Date: November 09, 2020 03:28 pm Title: Chapter 3
Awww, a Halpert family Christmas! This definitely seems like it would be a special time for them, always nice to see it, and you've done a good job building out what their traditions would be. AHHH, and Cece called Michael and Holly! Always good for a laugh...
Continuing to see the Cece-Taylor story slowly develop... interested to see where that goes next...
Date: November 05, 2020 09:24 pm Title: Chapter 3
The description of the pre-Christmas chaos was lovely. Pam shooing Phil back to his room with a glance was a hoot to envision. Also kind of fun that Jim and Pam had a little mini-intimate moment there. I'm sure Pam will more than make up for it sometime soon.
It kind of feels like the barn is the place Cece goes to get away from everything. Almost like she knows she's the reason they left Austin so there could be some guilt involved with that. So she goes to the barn, not to brood, but to just be by herself. Where she can take care of Oakly, where no one gives her glances, where she can just be. Seems like a powerful kind of place for her.
Then of course the Christmas chaos ensues. Lovely to envision the stocking opening, along with the arrival of the grandmothers. Though slightly sad to hear about Gerald. The first Christmas alone I'm sure could be challenging.
However to top it off a surprise visit from the whole Scott clan. Even better that it appears Cece is back to being a true Halpert and pulling one over on her folks. Though I've got the feeling this will be a fun kind of surprise. It was a good twist there.
As always looking forward to more.
Author's Response: More initiate moments coming later on! This fic has more of an adult feel to it, especially with the children older. Your description of the barn is exactly right, it’s her solace. And she definitely feels some responsibility for the move, and so it’s where she goes when she needs her own space and I feel it’s powerful too.
I love writing about Christmas, and I felt Cece pulling the wool over her parents eyes was definitely a fun gift she’s going to give to her family. The Scott family at Christmas is sure to be a hoot! Thank you for the review Eric!
Date: November 05, 2020 05:36 pm Title: Chapter 3
This chapter made me ready for Christmas too. I simply adore how you wrote about Philip being sneaky during Christmas mornings. That was definitely something I always tried to do when I was younger. Spending Christmas with a toddler is a whole new level of excitement. Olivia is at that perfect age to actually remember and enjoy Christmas. It’s so fun to see!
Such a pleasant surprise at the end. I love that Cece and Uncle Michael have such a special bond. Jim and Pam truly had their socks knocked off. Great to see Michael and Holly again (with the addition of their FIVE kids!!)
I couldn’t be more excited for Part 2!
Author's Response: Awww I’m so glad you liked it! I too, am ready for Christmas, and I really wanted Philip to have a bit more presence in this story. I just HAD to bring Uncle Michael back, and Holly this time too! And of course, five kids in tow. It’s going to be a bit bonkers around the Halpert house for a while!!
Date: November 05, 2020 02:26 pm Title: Chapter 3
I LOVE that Cece called Michael. That will be so fun to read.
I also really loved how they were both so excited to go wake up Olivia. Nothing makes me swoon more than Dad Jim. Haha
Author's Response: Dad Jim is my favorite Jim, he makes my knees weak. Having little ones at Christmas is so fun and exciting, I think even more so for the parents. I had to bring Michael back, he’s just too much fun not to have around! Thank you for your review!
Date: November 05, 2020 01:23 pm Title: Chapter 3
Can’t wait to see what sort of Christmas chaos MS will bring!!
Author's Response: I can't wait to show you! Thank you for the review!