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Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed [Report This]
Date: April 16, 2021 06:08 pm Title: Chapter 29

Some really good Pam moments here - loved seeing her tough it out with Roy's mom and ride out the opening statements. I think you've hit on something important with the fact that whatever the law says, it certainly *feels* like the burden of proof is on her.

As always you did well mixing in the humor. Jim needing to deter Michael from hitting on Pam's relatives right before Roy's trial or interrupting her tender moment with his mom with a TWSS is very Office humor.

Reviewer: New Hogfan Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2021 02:24 pm Title: Chapter 29

Roy’s mom is awful. It’s no wonder he turned out the way he did. I don’t think that Roy’s defense lawyer came of as being very convincing in his opening statement. The issue that makes me a bit nervous is that Roy is using JAM’s relationship to
come off as the wounded party.
I love how Jim’s mom came to support Pam.
Also how is Jim’s dad doing? Does he know about what is going with JAM?
Also what about how Kenny and Roy attacked Jim at the office in front of the warehouse people?
Why would that not be used in the trial?
You’re doing a really good job of showing how Pam is getting her strength through these challenges she is going through.
I love Pam’s memories of her night with Jim, especially since she is the one that took charge by starting it. Once the trial is over Pam should go back to the office and shove it in Karen’s face. 😂

Author's Response: Hello. Thank you for still reading. Yes - the attack on Jim comes up naturally in the trial. There was a specific part of the attack that is used and comes up at a few places soon/there are questions. Thank you for reading, and since this is leading to the wrap up, feel free to ask anything you want answered before the end.

Reviewer: warrior4 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 02, 2021 07:47 pm Title: Chapter 29

So it begins. Very good look into her mental state here. She's as prepared as she can be. Now that they're at the trial though, it's no longer waiting or practicing. It's time for the truth to come out.

You could feel her resolve be tested during the opening statements. Same when Roy's mother started in on her. This will probably be the hardest thing she's gone through since getting out of that situation. I think she's ready.

Especially now that she has Jim with her in the way he is. Feels like that's going to be big for her.

Lastly, oh Michael.

Reviewer: BlindManCassidy Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: April 02, 2021 06:25 pm Title: Chapter 29

That was... too real.

From Pam wanting to escape, to her parents, to Jim’s mom, to *Roy’s* mom... too real. It just makes me feel cold.

And seeing all of this through Pam’s eyes just sucks. It makes me sick - how the defense attorney defends Roy and makes it seem like it’s Pam felt when we know it’s not. It sucks to know that there are people like this. And I feel like this isn’t just Pam - it’s you too. And I’m so sorry for whatever you went through.

I’m just glad that Pam has Jim. It’s not just his love that’s keeping her afloat, but it seems to me like it’s a damn big part of her state of mind. I hope you have someone like that too.

I will say that Michael kept this chapter from being *too* depressing. Obviously he doesn’t understand the weight that this trial has, so he’s just trying to make jokes; regular old Michael. At least he’s been a constant. And I’m glad Jim’s mom came. It’s so sweet that she’d want to be there for Pam.

Anyways, I’m very interested in reading on to see the witness stands and what Roy and Pam have to say, though I do feel like blood eagling the former.


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