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Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed [Report This]
Date: December 17, 2020 08:32 pm Title: Chapter 16

Okay, Jim, that’s much more like it. He’s recognizing when he screws up and trying to do what’s right for her. You really feel for him here – you know he desperately wants to be perfect for her, and he wants to do what’s best for her and be what she needs, and he wants justice for her, and he’s trying to wrestle with everything that’s going on and his own feelings at the same time. It’s a lot. And the fact that he’s actually consulting an expert as opposed to trying to feel his way through it on his own is important.

This scene in the car is just moving, and feels like a moment of genuine progress for both of them. I do think they both need to hear the message that they’re a team right now.

And as always I appreciate you working a little lightness and humor there. That’s going to be an awkward bit for Michael.

Reviewer: warrior4 Signed [Report This]
Date: December 17, 2020 05:31 pm Title: Chapter 16

You're really going to town on these heavy hitter type chapters. Jim's introspection seemed warranted. I like that he has the wherewithal to take a step back and shelve his own agenda. He's here for her, to support and love her. Not to fighter her battles or be the knight riding in to save the day. It's not easy to realize that even your good intentions were misplaced. So good for him to call the hotline and get some better info on how to handle things.

More honesty in the car there. Seems like the thing Pam really needs to hear. So now she can really let it go. And Jim's still there. Well done Jim.

Nice way to lighten the mood too. A quick phone prank to get a smile and laughter out of Pam again. That's your ticket Jim. Just be the same fun loving, bantering, prank loving guy. That's what she needs and its wonderful that he's stepping up in that regard.

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