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Reviewer: Anne-Rose Sweetkins Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: July 09, 2023 10:11 pm Title: Chapter 4

Oh man! A cliffhanger! She was going to break up with Roy I know it. Can’t wait to read what happen next.

Reviewer: Obviously_Blonde Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: July 02, 2022 04:29 am Title: Chapter 4

This may be actually the first time I didn't instantly make out a dream sequence in a fic! Congrats on surprising me!

Reviewer: MrsKHalpert Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: September 13, 2021 04:37 am Title: Chapter 4

Love this! Please please finish it!!

Reviewer: Saturn Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: May 24, 2021 04:30 am Title: Chapter 4

Loved this - it feels very authentic to Jim and Pam that they wouldn’t just get together at the snap of their fingers. Pam’s relationship status is very muddled, and Jim was concerned that the alcohol was more involved than it was. They’ve definitely got some sorting-out to do before they actually get together and I love that you took that route!

Reviewer: Jim-jams Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2021 07:14 pm Title: Chapter 4

Ahhhhh, love the ending. I don't think I had time to finish this story before but I'm really glad I did! The flashback to Amy was everything.

Reviewer: emxgoldstars Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2021 06:06 pm Title: Chapter 4

What a great way to end this fic!

The not-so-but-almost sex dream made me GASP. LOUDLY.
"I want you to be happy" Jim, why don't you just shoot me now? That was so PERFECT!

The ending, with her comparing Roy to Jim?? AMAZING!

Yes, Pam. TALK TO HIM!

10/10, NLM. You did it again!

Reviewer: Comfect Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: March 20, 2021 05:09 pm Title: Chapter 4

It lives indeed. This is a hard decision for Pam and I think you're doing very well at having her actually think about it and not do either easy option. Nice chapter, as always.

Reviewer: Basscop69 Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: February 24, 2021 10:50 am Title: Chapter 4

I'm coming to this fic late - but just to say, I love it! There are so many great moments - Pam hearing about Jim's crush, the drunken kiss, Pam's dream, and Jim making her eggs in the morning :) I also loved drunk Pam with the talking too loud and giggling, and this line 'Heard my coworker has a crush on me, made out with him, slept in his bed and had a near-sex dream about him' really cracked me up. Although Jim and Pam's conversation in this chapter is pretty heart-breaking. The running When Harry Met Sally thread is so great (and nicely timed with her - hopefully - revelation) - I'm very excited about the next chapter and her conversation with Roy!

Reviewer: warrior4 Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: February 20, 2021 09:43 pm Title: Chapter 4

Talk about a blast from the past. I went back and re-read the last chapter before reading this latest update. First of the near-sex dream was great way to start off this chapter. Really set the tone for the kind of confused feelings she'd be facing. On a scale of 0-10 for awkwardness this felt around a 4 for me. It could have been a lot worse. They were still bantering with each other there in the morning, still having fun, still friends. I really liked that they did acknowledge what happened on the couch. Nice to see some more direct communication from those two. However I really liked what Jim had to say. It may not be 100% what he wanted to say but it felt like enough. Enough to keep Pam's thoughts going that is.

Then the comparison between the two is so stark. Jim takes care of her, cooks her breakfast, gets her things. Roy can't even be bothered to pick up breakfast, ignores her for bed, then basically demands she make him lunch. Yeah, not a hard comparison.

Hopefully we see a new update sooner rather than later, but we'll still take anything we can get.

Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed [Report This]
Date: February 20, 2021 02:55 pm Title: Chapter 4


First, thank you for including the "hi"/"hey" exchange in Pam's dream. That was important.

I love the little moments of care from Jim here, down to folding her clothes neatly, and how sharp the contrast with Roy ends up coming off. Again, this isn't a glaringly terrible Roy, you understand how Pam maybe made her peace with a future with him, but she clearly doesn't loom that large to him the way she does with Jim.

This feels very true to their relationship at this point in canon... Pam is avoidant to the point of near denial (the moment of her debating just flat out walking out the front door and never bringing it up again is VERY early episodes Pam), Jim not quite being able to bring himself to press the issue.

This also feels true to a pre-Booze Cruise Pam in that her relationship with Roy is maybe more fragile than she really realizes, and it might just have been waiting for a push.

Anyhow. I continue to very much enjoy this story and I am thrilled at the prospect of it being completed.

Reviewer: nicemorningtoo Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: February 20, 2021 02:41 pm Title: Chapter 4

I hadn't read this story before so I just caught up and ugh. I love that Pam realized how much she enjoyed being single, or at least how much she enjoyed being without Roy. Jim's little speech as she was leaving, like a tamer casino night speech, I just wanted him to spill his guts out to her. But it still seemed to be enough to get Pam to realize that maybe Roy isn't the one for her, so I am very happy about that. I can't wait for the next chapter!

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