and I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the new story!
Date: October 25, 2020 04:37 pm Title: An Ending to a Beginning
This was really, really sweet. I loved Cece talking with Olivia. I’m so glad she loves having a little sister! This felt like such a beautiful ending to their Austin and I’m so excited to keep reading about their lives in the sequel!! Thanks for writing such a moving and lovely story. Even through the difficult times, it was still a great read. :)
Author's Response: Oh thank you so much WW, I am so happy that you've been here sticking around and reading even through the very difficult times. I am so excited to post the first chapter of Tennessee River Run, and to really come full circle for the Halperts, I have some surprises up my sleeve. I can't wait to hear from you soon!